Out of France - Chapter 7 - Procrastinate_and_Read - Harry Potter (2024)

Chapter Text

It was a nice day warm and breezy not a cloud in the sky. The quad was surprisingly empty, I’d expect more students to be out on a day like this but I guess to each their own.

Charlies finishing up his story about sneaking into potions earlier and getting away with it.

“-and the prick never saw a thing!”

“I still can’t believe you were almost late to class, ITS THE FIRST DAY! WHO’S LATE ON THE FIRST DAY!!!”

“I waz late tu ch’arms clazz tuday.” I say matter of factly. And both of them for the 72nd time stare at me like I’m some sort of alien.

“…well in that case pretend I never said anything and spill. Did you get lost?” I fane offensive to Tonks’s really completely valid assumption quickly scoffing and putting my hand on my heart.

“Non, why wóuld yóu zink such a zing of mee, I k’now ziz zchool like ze back of my hand…. Zat iz an English ex’pression non?”

They both smile and nod as I continue.

“Anyw’ay I waz called tu Mk- a professor’s office ze one zat téaches transfigúration”

“You. Were called to McGonagalls office on the first day?…Did you manage to actually make it there?”

“Of course I did” I say as I lightly hit Charlie for his comment till Tonks speaks.

“HOW?!? you can’t even make it to your first class on your own. YOU MANAGED TO GET ALL THREE OF US LOST! And you want US to believe that YOU got to MCGONAGALLS OFFICE ON. YOUR. OWN.”

“Non I never zaid zat, I waz not ze only one called tu ze office” they both had a sense of understanding light in the back of their eyes at my sentence. They really have no faith in my sense of direction after today.

“Yóu zee after ziz m’orning Byrón w’ent tu ze Professor tuu get me and Bill in trouble” I started surprisingly calm but my pace picks up significantly as I continue “zo I have detention on zaterday and I might have hit on Bill I don’t k’now, zen the teacher acuzed me and him of mak’ing out inzed of coming tu class infront of everyone and ze boy next tu mee wóuld not ztop st’aring mat me all class…. But Ze rest of my class day waz un-eventful”

I had finally slowed down for my final comment but that didn’t stop the two of them starting for the 73rd time. I wanted their input on the situation but they both know Bill too well for me to be as blunt as I normally am. And I was hoping to avoid a reaction like this.

“You have detention?”

“You hit on my brother?”

“Flitwick thought you were making out instead of going to class?”

“with MY BROTHER?!?”

I guess they caught it… still their shock is surprisingly well organized with them taking turns asking questions as opposed to blurting them out at the same time or only one person talking.

I should probably pick my next words wisely but instead I find them spilling out of my mouth with little thought.

“Ouí but it waz no’thing really and anyway wee ‘re friendz now, and he zeamz honest, it iz hard for… someone like mee, tu find a fr’iend who iz honest and a boy. But ‘ere I found tuu in lezz zen a week yóu do not mezz wi’th zat, and anyway itz not like I waz ze one talking about how I waz zinking about kissing ze other becauze of zer zister I juzt told him itz to bad we’re friendz now becauze I zink hez cute, am I not allowed tu zay hez cute because he iz zo cute god I’d swear he waz ze Veela if he waz a girl. Anywayz it waz notzing really yóu zee notzing at all notzing no-“

“STOP!” My repetition interrupted by Tonks “…I need a second to process what in hells name you just said” Charlie stays quiet the same debate like look that Bill wore earlier is on his face.

“Ok. So, I thinks its best we assess the situation in steps… why did you and Bill get called to McGonagalls?

“I hexed Byrón, Bill punched him, she waz giving uz detentíon”

“And on the way back you became friends then you called him cute?”


“Then Flitwick accused you two of snogging instead of going to class”


“What did you mean ‘someone like me’? It’s quite an odd statement.”

“Zats a problem for ano’ther day”

“Ok then lastly you’re going to need to explain the sister part a lot better because huh?”

“Well yóu zee over ze summer app’arently my zister told Bill it wóuld bee a good idea tu ask mee for a kizz becaúse he looked zo blue and when he zaw mee he could not ztop zinking about what my zister had zed and forgot all about his old girlfriend even zo zey had just broken up.”

