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Planning Institute Australia Queensland 2009/10 Annual Report

Hyatt Regency Coolum12th November 2010

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thank you to our major sponsors

pia queensland> Annual General Meeting 12 November 2010


Council 2009-2010 3

President’s report 4

Portfolios Secretary 5 Marketing & Communication 9 Policy, Research and Representation 12 Member Services and Education 13Queensland Young Planners 16 AGM 2009 Minutes 18

annual general meetingThe Annual General Meeting of the Planning Institute of Australia, Queensland Division is to be held on Friday 12th November 2010, 8:30-9:00am at the Hyatt Regency Coolum



Adoption of minutes of 2009 AGM

Discussion and receipt of the Annual Report 2009-2010

Confirmation of QLD Division 2010-11 Division Committee

Other business




advertising IPA Signs pty ltd

Department of Infrastructure and Planning

Department of Transport and Main Roads

Department of Infrastructure and Planning

Department of Infrastructure and Planning

university welcome functions: major : individual:

Department of Transport and Main Roads

bulding your career: gold leaf : silver leaf::

bronze leaf:

student bursary

professional development

supporter Moreton Bay Regional Council

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division committee 2009-2010

Conference Convenor 2009Kristy ALBRECHT

Awards Convenor 2009Alyssa CAMERON

PresidentDy CURRIE

Griffith University LiaisonKerry DOSS


James Cook University Liaison Michael FORWOOD

Queensland Young Planner RepLaura GANNON

UDAL RepresentativeMike GILLEN


Transport Planning ChapterBruce JAMES

Secretary and Branches portfolio Leo JENSEN

Immediate Past PresidentMichael KERRY


Tiffany LACEY

Megan LAWLERProfessiosnal Development ConvenorRosanne MEURLING

TreasurerBrendan NELSON

Education PortfolioMichael PAPAGEORGIOU

MembershipJennifer ROUGHAN


National Economic Develoment ChapterBrett SKYRING

National Young Planner RepKim STONE

Vice PresidentGreg TUPICOFF

HistorianBas VEAL

National CouncillorGary WHITE

Duncan WHYTE

note: portfolios in italics are also on the Coordination Committee

Division Committee and Portfolios

Division Office, Consultants, portfolios outside of Division Committee

Branches 2009/2010


WIDE BAY BURNETT SUNSHINE COAST DARLING DOWNS President President PresidentMichelle RILEY/Rosalyn ACWORTH Fiona FULLARTON Ken HARRISSecretary Secretary SecretarySusie WILLIAMS/Michael ELLERY Steve PATEY Stan TAYLOR


Kaye DUGGAN Melanie ADAM Prue RAYNER/Jackie HILL



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ANNUAL REPORT 2009-2010 To be presented at the Annual General Meeting to be held at the Hyatt Regency Coolum, 12th November 2010

President’s report Dyan Currie MPIA CPP President PIA Queensland Division 2007-2010

Well another big year for the Institute in Qld. We’ve seen the commencement of the Sustainable Planning Act, the aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis, Queensland again performing well at the National Awards and many Councils commencing drafting of new planning schemes under the standardised Queensland Planning Provisions.

The Queensland Division has had another busy year with a major focus on Continuing Professional Development Programs, a successful State conference in Brisbane and another strong year in building our profile in the media and the community. A personal highlight for me was to be invited to join the Qld Government’s Growth Management Summit Advisory Panel and then participating in the summit. The topic of how to manage the ongoing growth in Qld is a topic that impacts on us all and is of vital interest to our profession.

The Qld division has continued to focus effort on media releases to raise the profile of planning and of the Institute in the media and the community and to share our key messages. Thanks go to Vice Presidents Greg Tupicoff and Jenny Roughan and of course to Geoff Mullins for their ongoing work in this area. We have another big year ahead with key issues such as climate change, housing affordability, implementing legislative and cultural change and the ongoing economic recovery will continue to dominate the planning profession. SPA is in place and it is now up to us to continue the process and ensure cultural change occurs in all our workplaces.

I would like to thank the members of the Qld Coordination Committee who meet on a monthly basis to work through the running of our highly successful Division. Special mention of Vice Presidents Jenny Roughan and Greg Tupicoff, Treasurer Brendan Nelson, Secretary Leo Jensen, National Councillor Gary White, convenor of the Education Portfolio Michael Papageorgiou, Lou Scaparto (Convenor of the Policy Committee), Qld Young Planner representative Brayden Soo and immediate Past President Michael Kerry. The Coordination Committee work tirelessly to keep coming up with ways to improve the running of our Division. Their professionalism and ongoing dedication to the Institute are inspiring.

Thanks also to the Chapter convenors and representatives, Brett Skyring (Economic Chapter), Mike Gillen (Urban Design Chapter), Jane Frawley (Social Planning Chapter), and Bruce James (Transport Chapter), Rosanne Meurling (PD), and Kim Stone and Laura Gannon (Young Planners). I continue to be amazed by the incredible energy and creativity demonstrated by the Division.

I would like to acknowledge the outstanding work and the professionalism demonstrated by our wonderful Division Manager Kaye Duggan and Melanie Adam. Kaye and Mel are always there to support and assist members at all levels and the Division and the National Institute.

I would also like to thank the Branch Committees for their hard work and dedication. Special thanks to the Presidents – Phillip Lane (Central Qld), Nikki Huddy (Tropical North Queensland), Fiona Fullarton (Sunshine Coast), Michelle Riley (Wide Bay Burnett), Ken Harris (Darling Downs), Erin Berthelsen (Far North Queensland) and our dedicated group in Gold Coast who keep meeting without official presidents in positions. Thank you also to all the Branch Secretaries. In order to try to assist the branch committees and to build the relationships between the Qld Division and all branches, we held a special training event and committee meeting in August and flew in representatives from each branch committee. This was a great way to share the work and success stories for each branch and to work out how to help each other out for future events.

The other key achievement of the last year has been the ongoing success of our Awards for Excellence program. The awards evening combined with the Conference Dinner was a great success. With over 80 nominations and 14 Awards for Excellence and 28 Merit awards given out, our awards program is a major component of our year and showcases the great work that is happening in Qld. Once again I was proud to represent you at the National Awards in Canberra where we heard an inspiring speech by the Governor General of Australia. It was again a Queenslander who received the prestigious title of Australian Young Planner of the Year - congratulations to Kim Stone. Other National winners were: Student Tertiary Fitzgibbon Carseldine Community Development Strategy - Hayley Philips, Richelle Nielsen, Savo Zunic, Tim Sergiacomi, Kate Swepson - Queensland University of Technology; Planning Minister’s Award South East Queensland Natural Resource Management Plan 2009 - 2031 - Qld State Government, SEQ Traditional Owners Alliance, SEQ Catchments Ltd, SEQ Healthy Waterways Partnership, Consortium for Integrated Resource Management, Qld Conservation Council, SEQ Water, Council of Mayors - SEQ, GROWCOM; Urban Design - Plans & Ideas The Western Corridor - Recycling a Coal Mine into a Traditional AustralianTown and Jobs - New Hope Corporation, Tract Consultants, Economic Associates Pty Ltd, Moreton Geotechnical Services Pty Ltd, Strategic Leisure Australia, Biodiversity Assessment and Management Pty Ltd, Burchill VDM, Adam Pekol

Merits = Media Brisbane Council Planning & Building Website - Brisbane City Council, Student Project Student Secondary - Kelvin Grove redevelopment, Stephen Poco*ck, Anglican Church Grammar School

The Qld ceremony also included the elevation of Cliff Willmett and Chris Buckley to the level of Life Fellow. Both of these gentlemen are truly inspiring and I am honoured to know and work with them.

I would like to conclude by thanking you all for your support and enthusiasm over the last three years. It is both with anticipation and regret that I have resigned from the position of Queensland President and will hand over to a new President at this AGM. I have truly enjoyed my time as Qld President. I have learnt an amazing amount, developed friendships that will be ongoing and felt part of a very special community. I have been privileged to spend 3 years in this role and have benefited greatly from this time. I encourage you all to consider a role in your local branch committee, the Qld Division or the Division executive. I sincerely believe that like me, you will appreciate your time and consider it rewarding.