“God girl I’ve known you for two days yet it feels like we’re 21 years olds who’ve been friends for 4 years with the amount of sh*t that’s happing here”

After the questioning the two of us join Charlie in his silence. No one really knows what to say till he speaks up.

“Do you like him? You know like- well that?”

“I hardly k’now him”

“Ok but do you like, like him”

“I do not k’now”

“How do you feel about him, actually talk about him to us” Tonks buts in.

“W’ell obviously I zink he iz handsome-“ this time Charlie buts in, both of their faces are dead serious and I can feel mine becoming hotter by the second.

“Explain it” an odd request but at its asked I feel my heart beating loudly in my chest and my words sound quieter than before even though my volume is the same. It’s as though my heart beats drowning them out.

“Ok… w’ell I- umm hiz face…?”

“Actually try you can do better than that.” He says rolling his eyes, and the beating in my ears is somehow amplified.

“Ugh fine, e ‘az really nice bone strúcture zarp but not o’verly, hiz ‘air iz w’ell keep ze length complements hiz strúcture and he haz a nice smile zat shows in hiz eyes making zem light up in ze best way itz h’ard tu believe zat hiz eyes could be better zen zay are normally but when he zmiles, it iz true zey are reall- I mean zey are nice, ouí.”

“What about his body”

“CH’ARLIE WEASLEY NON ZAT IZ YÓU BROZER” his questions had taken me by complete surprise once more, but this time the beating wasn’t in my ears or my chest, I watch the two underclassmen think while trying not to think about how I would answer that question, hoping the beating will stop.

“What do you think Tonks?, NOT about my brother but Fleurs situation”

“I think shes on the verge of catching a little something for a certain Weasley, IF she hasn’t already” the smug look on her face is pointing directly at me as she continues to talk. “How about you Charlie”

“I came to a similar conclusion, I think she should ask him out” Tonks face changes to that of agreement as the two of them snicker about this idea and I look at them slack jawed unbelievably.

“May I remind ze tuu of yóu it iz ze zeacond day I ‘ave k’nown ze boy, and I do not want tu date a’nyone, even if I did he zed earlier v’ery clearly zat he haznt hit on mee which meanz he probably will never, and ziz iz is my dec’ision WHY did I zink it waz a good idea tu tell ze tuu of yóu!?!?”

As a group we fell silent not because no one had anything to say but the sound of footsteps quickly flooded the outside hallway as a group of girls in red lined robes made their way through, their hair is a variety of lengths and styles but each of them respectively had it teased and curled in big waves, reminding me of the muggle magazines I had seen in the bookstores back home and in London.

All their nails were slightly long and painted in different shades of red or pink, that didn’t match the big earrings they wore in all shapes and colors, purple triangles, green spirals even large pearl studs surrounded in gold. They looked far from bad though the muggle trends didn’t match the professionalism of the Hogwarts uniforms.

When they reached where we were sitting one of them suddenly stopped she had gold blonde hair, the opposite of my silver blonde, big brown eyes, a red scrunchie that held the top half of her hair in a side ponytail and the same nails and big earrings as the rest of them had respectively.

“Wait.” She spoke and came over to me. “You’re the new girl right” I nod my head not sure how to respond while my face is still red from the conversation we had been having. “Well gag me with a spoon no way, is it true that you did Em’s makeup this morning!”

‘Gag me with a spoon’??? Is that something people who speak english say? It sounds like the American movies I’ve seen, and Em? Does she mean Emily… well one way to find out I put a simple smile on my face and respond.

“Ouí I did Emily’s makeup ziz morning she had asked mee tu after zeeing my collect’ion” I was hoping that was the right response till I watched all the girls faces light up and they started talking over each other.

“No way”

“Omg she looked so good”

“You really know what your doing”

“I can’t believe it”

After a minute they all slowed down and the girl who had come up to me first continued talking as she took my hands in her own fast but gently.

“Can you do my makeup!!! On Sunday though I have a date, I really want to look nice and Em was practically glowing all day we need to know your secrets!”

There was a chorus of agreement from the rest of the girls as they all looked at me and in my panic I start talking.

“Of co’urse I would love tu help yóu!”

“Oh really!! Thanks a bunch meet me in the hall Sunday at noon! We’d love to stay and chat but we got sum guys to catch if you know what I mean it was great meeting you though Fleur I hope to see you before Sunday!!!”