I leave the Qld executive as I have been honoured to be elected as the next National President of PIA and will commence in this role in March 2011. I look forward to representing you and all members of the Institute in the National President role for the next two years. Please continue to keep in touch and share with me your thoughts on the future of the Institute.

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Secretary portfolio Leo Jensen

The Secretary is responsible for the following Branches of the Queensland Division:• Tropical Far North Queensland• Far North Queensland• Central Queensland• Wide Bay Burnett• Sunshine Coast• Gold Coast• Darling Downs - Lockyer Valley

The Queensland Division’s management and administration continued to be handled by KME Pty Ltd, led by Kaye Duggan and her small and dedicated team of personnel. The continued delivery of Divisional management through this office has provided ongoing business continuity for the Division and its affairs. This makes the Secretary’s role a relatively easy one!

The Division’s management team includes the following personnel, with whom members may have contact with when liaising with the division:

Kaye Duggan (used to be Mills) – Division Manager provides leadership and financial management and liaison with the Division Committee and the PIA National Office as well as staff, conference and awards management.Melanie Adam – Development Manager looks after all sponsorship both securing and ongoing support along with financial operations. Julie-Anne Dawson – works a 20 hour month as Policy Coordinator providing support to the Policy Convenor and committee and collating/writing the PIA Qld Division submissions.Prue Rayner – was providing Event support (registrations) and also supports the Queensland Planner Committee. Prue departed in August 2010 to take up a full time role with the Australian Accounting Institute, but Prue does still provide Queensland Planner Committee support for 3hrs a week. Jackie Hill now provides event support.Geoff Mullins from Pan Communications providing ongoing media liaison between PIA Qld and various media outlets in Queensland to further promote and advance the division’s key messages on all things planning.

At a Branch level – six Branches are active throughout the year. Their reports follow.

At a national level, change continued with new CEO Steve Johnstone departing during 2010 to take up a role on the Qld state government and a new CEO (Warwick Hough) commencing in early October. This past year also saw the rollout of the new PIA membership management system and this rollout will continue over the coming year.

I would also like to thank a number of people and organisations who have supported the ongoing affairs over the last 12 months. To Roseanne Meurling and her firm Allens Arthur Robinson who have provided our quarterly Division Committee meetings with a most comfortable and central venue together with refreshments – thank you. To BCC for a venue earlier in the year for our more regular coordination committee meetings –thank you, and to Buckley Vann who quickly came to the fore in providing the Coordination Committee with its current meeting venue. In kind support from such organisations do assist PIA Qld with its ongoing operations and financial position each year.

To Johanna Rosier who has provided editorial services to Qld Planner this past year, a big effort and thank you so much for your services to our profession and the Division. Johanna has advised she is unable to continue in 2011.

Our outgoing president Dyan Currie has done a sterling effort in leading our Division, and it isn’t an easy job to undertake at the best of times particularly holding down a key local government management role and in a regional centre at that. Big thanks to Toowoomba Regional Council for its ongoing support of Dyan, PIA Qld and our profession. Dyan has demonstrated her ongoing commitment and passion to our profession during her terms. She departs to take on the National Presidency in 2011 – hats off to Dyan and thank you, on behalf of the Qld Divisional Committee and membership.

Darling Downs/Lockyer Valley Ken Harris

report not received


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Tropical North Queensland Nikki Huddy

Wetlands State Planning Policy results in strengthened working relationshipsIn May this year, the overnight introduction of the Temporary State Planning Policy 1/10 Protecting Wetlands and the associated guideline and Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS) rallied the local planning and development communities together. It prompted the PIA, UDIA, Cairns Airport, Cairns Regional Council and Tablelands Regional Council to prepare a joint submission on varying elements of the policy and fees. The DERM participated in a PIA / UDIA workshop on the SPP, which is hoped to have improved working relationships. Submitters are eagerly waiting to see the outcomes of the process.

Workshops and luncheons There have been 3 standout events this year have been the SPP Wetlands workshop with over 60 people attending, and the UDLA information session. Paul Eagles returned to his old stomping ground of Cairns to present on the UDLA activities across the state, and attracting over 80 people to the event. Was there an elephant in the room, was there a conspiracy in the makings, why was UDAL meeting with CRC. Thanks David K for asking the question that was on a lot of people’s minds…. And the answer? You will have to ask Paul. Finally the UDIA ran property development basics in Cairns, and while not a PIA event, it was very well attended by a range of development professionals and was an excellent way to connect the Council Assessment Officers with the Development Industry. Thank you to UDIA for this event, and to all who have contributed to / attended events this year.

What’s nextTNQ PIA is negotiating with PIA National (Dy) to run a tour to Singapore to look at all things tropical - design, planning, heritage, landscaping and infrastructure provision. The tour is also likely to include a study into the origins of the Singapore Sling. Watch this space.

CPP – come to Cairns... make learning a tax break.We have had a few CPP courses cancelled due to lack of numbers. It seems a lot of the TNQ Planners head south for their CPP courses.Have you thought about having a holiday here and tying it in with a CPP Course. If there is a course you are interested in, contact us and we will see if we can push to have it run. Of note the TNQ PIA is running the Urban Design course in Nov this year.

Alternatively, we are always open to having a Guest Speaker for lunch or breakfast. If you are on your way to Cairns or the far north and would like to make a presentation … please let us know, and we will go out of our way to arrange it.

Thank you also to Tony Croke for preparing the PIA survey of local members to determine what CPP and Professional Development members are interested in. We will continue to work towards meeting these interests.

Social & networking activities What is World Town Planning Day without Lawn Bowls. The hotly contested event is a highlight of the PIA Calendar… if you are in Town you are most welcome to attend.

The YP group ran an excellent “planners in the pub” session in September. Thank you very much to Danny Favier for organizing it and Bruce Hedley for organizing the event.

Arrivals and Weddings

Allison Stevens - Melbourne cupPIA World Town Planning Day Lawn Bowls... Brett Nancarrow

Conference torch comes to Cairms

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New committee, new impetus. Our determination to reinvigorate the branch did not start to come to fruition until about midyear, but since then a lot has happened.

Regional planning seminars in Mackay and Rockhampton.Introduction of mentors for young planners.CPD Urban Design course (organised by the branch).Social events – after work in a pub, “planners in the pub”.Planning for a dispute resolution seminar – now on our 2011 agenda.

The branch area is huge including three major cities (Mackay, Rockhampton, Gladstone) plus the Bowen Basin coalfields. Despite a correspond-ingly large number of planners in the area membership of the institute is pitifully low and accordingly it is difficult to provide a worthwhile service to all planners in our territory. A restructure of the branch by a split or perhaps regional subcommittees is currently on our agenda, but to be successful this will fundamentally rely on increased membership.

My thanks to the hard working core members of the committee. We can certainly claim to have increased the vitality of the branch and to realisti-cally expect continued improvement.


Central Queensland Philip Lane

Wide Bay Burnett Michelle Riley

The Wide Bay Burnett Branch has had another busy year with lots happening on the planning front as well. The end of 2009 saw not only the introduction of the Sustainable Planning Act 2009 but the release of the draft Wide Bay Burnett State Planning Regulatory Provisions. These were the forerunner to the much awaited statutory regional plan and commenced on the same day as SPA, giving planners in our region an early Christmas present as we all tried to get our heads around what it all meant!

Following on from the release of SPA, the Branch held a DA Masterclass on 25 May 2010 in Maryborough. The theme of the night was to hear about tips and tricks of the trade about the development application process from start to finish under the new SPA. Speakers included John Gaskell from John Gaskell Planning Consultants, Dr Bill Crane from Gadens Lawyers and Michael Leong of Norton Rose Lawyers. Members heard from the panel about topics related to SPA such as the new IDAS process under SPA, making changes and extending relevant periods, and how to draft and negotiate conditions of approvals. The night also provided an opportunity for planners from across the region to network, with attendees from as far away as the South Burnett, Gympie and Bundaberg.

The Annual General Meeting was held on 25 May prior to the Masterclass and a new committee elected as follows:President – Rosalyn AcworthTreasurer – Richard JennerSecretary – Michael ElleryCommittee Members – Doug Mackay and Chris Du PlessisYoung Planner Representative – Samara Cornell

Many thanks to outgoing committee members Michelle Riley, Sussie Williams and Graham Harvey for their dedication to the cause over a sub-stantial time.

With work progressing on the regional plan, the Branch held another professional development night on 7 October entitled “Regional Planning: Friend or Foe”. Fortuitously, the Regional Planning Minister for the Wide Bay Burnett, the Hon. Andrew Fraser, released the draft statutory re-gional plan for our region on 1 October, so the discussions were particularly relevant. However, the speakers had a bit of rapid reading to do and there were certainly some last minute changes to their presentations! Attendees on the night heard from Michelle Riley from the Department of Infrastructure and Planning about how the draft plan had been formulated as well as identifying some of the key elements of the new plan. Mary Mealey, Principal Planner with Buckley Vann Town Planning Consultants, gave the audience the benefit of her firm’s experience of dealing with the SEQ regional plan and some tricks of the trade for our regional practitioners. Finally, Rosalyn Acworth of the Fraser Coast Regional Council and Evan Fritz of Bundaberg Regional Council gave us some insights into the Local Government planner’s perspective of the new regional plan as well as providing an update as to where each of the five Council’s in our region are up to with their new consolidated planning schemes.

All Council’s appear to be well advance and the next couple of years look to be a busy time for planners in our region with the final regional plan to be adopted as well as five planning schemes to be prepared and rolled out. Submissions are also due to the draft regional plan by 24 December this year and the committee will be busy drafting its submission back to the Queensland office for inclusion in PIA’s submission. Members can look forward to a combined event with a presentation on a topic of interest to members (to be confirmed) and Christmas drinks to be held very early in December (tentatively booked for 3 December, venue to be confirmed). We will also be looking to hold a major professional development course in the new year – stay tuned for further details.

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The Sunshine Coast Branch held its combined AGM and Christmas Party on Friday 27 November 2009 at Soave, Mooloolaba. Fiona Fullarton was re-elected as President together with Stephen Patey as Secretary and Sian Davis as Treasurer. The committee members elected included Amie Lindemann, Mick Sheppard, Jason Hague and Drew Westbrook who were on the committee last year and new additions including Prudence Earle and Nick Patorniti. The Christmas Party, sponsored by Humphreys Reynolds Perkins, was well attended and enjoyed by all, especially the lucky door prize winners.

The Sunshine Coast Branch Newsletter (Sun Plan) was released in February 2010. This edition was aimed at informing local planners on the Sunshine Coast of the newly elected committee and details of the upcoming PIA State Planning Conference, to be hosted at the Hyatt Coolum in November.

The Sunshine Coast Branch also has its own web site ( maintained and sponsored by Paul Sum-mers Planning Strategies. The web site has links to previous Sun Plan newsletters, information about upcoming events and details of the elected com-mittee.

On Tuesday 16 March, the Branch held its annual ‘Welcome Function’ for students at the University of the Sunshine Coast (USC). The event was a great success with many students and professionals attending. The students were introduced to the role of the PIA Sunshine Coast Branch, the Queensland Young Planners Group and networked with the practicing planning professionals who also attended the function. Michael Hanisch (the 2009 Sunshine Coast Branch scholarship winner) was on hand to provide an enthusiastic endorsem*nt of his experience of last year’s PIA State Planning Conference and encourage students to take advantage of other opportunities presented by PIA and QYPG (such as the Rural Work Experience Program which he has also undertaken). Many thanks to GHD for sponsoring the goody bags, which also contained PIA membership information and were once again, a hit with the students.

For the second year in a row, the Sunshine Coast Branch offered a scholarship (registration and accommodation) for a local PIA student member to attend the PIA State Planning Conference. A competition was held inviting entrants to write (in 500 words or less) why they want to be a town planner. Congratula-tions to this year’s winner Rebecca Reitano who is studying a Bachelor of Regional and Urban Planning at the University of the Sunshine Coast.

This year the Branch committee together with additional volunteers (including Raul Weychardt, Sharyn Briggs, Johanna Rosier, Ryan Longland and Maree Machin) have been primarily focused on preparations for the professional development and social networking event of the year - this year’s PIA QLD State Planning Conference ‘Utopia’ to be held at the Hyatt, Coolum 10-12 November 2010. As the conference convenor, I would like to gratefully thank and recognise the dedication, support, time and efforts of the conference committee in particular Kaye Duggan and Melanie Adam. The committee has all worked hard to make this year’s QLD State conference one to be remembered.

Sunshine Coast Fiona Fullarton

After almost a two year hiatus the NQ PIA Branch committee has been revitalized this year, with the election of a whole new commit-tee, comprising Erin Berthelsen (President), Megan Williams (Secretary), George Milford (Treasurer) and committee members Alison Cot-trell, Simon Dwyer, Evan Stephens and Jamie-Lee McKeen. During the year Jamie-Lee moved to Cairns and was replaced by Anthony Blood.

To kick start the year we saw a great opportunity to invite Dyan Currie, President of PIA QLD to give a presentation about PIA, focusing on what the institute does and what the benefits of being a member are. With James Cook University at our doorstep and with a huge number of students enrolled in the planning degree this year, the event was held at the University (JCU). Dyan’s presentation was followed by another pres-entation on the Discovery Rise project (Discovery Rise aims to create an integrated community of living and learning at JCU) by the Project Manager.

The Branch hosted several professional development events throughout the year, including a Waterways Workshop with presentations provided by the Department of Environment and Resource Management and Townsville City Council, and a workshop on Townsville City Council’s new E-Planning website. Mid year a social event was held to give everyone a chance to relax and enjoy a drink (or two) and catch up with other planners.

In addition to the various professional development and social events, the Branch has also been active in organising for Certi-fied Practising Planning courses to be held locally. In May this year the Urban Design course was held. As the Branch received such great feedback we have organised for the Effective Communication, Negotiation and Mediation course to be held in November.

In late November the Branch is organising one last professional development event for the year. The event will cover a number of legal top-ics including, rights to public access of planning documents, briefing experts, and giving expert evidence and appeal process and alternate dis-pute resolution. The presentations will be provided by local lawyers and is expected to be well attended many planners and others in the industry.

Behind the scenes I have been attending a number of working group meetings with Townsville City Council and representatives from other State Agencies and local institutes. These working groups are focused on improving the efficiency and effectiveness of a number of processes and on improving information sharing and training.

Overall the Branch has had a successful year and we are now in a strong position for the year ahead, with planning for next years events already underway.

North Queensland Erin Berthelsen

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Marketing & Communication portfolio

The Marketing & Communications portfolio is responsible for the following operational areas of the Queensland Division:• Awards for Excellence in Planning • Queensland Planner• Queensland State Conference • e-Broadcasts• PIA Media Presence


The 23rd PIA (Qld) Awards for Planning Excellence in 2009 attracted a high level of entries. The format and activities for the program included –A well attended Awards Celebration Dinner at the Brisbane Convention Centre in conjunction with the PIA (Qld) State Planning Conference;An Awards commemoration book of winners. To view all Qld winners visit:;All poster boards were displayed at the Riverside Centre in Eagle Street, Brisbane from 9-13 November 2009; andThe winning posters were displayed at the launch of the 2010 Awards and in the Roadshow to the regions from 18 May to 18 August 2010.

The PIA (Qld) Awards Committee for 2010 remained relatively stable, with a few new faces. Leo Jensen and Nancy Hsiao joined the committee this year to complement the enthusiasm, knowledge and dedication of Phil Heywood, Noel Christie, Mark Doonar, Kristy Albrecht, Alyssa Cameron, Tiffany Lacey and Kaye Duggan. Thank you to the Awards committee for their fantastic work. Special thanks also to Melanie Adam and Prue Rayner for their exceptional support.

All winners at State level are judged against winners of other States for the National awards and in 2010, Queensland captured 4 of the 9 National PIA Awards for Excellence including the Minister’s Award. Special mention to Kim Stone, who won the National Young Planner of the Year Award and to the South East Queensland Natural Resource Management Plan 2009-2031 for winning the National Minister’s Award. Congratulations to all other Division and National Award Winners. To view all National winners: National winners:

Queensland has had ongoing success at the National level, having won the National Overall Planning Minister’s Award three years in a row from 2005 – 2007, the President’s Award in 2008 and the Minister’s Award again in 2009 and 2010. Queensland has also won National Young Planner of the year three years in a row from 2008 - 2010.