And with a flurry of girlish goodbyes the group was gone and we were all stunned. Even if I hadn’t been panicked I probably would’ve said yes but since I was it feels so fast.

“ ‘ow did zey k’now my name and who were zey?” I asked after my minute of silent shock.

“That was a bunch of the popular Gryffindor 6th years, the one whose makeup you agreed to do Sunday was Denise Janes, but everyone calls her DJ” Charlie speaks up his tone slightly annoyed as the realization comes over me.

I just agreed to do Bill’s ex girlfriend’s makeup in the great hall on Sunday. She seems nice regardless but I’m surprised she came up to me with her ex’s brother sitting right next to me.

But my epiphany is interrupted by Tonks.

“Ummm by any chance was the Girl who’s makeup you did in Gryffindor?” Her question seemed a pit panicked though she trailed off.

“Non I did my new roommatez makieup?” My statement came out as a question as a scanned Tonks’s face loose its worry.

“W’ell then… why not juzt change ze topic now…” I say hopefully, I don’t see this topic having any good ending.

And thank fully they both agree. “Ya that’s probably best” “good idea”.

“Zo back at Beauxbatons I used tu go running in ze early morningz but obviously I do not k’now ze campós véry w’ell, zo I waz wonderíng if ezer of yóu would like tu run in ze m’orning” I speak with a nervous smile on my lips.

“I’ll run with you” Charlie says quickly “I need to keep my stamina up as the new Quidditch captain anyway, when did you usually run”

“Four thírty tuu sex” both of them look at me like I’m crazy for the 74th time but I find out quickly its for different reasons.

“Blimy Fleur thats some dedication right there”

“WHO CARES about dedication Charlie say six again Fleur” I look at her weirdly before I comply and the two of them share a look and start laughing.

I ask them why they’re laughing but they don’t respond and just keep going .

Maybe I should just pronounce “six” like I do in French from now on.


Charlie agreed to run with me in the mornings and we even doubled check with McGonagall that it was ok because of how early we’d start.

I spent dinner with Liv, Sol, Emily and the girls who sit around them. They ended up telling me a bunch more drama and everyone shared something interesting about the first day which meant I go roped into telling my late to charms story because one of the girls had been there.

Still dinner was nice and now I’m in the common room reading about Britains banks but more specifically Gringotts and the way the goblin institution interacts with other banks across the continent and in their international affairs as a whole.

But just as I’m about to enter chapter 3 the effects of Germany I hear a high voice next to me.

“Fleur!” I look up from my book and it’s the girl whose necklace I had helped find the day before with two other kids a blonde girl with green eyes and a brown haired boy with dark eyes.

“Audrey! And who iz ziz wiz yóu” I say with a smile that matches their own.

“This is Penelope Clearwater but everyone calls her Penny and Aron Jubilas” the two kids wave when their names are called and Audrey turns to them “this is the girl I mentioned earlier, the one all the older kids are talking about”

I swing my legs off the chair I was laying on and invite the trio to sit, the blonde who’s name was Penny sat next to me while Audrey and Aron sat on the floor in front of us.

“Is it true its your first year here to?” The boy immediately asked once he was situated.

“Ouí before ziz I waz going tu school in France”

“Why did you switch?” Penny asked the curiosity mixed in her accent.

“W’ell my papa got a transferd tu ze Gringotts bank ‘ear for a bit, zo we all moved but I still don’t ze why I couldn’t have ztill gone back to Beauxbatons.”

All of there faces were captivated whenever I spoke it was like they were watching an alien speak about their home planet as they kept on asking me questions about France.

“Did you know a lot of people”

“What was the weather like”

“Did you have butter beer”

“What do you miss the most”

After 20 minutes I the topic was changed to their classes “the defense against the dark arts professor is weird, have you met her?” Audrey said a look a disgust on her face.

“Shes obsessed with vampires it’s weird” Aron says the same disgust on his face.

“She said she came her to study the vampires in the forbidden forest, THATS HER ONLY REASON!” Penny added.

“Zounds like a lúnatic” I say bluntly before I catch myself. I keep on forgetting these are 11 year olds and I should probably watch my words.

My comment then started a debate on the actuality of vampires till we all turned in for the night.

Out of France - Chapter 7 - Procrastinate_and_Read - Harry Potter (2024)
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Author: Jamar Nader

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Author information

Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

Phone: +9958384818317

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.