On 14 May 2010, the 24th PIA (Qld) Awards for Planning Excellence were formally launched at Parliament House in conjunction with presentation of the Minister’s Town Planning Prizes for 2010. Entries to the 2010 Awards formally opened on 14 May 2010 and closed on 19 August 2010. Judging took place between 30 August 2010 and 3 September 2010. The Awards celebration dinner is to be held on 12 November 2010 in conjunction with the Queensland State Planning Conference at the Hyatt Coolum.

Another significant issue for the PIA (Qld) Awards Committee is the pending changes to the Awards program at the National level. The PIA (Qld) Awards were the forerunner for the National Awards program and have remained the leader of the pack since their initiation in Queensland in 1986. Recognition at National level of the need for a more uniform approach to the awards program led to a major review which commenced in 2007. This review resulted in identification of a range of new categories, which will apply nationally in 2012. The Awards Committee and Dy Currie actively participated in the debate at the National level regarding the future of the Awards program including detail in relation to Awards categories, entries and national consistency. The new categories are scheduled to be in place for the 25th PIA (Queensland) Awards for Planning Excellence program in 2011.

Finally thanks to our Awards sponsors and judges for making the Awards possible. We can’t thank you enough for helping to make the Queensland Awards a success and for your commitment to promoting planning excellence. With this strong support, the future of the awards as one of the major public activi-ties of the PIA Queensland Division is assured.

MEDIA PRESENCE Greg Tupicoff and Jenny Roughan

The Media and PR strategy used by the Queensland Division has continued to pay dividends throughout the past twelve months with PIA exposure in newspaper, radio and on TV.

The plan adopted three years ago to continue a steady stream of media releases to Queensland editors and journalists has had obvious results in lifting PIA profile.

The Planning Institute was moderately active in the capital city and some of the regions with media activity during the 2010 financial year. Over 2 dozen media releases were sent out and some of the highlights was commentary on channel 10 news, 4BC radio and a few press articles (refer

Population growth and infrastructure have been top of mind with the community, a changing landscape of opinion and projections has made clear comment more difficult. By far one of the greater successes for the media in PIA was around Dyan Currie’s appointment to the Premiers Growth Summit advisory committee, which helped PIA make some key points regarding the future of Queensland.

Another key task completed was the annual training for regional committees in Brisbane earlier in the year. The training was rolled out by Geoff Mullins highlighting the opportunities for PIA Queensland and the challenges in dealing with media. Many of the regional committees were grateful for the oppor-tunity and PIA believe this will put us in a stronger position should opportunity arise.

Geoff Mullins continued to provide some very good media strategy and media support for the Queensland Division, and his work helped PIA Queensland secure good media spots.

The areas of interest for the media committee continue to be the core objectives around planning, such as regional plans, legislation, and some of the new initiatives, such as the Next Generation Planning project and compliance assessment.


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CONFERENCE 2009 Kristy Albrecht 2009 Conference Convenor

The Queensland PIA State Conference is over for another year. This year the conference was held from 4 – 6 November 2009 in Brisbane at the Brisbane Convention and Entertainment Centre at South Bank.

The theme of the conference was ‘Live, Work, Play’ which sought to address the challenges and development pressures involved with creating places and communities within a changing planning framework.

The conference committee endeavoured to present a program which provided plenty of opportunities for learning, professional development, and debate on the impact and importance of our planning decisions and actions on our communities. The program explored planning issues associ-ated with the challenges facing cities and regions including climate change, transport, social, rural and regional issues, cultural and legislative change as well as strategies and tools for maintaining a ‘live, work and play’ balance.

The conference program included a long list of prominent keynote speakers including: John Byrne, Adjunct Professor, Urban Design, Queensland University of TechnologyRob Adams, Director, Design and Urban Environment, City Andrew May, Performance Expert Rob Noble and Veronica Lunn Hon. Stirling Hinchliffe, Minister, Department of Infrastructure and PlanningCr Amanda Cooper, Brisbane City Council Aleem Ali, Speakout / HumanRichard Neville, Futurist

The conference kicked off on Wednesday morning with site tours to Springfield, the Port of Brisbane and Northshore Hamilton, as well as a tour of the busway network and a walking tour of Brisbane City which examined the city’s laneway and small spaces program.

The Department of Infrastructure and Planning facilitated a training session on QPlan and the Sustainable Planning Act, which provided del-egates with up to date information on the reform agenda. This was followed by ‘The Great Debate’ with teams providing a light hearted, and at times humorous and considered position on the topic, ‘The Sustainable Planning Act – will achieve better planning’. A premise which was found to be ultimately unwinnable as legislation alone cannot achieve better planning, as was so eloquently established by both teams. Well done to our debating teams, Dyan Currie, Greg Vann, Stuart Macnaughton, David Nicholls, Wendy Steel and Brett McDonald.

The Keeble lecture, hosted by the University of Queensland, was once again partnered with the conference and this year Chris Buckley, delivered this address. Chris spoke of his time studying under Lewis Keeble himself and of his experiences over his 30 year career as a planner. Chris provided a personal insight into the challenges and professional rewards of being a planner and reminded us all to be fearless in our practice and to respect all involved in the process, including the community.

John Byrne gave the opening keynote address on Thursday morning and challenged us all a planners to ‘get serious about social sustainability’ and take a lead role in contemplating the possible impacts upon the making of truly human cities.

Rob Adams’ address explored the idea of the 6% city, using Melbourne as a case study, demonstrating how an additional 2.4 million people could be accommodated and occupy only 6% of the metropolitan area.

Delegates were shown how to find an extra day in the week through boosting performance at both a keynote address and workshop given by performance expert Andrew May (those with blackberry addiction should definitely have attended these). Rob Noble and Veronica Lunn helped delegates understand their personality profile to better understand, relate to, and connect with other people.

The Hon. Stirling Hinchliffe MP, Minister for Department of Infrastructure and Planning provided delegates with an update on the State’s perspec-tive and directions for planning in Queensland. This was followed by an address delivered by Councillor Amanda Cooper, Brisbane City Council on the Council’s vision for Brisbane and the role of the planner in achieving this.

We had two keynote addresses at the conference closing and both were insightful and entertaining. Aleem Ali, from Human (formally Speakout), spoke of ‘human centred design’, and of the importance to engage community stakeholders in planning. Richard Neville a practising futurist since 1963, challenged us all as planners to consider “the end game” and to consider what might really be the future for planning. A fabulous presentation which provided plenty of reasons for laughter and a lot of food for thought.

The concurrent sessions showcased the extensive work and contributions of our membership, and continued the current conversations and debate on the diverse topics it covered including transport planning, the Sustainable Planning Act, live work communities, master planned devel-opment, social, community and open space, decision making, rural and regional issues, climate change, standardised planning schemes, transit orientated development as well as a session of three prominent planners, providing their perspectives on planning in Queensland.

The year’s social functions enabled attendees to catch up each night to network and have fun. The grand finale was a Celebration Dinner com-bining the Conference Dinner and Awards for Planning Excellence that showcased the exceptional planning talent within Queensland.

The efforts of the conference committee must also be acknowledged and commended. A huge thank you to Kaye Duggan, John Gaskell, Leo Jensen, Neil Sipe, Alyssa Cameron and Laura Gannon for your time, involvement and support.

A big thank you also needs to go to Melanie Adam and Prue Rayner for event coordination and registration. Mark Doonar our Master of Ceremo-nies, was outstanding and made a fabulous contribution to the conference program, thanks Mark.

Finally, thank you to our valued sponsors, who continue to help make the conference a success each year:

It has been an absolute pleasure to convene this year’s conference. I wish next year’s committee all the best and have no doubt that it will be a conference not to be missed.


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Policy, Research & Representation portfolio Lou Scarpato

POLICY report by Julie-Anne Dawson, Policy Coordinator

This year has been another hectic one for the PIA Queensland Division Policy Portfolio! There has been a lot happening in planning in Queens-land and the PIA Queensland Division Policy Portfolio has been there every step of the way. The Committee has had many robust discussions about a range of current planning issues and have prepared submissions on a range of policy matters throughout the year. The Policy Com-mittee meets on a Tuesday evening every 6 weeks. This year we have welcomed our new Chairperson Lou Scarpato, as well as some other new faces to the Committee. Given the constantly evolving nature of planning in Queensland, the committee has focussed energy on preparing submissions on key policy and legislative documents.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who provided input to assist in the preparation of these submissions. Your professional opinions, experiences and insights are highly valued. A snapshot of a couple of the key submissions we have prepared this year include:

Submission to the Premier following the Queensland Growth Management Summit One of the most significant events on the planning horizon this year was the Queensland Government’s Growth Management Summit, held on 30-31 March 2010. The Queensland Growth Management Summit explored the opportunities and challenges of the State’s growing population and focussed on a number of key themes of growth management.

A panel of experts in planning, development, infrastructure and sustainability led discussions with industry representatives, organisations and members of the community. The summit had several keynote addresses, panel discussions and workshops and a great debate to highlight ideas, issues and solutions. The Planning Institute of Australia Qld Division (PIA Queensland Division) were excited to be a part of this important forum and we were ably represented by our President Dyan Currie.

In preparation for the Summit, the PIA Queensland Division held a workshop and seminar on Population Growth on 22 March 2010. The purpose of this workshop was to obtain views from members on a range of issues related to growth management. Members also had the opportunity to provide feedback via other mechanisms including meetings and online through the PIA Website. Following the summit, the Policy Committee provided the Premier, the Hon Anna Bligh, with a submission outlining key positions on a range of growth management themes. This summit was a significant milestone in planning in Queensland and PIA Queensland Division were delighted to be a part of it. We look forward to seeing more of the Summit’s outcomes.

Submission to the Department of Infrastructure and Planning on the Queensland Planning Provisions Version 2 (QPP 2)In 2009, the PIA QLD welcomed the Queensland Planning Provisions Version 1 (QPP1) as part of the legislative reform process for Queensland. The Policy Committee, with input from a range of members, provided recommendations on an early version of the document prior to QPP1. This year, the Department of Infrastructure and Planning (DIP) has subsequently prepared QPP Version 2 (QPP2)

The PIA Queensland Division (PIA QLD) has undertaken a review of QPP2 and prepared a submission to the DIP. The submission raised some broad comments about the process for QPP2 and also reiterated issues raised in the QPP1 submission which had not been addressed. Notwith-standing ‘in principle’ support for the standard planning scheme provisions, the PIA QLD did identify some components of the QPP1 requiring further ‘road testing’ and targeted consultation to ensure the long term workability of the QPP.

Throughout the year the Policy Committee has also prepared other submissions on the following:Draft State Planning Policy (SPP): Air, Noise and Hazardous Material

Proposed South East Queensland Koala Conservation State Planning Regulatory Provisions and Draft Koala Conservation State Planning PolicyULDA Draft Infrastructure Funding NetworkDraft Multiple Use of Open Space Discussion PaperDraft Queensland Development Code Amendments - End of Trip FacilitiesAmendments to the Queensland Iconic Places LegislationDraft State Planning Policy (SPP): Strategic Cropping LandDraft Queensland Greenspace StrategyDraft Total Water Cycle Management Planning Guidelines for South East Queensland (SEQ).

National Policy Committee Queensland has always had a strong involvement on the National PIA Policy scene, with Lou Scarpato, Chair of the PIA Queensland Division Policy Committee, being the Queensland representative on the National Policy Committee. This committee meets every six weeks via a tel-ephone conference and the meetings focus on National policy issues as well as hearing what is happening within each State and Territory.

During the year the National Policy Portfolio has been revising a number of draft policies and the PIA Queensland Division has provided input to the following national policies:

Policy Review – Transport and Land Use Strategy.Policy Review – Funding Community Infrastructure.Policy Review – Public Participation Policy.

Queensland has also provided up to date information on how Queensland is progressing against the ten key points of the National Development Assessment Framework (DAF) Leading Practice Model for Development Assessment.

Productivity Commission Issues Paper: Performance Benchmarking of Australian Business Regulation: Planning, Zoning and Devel-opment Assessment Also on the national scene, the PIA National office provided a detailed response to the Productivity Commission Issues Paper: Performance Benchmarking of Australian Business Regulation Planning, Zoning and Development Assessment. Queensland provided input to this paper, along with the other State and Territories. As you can imagine, this document has generated much discussion and divergent opinions amongst members and PIA is looking forward to our next opportunity to provide input into this work being undertaken by the Productivity Commission.

To conclude I would like to thank all members of the Policy Committee who have helped to make the Policy Portfolio such a great success this year. We value your professional advice and knowledge and your input is much appreciated. I would also like to acknowledge the work of Lou Scarpato as Chair of the Policy Committee. We are looking forward to more busy times ahead.



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Member Services & Education portfolio Michael Papageorgiou

The Member Services & Education portfolio is responsible for the following operational areas of the Queensland Division:• Continuing Professional Development • Young Planners• Membership • Local Government• Social • Promoting Planning in Secondary Schools• University Boards/ Education/Schools • Chapters - Griffith, QUT, UQ, James Cook, Bond, Sunshine Coast University


The Education Subcommittee provides a useful liaison role between the planning industry and the education sector. The current Subcommittee has a wide range of members. It comprises representatives from all Queensland Universities with PIA accredited courses as well as planners from government and private practice who are interested in promoting and supporting planning education in Queensland.

The Subcommittee functions as an industry forum for education related professionals within PIA. It is also a vehicle for coordinating and influencing QLD Divisional Committee input into national PIA Education Policy and similar initiatives.

The Subcommittee has a robust Terms of Reference and provides a guide for the important function of PIA Liaison person for each of the participating universities. These Liaison roles are now in place and have been maintained for all participating universities. Regular updates are provided to the committee by the university reps and the university liaison people. The National Education Policy Review has been a continuing item of concern, however with the adoption of the final Education Policy by National Office imminent; the focus will now turn to its effective and ongoing implementation

The Subcommittee has also been providing Phil Heywood with support and advice for his role as Queensland representative on the PIA National Educational Committee. Phil has proven to be a sterling representative for Qld PIA, and has provided solid and informed input into the national planning education agenda for many years now. In September 2010 Phil advised he will step down from the PIA National Education Committee and pass the opportunity to a new representative from PIA Qld. All the members of the Education Subcommittee expressed their admiration and appreciation for Phil’s excellent service in this role and his selfless devotion to this good cause.

The business of supporting Visiting Boards has continued as an important focus, with Subcommittee members participating in the recent University of Queensland PIA accreditation review, and nominating for upcoming Visiting Boards such as the upcoming visit to Sunshine Coast University. In 2011, Bond University and Griffith University Courses will also be hosting Visiting Boards.

High enrolment numbers have continued to be the case for most planning courses this year and the impact on staffing and resources have also been topical issues.

The Education Subcommittee has returned this year to getting the message out to secondary school students to consider Planning as a career option. This has been with a view to supporting the continuing contact between professional planners and secondary school geography students. A recent initiative was to seek volunteers from PIA membership to be available to do one-off career talks at local schools. The initial response has been very encouraging and the first round of talks arising from this effort has been scheduled for November this year.

The PIA Qld Education subcommittee meets quarterly and all interested PIA members are welcome to attend.


Staff: The Discipline has increased its full time complement to six full time academic members of staff , with the welcome addition of Ms Mel-lini Sloan in 2009, and of Dr Kelly Zuniga in 2010, and continues to benefit from the contributions of more than twenty part time staff, bringing current practical skills to the courses . Mellini is an expert in Environmental Planning, and Kelly is a specialist in Transport Planning with a strong emphasis on active and public transport and public involvement which complements well the knowledge and skills of the School’s array of transport engineers, teaching on its Bachelor of Engineering course.

Students: Student numbers hold steady at about 400 of whom approximately 40 are postgraduate. Students continue to perform well in interna-tional, national and state awards, with the 2010 National Awards for Excellence in Tertiary Studies being won by a team preparing a Strategic Development Plan for Fitzgibbon in North Brisbane, which had also previously gained the Queensland Award in 2009. One of last year’s gradu-ating students, Mr Alex O’Reilly, has gained a competitive award, to attend the September 2010 Conference of the Commonwealth Association of Planners in Montreal, for his paper on the role of young planners in promoting internationalism in planning.

Research. The large collaborative research project on Airports of the Future, led by Professor Douglas Baker, conducted jointly with Brisbane Airport Company and other Australian Airports and universities continues to produce a stream of papers and reports, and has been joined by a new program on Regional Airports. The Discipline is also involved in supervising more than twenty doctoral theses addressing issues of both developed and developing nations.

Community Engagement continues to play a significant role in the Discipline with joint work with State and local Government departments in Brisbane City, Logan City, and Western Downs Region and community groups in each of these localities in Australia and with The Gallipoli Region in Turkey. Field trips to Turkey, Korea and Dalby, Queensland, have been linked with community and local government involvement in those locations.

Accommodation. The School of Urban Development has moved from its former location in “L” Block of the Gardens Point campus to levels 6, 7 and 8 of “S” Block on the same campus, which have been refurbished to provide the best teaching space that the school has ever enjoyed, including model flexible teaching studios, resulting in unprecedented levels of attendance and performance in seminar and studio sessions.

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The Griffith University Professional Advisory Board met on two occasions during the year. PIA is represented on the board by Kerry Doss. The board also draws upon the experience of many individuals throughout the planning industry to inform them of the way in which the industry is evolving. The School of Environmental Planning is now firmly established and continues to grow strongly. The school’s course run on the Gold Coast Campus offering the Bachelor of Environmental Planning Course continues to see strong enrolments. At the Brisbane campus enrolments are also strong across the range of PIA accredited courses. The University’s Urban Research Program, headed by Professor Brendan Gleeson, continues to provide a valuable source relevant and topical comment on the state of urban affairs in the Australian context. Professor Gleeson is shortly to step down from his role as Director of the program to take up a new position at the National University of Ireland -- Maynooth


The Bond University Mirvac School of Sustainable Development Industry Advisory Committee has met on two occasions during the year. PIA is represented on the committee by Brett Skyring. The committee also draws upon the experience of many individuals throughout the planning industry to inform them of the way in which the industry isEvolving, including local government in Queensland and New South Wales, private developers, consultant planners and academics. Some major changes have occurred in the past twelve months for the Mirvac School of Sustainable Development.

Effective from 1st September the Mirvac School of Sustainable Development officially separated from the Faculty of Business, Technology & Sustainable Development with a new identity announced as the Institute of Sustainable Development and Architecture (ISDA). Two schools initially sit within ISDA; • the Mirvac School of Sustainable Development and • the Soheil Abedian School of Architecture. Prof George Earl has been appointed as Director of the Institute and will remain Head of the Mirvac School of Sustainable Development. Prof Philip Follent has been appointed as the new Head of the Soheil Abedian School of Architecture. The Architecture program commences in January 2011. It is anticipated with future growth, the Institute will become a Faculty in the next 2-3 years. The Planning Department will currently continue to sit within the Mirvac School of Sustainable Development although strong synergy with Architecture has been acknowledged.

The Institute has commenced a major rationalisation of subjects and program offerings across all disciplines, which also includes the number of times subjects are offered annually. These changes are occurring, in part, as a consequence of the organisational restructure within the University, in preparation of the 2011 PIA Accreditation visit and forward planning for the forecast changes in the PIA Education policy for ac-creditation of courses. Changes in research foci and the establishment of the University Research Centre for Sustainable and Healthy Com-munities with Assoc Prof Bhishna Bajracharya appointed as Director are also influencing the rationalisation of subjects and programs.

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This year has been a year of change for the PD sub-committee. We have said good-bye to some long standing members and welcomed many new and enthusiastic members.

It is with gratitude that we acknowledge our current PD sub-committee comprising:Ian Adams, The Planning PlaceJaryd Collins, Lend LeaseStephen Craven, Craven OvendenBruce James, Logan City CouncilMichael Forwood, RPS GroupJane Frawley, Logan City CouncilSimon Forsyth, RPS GroupKate Matthews, Parsons BrinkerhoffNicole McMaster, Buckley VannEmma McGregor, Gold Coast City CouncilTanya Moe, GTA ConsultantsGlen Searle, University of QueenslandBrett Skyring, Panther PlannersMarissa Tsoukas, Brisbane City CouncilStephen Warner, Brisbane City CouncilDuncan Whyte, Aurecon GroupBeth Winke, RPS Group

We hope to welcome Shannon Batch (from DTMR) back to the PD subcommittee in 2011.

We farewell John Minnery (from UQ) and Nicole Sommerville (from SKM), both of whom have made an invaluable contribution to the PD sub-committee over many years.

It is also with gratitude that we acknowledge:the speakers and seminar chairs who have given so generously of their time and knowledgeour venue hosts - Allens Arthur Robinson our hardworking administrative assistants, Kaye Duggan and Melanie Adam (and Prue Rayner who has recently left)Eve Lynch of Allens Arthur Robinson who gives so generously of her time to assist with seminar registrationour Branches, who have been very active in organising seminars this year – thank you to all who have contributed in providing this service to our members in the regions

Our seminar program continues to be well attended, with some seminars being repeated.

As always, the seminar topics have covered many areas, including:the new SEQ Regional Planurban renewal, master planned areas and ULDA areasthe Queensland planning provisionsthe Sustainable Planning Actsocial impact assessmentpopulation growthheritagetransport challenges and opportunitieskoalasinfill developmentDA best practicemechanisms for resolving disputesthe role of the Federal Government in planning

We are delighted that the 2010 Keeble Lecture will be delivered by Dorte Ekelund, as part of the State Conference. Thank you to the University of Queensland for its continuing sponsorship of the Keeble Lecture.

We have a full program from now until the end of the year.

Planning for next year’s seminar program is well advanced – although we remain most appreciate of topic and speaker suggestions. We have an exciting series of seminars planned – which will be revealed shortly. As always, we seek to maintain a balance between strategic topics and those of a more process oriented nature.

We appreciate that members have a wealth of seminar choices in the marketplace, and we are delighted that members continue to patronise our PD program. We thank our members and non-members for the loyalty that they have shown to our PD program.

We welcome new members, and occasional visitors, to the PD sub-committee. The meetings are held on the first Thursday of every month, at the offices of Allens Arthur Robinson. Please contact Kaye Duggan at [emailprotected] or phone 07 3211 4443 for further details.

The PD sub-committee looks forward to providing you with relevant, interesting and educational seminars during 2010/2011.




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July 2009 – Building Your Career Forum

The Building Your Career Forum was held on 10 July at the Park Regis Hotel in Brisbane. This year’s successful event attracted over 90 del-egates from across Queensland, with young planners flying into Brisbane from regions such as Cairns, Townsville, Mackay, Emerald and Rock-hampton. A significant proportion of delegates were employed by Local Government (38%), State Government (12%) and Private Sector (22%). Students also accounted for 27% of delegates. This spread recognises the forum’s relevance to all planning fields and stages. BYC remains a significant part of the development of Queensland’s young planners and aims to strengthen core skills and knowledge while encouraging YP retention within the industry.

This year’s conference strongly reflected the changing economic situation and the young planner’s place in this, presented by 13 speakers of outstanding reputation. The Keynote Speaker for BYC09, Sharonne Phillips, provided a positive perspective on the current economic climate, and encouraged young planners to take advantage of the associated ‘chaos’ generated to enhance and expand skill levels and knowledge bases. Sharonne engaged delegates by providing an account of setbacks she has encountered in her working life, considering potential difficul-ties as career ‘injuries’ as opposed to setbacks. One’s frame of mind in such situations is extremely important.

Delegate’s also discussed the importance of written communication, particularly in the form of e-mail and other less-formal forms of written communication. Denise Scott of WriteTouch regaled delegates with published examples of poor written communication – luckily all delegates successfully picked up such mistakes. The ongoing development of soft skills is important and it is increasingly beneficial to remind ourselves of how we are perceived by our communication skills. BYC and QYPG have an ongoing commitment to ensuring Young Planners have access to specialised soft skill and professional development opportunities.

Kerry Azar of the Australian Institute of Management discussed the notion of how and when young planners should go the ‘extra mile’ to achieve outstanding goals. It is important that in the pursuit of success, one remembers time for themselves, and also time to re-evaluate goals and con-sider past experiences and achievements. Kristy Albrecht, Senior Planner at Buckley Vann Town Planning Consultants, provided an insightful presentation based on her experiences over the past 5 years since graduating and speedy rise to the level of senior planning in just three short years. From Kristy’s experience, we learnt that concentrating more on your own achievements in your organisation is much more significant than that of others where generally, organisational structures vary greatly.

Amy McInerney & Belinda Comino of the Department of Infrastructure and Planning also joined us for a much awaited presentation on the new Sustainable Planning Bill, focusing on the forthcoming changes to the IDAS process, as well as tips on how to adapt to such significant changes in legislation. Adaptation for young planners is significant given that most young planners in Queensland have not yet encountered such a broad-scale planning reform and may be weary about what to expect in the near future. Greg Ovenden of Craven Ovenden Town Planning followed this discussion with a highly informative presentation on the basics of being an expert witness, including an overview of the process and how young planners can become actively involved. Gerard Timbs of McInnes Wilson Lawyers rounded out the legislative-based session with a discussion on climate change and planning schemes and how we might move forward in the future so as to ensure this issue receives the attention it so requires in our planning framework.

Chris Isles, Director of Place Design Group, and Malcolm Snow, CEO of the South Bank Corporation, joined us for BYC again this year after receiving overwhelming feedback from last year’s delegates. Chris joined us to discuss the timeline of a DA, focusing on those things that occur behind closed doors which Council planners and private sector planners may not necessarily be aware of. Malcolm Snow’s presentation touched on the need for young planners, in particularly, to remain involved and take advantage of professional development opportunities. As planning is a dynamic industry, it is important that we all stay up to date with the latest changes and those yet to come, to remain informed, in touch and most importantly, good planning professionals.

BYC09 was well received by delegates; 75% stated that the conference has expanded their network of resources and people to help them in their career; 73% stated that the conference was good value for money; and 76% of attendees would recommend this conference to friends and colleagues next year.

July 2009 – Tertiary Studies Expo

QYPG this year again manned the PIA stall at the Tertiary Studies Expo in Brisbane, speaking with students, parents, post-graduate students, etc about the many rewards of a career in planning. QYPG volunteers gave away over 100 satchel packs to interested students and parents, in addition to numerous other goods provided by a number of organisations – including PIA (Qld). It was a highly successful weekend, many of the universities referred students to our booth, with additional interest coming from passers by. Tens of thousands of people attended this year’s TS Expo aand as such, it remains a terrific opportunity to showcase PIA (Qld) and the QYPG.

October 2009 – Mentoring Program

The second annual Mentoring Program was opened for Expressions of Insterest, this year attracting approximately 19 pairs to participate in the year-long program. The PIA Qld Mentoring Program was developed to retain and support young planners in the formative years of their career.

In November 2009, 19 pairs of mentors and mentees were matched and a launch event was held in early February 2010, signalling the formal commencement of this program, proudly supported by PIA Qld Division.

The program is currently just passed the half way mark. All participants were invited to a Half Way Event to provide face to face feedback on the program so far, to share ideas with each other and inspire each other for the second half of the program and it was also their second opportunity to network with others. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive and has helped modify the program for rollout again in 2011. Expressions of Interest for the 2011 program will be open in October 2010.

Queensland Young PLanners Group Laura Gannon

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October 2009 – QYPG Rural & Regional Work Experience Program

The second annual program was rolled our once again, seeking young planners and Council’s alike to participate in the formalised work ex-perience program. Expressions of Interest were released in October 2009 for both Councils and Young Planners, with the selection process commencing in early 2010. Each Council selected its own young planner and this year, placements took place at various times depending on Council requirements and Young Planner availability.

The 5 to 6 week program concluded in August 2010, and gave three young planners the opportunity to learn about, participate in and support the effectiveness of the planning system in regional and rural areas with a specific emphasis on those issues unique to such areas.

Supported by the PIA Queensland Division, QYPG actively advertised the program in late 2009 to both Young Planners and Councils across the state with Expressions of Interest submitted by the end of November. A total of 7 regional councils and 11 young planners expressed interest in the program. The Pilot Program was not sponsored, therefore it was a condition of participation that Councils cover the cost of the young planners’ travel and accommodation during the period of the placement. This was communicated to Councils during the Expression of Interest stage and subsequently ruled out a number of Councils eager to be involved once the Pilot Program proved successful. However four councils remained enthusiastic to participate and were then ranked in accordance with the information provided during the EOI stage, based on those Council’s who could fulfil all the requirements of the program and specifically identified the type of work the young planners could assist with.

Unfortunately one Council selected to participate was subsequently forced to withdraw from the program, after its Young Planner had been se-lected, due to insurance issues. We hope to place the Young Planner involved in this matter as a priority for the 2011 program.

The successful Young Planners journeyed to Mackay Regional Council (which selected 2 Young Planners, to travel at separate times) and Isaac Regional Council, located in Central Queensland and covering a number of Queensland’s largest mining fields. Isaac Regional Council also participated in the 2008 Pilot Program, returning again this year to place another Young Planner.

Shortly before the young planners’ departure, each Council was required to prepare a program to provide an overview of the nature of work each young planner would be involved in. The somewhat isolated location of some of these Councils provided the opportunity for young planner involvement in other Council matters besides planning, such as health, economic development and environmental issues. Each Council had previously raised this opportunity at the EOI stage.

During June and July 2009, the work experience placements ran successfully. Young planners received hands-on experience in the daily opera-tions of Council, assisting not only Council staff but members of the community as well. Councils were encouraged to move the young planners around in a variety of positions to fully appreciate the workings of Council. Young planners were also provided with the opportunity to travel around their respective local government areas and learning about the unique issues affecting such regions. Hands on experience was also available in mapping activities, data collection, planning disputes, general planning matters and health inspections. The experience and educa-tion offered by the Councils through this program is significant and broad. Each young planner, upon their return, commented that they had left with a more advanced appreciation of rural and regional planning issues and local government processes.

PIA Queensland Division has provided support for QYPG to run this program again in 2011, encompassing between 6 and 10 rural and regional councils across Queensland. The administrative work and organisation required to operate this program successfully does restrict the number of participants at this stage, however we believe the long-term benefits associated with a program such as this will aid in the professional develop-ment of our young planners, and also assist in the promotion of rural and regional planning issues and employment opportunities.

March 2010 – PIA Qld Charity Trivia Night

In March, QYPG assisted the PIA Qld Division in hosting the annual Charity Event which this year was a Trivia Event held at the GPO Hotel in Fortitude Valley. The event was extreamly successful and sold out well ahead of time, raising money for PIA’s Charity of Choice for the year – Rosies: Friends on the Street.

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MINUTES of the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING, WEDNESDAY 4th November 2009 at 5:00pm, Brisbane Convention and Exhibition


Corporate members:John Abbott CPP, Daniel Ackerman, Steve Allen, Geoff Anstey, Ross Barker, John Brannock FELLOW, Chris Buckley LIFE FELLOW, John Caldwell CPP, Alyssa Cameron CPP, Marzena Clarke, Steve Craven CPP, Sean Cullen CPP, Dyan Currie CPP (President/Chair), Jeanette Davis CPP, Mark Doonar CPP, Julie Edwards, Michael Forwood CPP, Evan Fritz CPP, John Gaskell CPP, Andrew Hammonds CPP, David Hansen CPP, Phil Heywood FELLOW, Cameron Hoffmann CPP, Jeff Humphreys FELLOW, Chris Isles, Bruce James, Leo Jensen CPP, Robin King-Cullen FELLOW, Michael Lisle CPP, Mary Mealey, Ben Miles, John Minnery FELLOW, Bob Naiker CPP, David Newby CPP, Danny O’Hare, David Perkins, Michelle Riley CPP, Scott Riley CPP, Jenny Roughan CPP, Berto Santana CPP, Lou Scarpato CPP, Glen Searle FELLOW, Neil Sipe, Shane Spargo, Greg Tupicoff, Greg Vann FELLOW, Duncan Whyte, Wally Wight, Susie Williams, Adam Yem.

Graduate members:Kristy Albrecht, Jessica Blanchi, Annette Doherty, Laura Hyk, Dean Jones, Spiros Manolakis

Student members:Michael Hanisch, Luchia King, Scott Palmer, Lynette Prince-Large

Associate members:Bhishna Bajracharya, Wendy Steele

Non-members:Manu Bassa, Bronwyn Bignoux, Tanya Duggan, Jacob Hart, Scott Irwin, Sandeep Nanjappa


Kerry Doss, Brendan Nelson


MOTION: That the minutes of the 2008 annual General Meeting be confirmed:MOVED: John Brannock/Alyssa Cameron CARRIED

Dy Currie spoke about how we highlighted last year that we were trying to increase our media attendance, and some of the difficulties we had in attracting the press and to get them to understand community engagement, but our continued contract with Geoff Mullins as our media person has proved highly successful. 4. DISCUSSION AND RECEIPT OF THE 2008-9 ANNUAL REPORT

Copies of the Annual Report were made available at the AGM, and will be uploaded onto the web (PIA Queensland Division site) the week following the AGM.

Dy spoke of the work done this year by volunteers and staff, and that it has been an extremely successful year. Board members were asked to speak to their reports by exception. None had anything further to add.

Dy spoke in general about the year that was:

From a Division Committee perspective, we have done some things differently such as engaging the branches more. Branch Presidents and Secretaries are now encouraged to dial in to the Division Committee meetings and some other committees through our new teleconferencing service so that they are involved in the information sharing. To build further on this, we also had our first face-to-face meeting in June with Branch Presidents and Secretaries, where they attended a Division Committee meeting followed the next day by workshops on Media, Education, Policy, PD, Young Planners, Governance and other Division areas. We are planning to do this again each year.

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There are some changes in the incoming committee, and Dy thanked those who have finished their time on the committee and to those who are joining this year, and in particular Kerry Doss and Cliff Willmett. Cliff is stepping down after five years and has also represented PIA on many other committees over this time. Kerry is staying on the committee but has stood down as Vice President – a big thanks to Kerry for everything he has done in this role. Also said thanks to Greg for stepping in and taking over in the Treasury role when Cliff left earlier this year.

One of the comments in last year’s report was that we were facing some challenges at National level. This has changed and we are pleased to say that we now have an outstanding relationship with National Office. Our CEO Steve Johnston will be joining us on Friday night at the Awards dinner. He is a valuable addition to the Institute and Dy urged people to take a minute on Friday to say hello to Steve.

Motion: That the 2008/9 Annual Report be accepted as tabledMoved: David Perkins/Julie Edwards


This year we have accepted all nominations for the PIA Queensland Division Committee. There were a couple more nominations than the rules allow, but the Coordination Committee met and agreed, rather than go out to postal vote, to accept all nominations. For others wanting to take part on committees, they are welcome to join any of the sub-committees

Dy confirmed the incoming Division Committee, reading through their names then asked the 2009/10 Division Committee if they were happy to be confirmed. Office Bearers will be elected at the first Division Committee meeting on 16th November.


Greg Tupicoff asked where Dy’s thoughts are on where we are heading this year? In response Dy said that she thinks the year ahead is a challenging one from a legislative perspective and we saw that this afternoon in the Debate at the Conference. There will be things that come through that we won’t agree on, but it will be a challenge for us as to how we pick this up and run with it, and how we can be more positive and less critical. We are all highly valuable in our individual roles and we need to think about how we respect that role. We need to stimulate community debate on the importance of planning as we don’t share enough about the importance of planning with our community and we should do this more. This is a foundation year to build on the opportunities and improve the communities’ understanding of the profession.

Leo Jensen thanked Chris Buckley for the Keeble Lecture and for sharing his thoughts, and then congratulated Dy Currie in her role as President for the last two years, and also for standing up for another two - it’s been challenging at times at all levels, and her work in raising the profile of PIA Qld in particular has been very much appreciated. Leo also congratulated Dy on her award received 12 months ago in the UDIA Awards. Dy went on to thank her employers acknowledging that without their support she would not be able to do this job.

Greg Tupicoff asked about the Federal Government talking about getting back into Urban Planning, and PIA’s position on this. Dy highlighted that we are in an excellent position from an institute point of view as we have two representatives on the COAG working group with Gary White and Neil Savery. There are five subgroups on the COAG that are planning related, and their reports are going back to the main COAG group in December. These are around key planning principles, benchmarking, implementation of improvement etc. We have been holding these conversations at a National policy level. Our National Policy committee has been taking an active role (chaired by Sue Holliday immediate past President of PIA).

Dy announced the Know Your Street launch which will be held this Friday morning at 10.30am. it is a PIA Qld initiative and we are trying to get people to understand the importance of what Planning means in your street. Dy urged everyone to look at the website and share information. We are pointing people back into Council sites as well and it is our way of starting to build planning profile – letting locals know what can happen in their area. It is a great initiative and something we would like to see stand at a National level.

The meeting closed at 5.20pm

Hyatt Regency Coolum - Planning - [PDF Document] (20)

Planning Institute of Australia, Queensland Division Annual Reportpresented on 12th November 2010 at the Annual General Meetingduring the Planning Institute of Australia State Conference at the Hyatt Regency Coolum.

PIA Queensland Division Golf Day

Hyatt Regency Coolum - Planning - [PDF Document] (2024)


When did Hyatt Coolum close? ›

The resort shut down in 2015, with Mr Palmer saying refurbishments would be done at the time. Mr Palmer says he has a "duty of care" to his former electorate as the end of JobKeeper looms. The resort hosted a single PGA event after Mr Palmer took over, having hosted 10 championships previously.

Where is Hyatt Regency Coolum? ›

Where is Hyatt Regency Coolum located? Hyatt Regency Coolum is located in Warran Road, Coolum Beach Coolum Beach, 4573, Coolum Beach, Australia. Which popular attractions are close to Hyatt Regency Coolum?

What happened to the Hyatt Regency Coolum today? ›

Mr Palmer purchased the former Hyatt Regency resort in 2011. Prior to his ownership, the five-star resort hosted the Australia PGA Championships for many years, drawing international players including Greg Norman. Mr Palmer mothballed the resort in 2015, before announcing renovation plans in March 2021.

How much did Clive Palmer pay for Hyatt Coolum? ›

* 1980s: Coolum Hyatt was built for $250 million by Japanese company Daikyo. It was once the biggest employer on the Sunshine Coast, providing jobs for about 700 people. * July 2011: Clive Palmer buys the five-star 324-room Hyatt Regency Coolum, on 150ha and with a 2km beachfront, for a reported $80 million.

Why is Hyatt Regency closed? ›

American multinational hospitality chain Hyatt. “As a result of no funds forthcoming from Asian Hotels (West) Ltd, the owner of Hyatt Regency Mumbai, to sustain the operations of the hotel, a decision has been taken to temporarily suspend all operations for Hyatt Regency Mumbai.

What happened at the Hyatt Regency hotel? ›

On July 17, 1981, a disaster struck the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Kansas City, Missouri, when two overhead walkways collapsed onto a crowded lobby, killing 114 people and injuring 216.

What is the difference between the Hyatt and the Hyatt Regency? ›

Hyatt Regency targets business, convention and group travel, while Hyatt Place has fewer meeting room options with less space to accommodate large conferences. It operates in the select-service space with fewer amenities, but can serve the needs of almost every type of traveler.

Can you stay at the Palmer Coolum resort? ›

Room options at Palmer Coolum include: Ambassador Villa. Ambassador Residence. Studio Suite.

How much is Clive Palmer worth? ›

What hotel chain did Hyatt buy? ›

In 2018, Hyatt saw expansion with the acquisition of Two Roads Hospitality. This added the Joie de Vivre, Destination, Alila, and Thompson hotel brands to the Hyatt portfolio, a growth of 85 hotels in 23 markets.

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