Provincial Freeman (Toronto and Chatham, ON: Mary Ann Shadd Cary (October 9, 1823 – June 5, 1893)), July 25, 1857, p. 2 (2024)

2 r iv fl v nv a v vv 17 troylvcial freeaiax chubamt sit riui jily ii ii7 lymr willuro nil of phlailtlplin p a ti authorized to reieive suhftcrtpuons for thi jtaiwr and give receipts ft r the some provincial freem ing vocalist id uiijiiiid lu her music l m v iiomkop l lilt iuymxun culture and genms mii c cei in 111 is in- j 1 n cll a i 11 i telligmt well informed and refined ims en- im f i win nhnli weeopy fiom the joyed the counteiiancu and pitionai 1 i c i ml uetiietofiutrou v2t4ir y her majesty the dutcluss fimiihiiliiil nnd other noble pers nies n 1 n i- r dived pi of bimially ltd oil i w s b tie mosi inmuus persons un i i in s wiuc evir lit trivtej whin in 1 nr ph c i idmiion 50 cl- see iidvuli un n m a s c i i tuije rtccivin d ponus at the nnihi mi in of tliu cler i hid 11 nm i n 1 i ninl inn njivhi h we hud i ii in uf dr biuiiul c w itson advertiser nt bad been a monritd transition south hcttfi limn f d nt present w aint ibertstitt from c la imrairv nen now similarly inournginj nena from i p i ol ib rovince t jtst wi leitrn by leirjrraph submarine cabu nwoa lauuownoollmrrtt tmterd pnormwodfcopdto be i torijh order toronto detroit mediate plnccs arc now in direct cumin cation i the cisk ok drii scott in the 4llsitxdslaix8 slirrime juftulutc jy mtbaaengarv front street toronto- j with lheftilloptmonofcl*tif tustlce la i ne indclrtissic published bi gib y purthonl i n i 1 1 liktr i o lli usl y iin i im in i i v iuon k ptiliim pliomns 11 nit i hrr auibarued to act a agtni fur ihi- paper la an authorized ajjent of this piper bps33afii 03sis3 1 iii phamphlet form from j t book tiler hinj st chithini 25 cenls pin li irsl pi lie my m lsnai ii lewis 1 c kii r leu ii springer n it stile w ltwltr p 1 hovl i 1soii 1iilimr i l ii itimcr james 1 joluiaon inikt y it hi- ujc a mriimiifr iliny h iirior lljrruubtrl c pinion i k p ml ii ip winun r h giulnu i u j s ri nil m d phi lu itch m d j v sin in dr silill vtoon h we hi in mure coiiim a soft lu hih nnd if you were lo took tlicrtm youwonm wo nainau while nee rn clou e juxlaposil ion lo uit 4lack lierk litllo clinging ari aicjeierjrouncl lici neckyloting voice ear hair larnd acjiilily drennd nnd igaorunt she ciine touv when we look now upon our ihle i illie smiling mil happy we kinile iniolunlarily at the furor of sympathy wluli in fetowe tlret honk aioke in uui hearts xit wed nl leliee one worl the dclroil lndy role but if audi lixurt leoosi were tru of a out irud wnman mi uiuil winn n mi ht fund iqu lycun- s rabl wi gnvi publii ny n tew daya ajo to the vtranee ami iitteretiiig nnrriliteof nun- mock tlnlton a nalne a nean whe clnini tr txiry hffn tnfcith pi unnrr ftf war from on sunscribers fiirori potmt trsand tbachirs are ln led to olnln iabwribt re to the iio vi ci u rfe v i lar which iwenii per tent ft ill i ill uiil ni papers will be sent uni ithecih i reineil the term ol ihc ficrmin in pnimeniin whose ticr the piormcml 1 iem 1 1 i- ic adrancr and iro piperinll he icht loi gel ihuu p r a grand vlebralion will tike pi ice m sricunin- ininilrrs ill be ent hi- npm applintion drcatlcn aujut 1st itjlul v mcfiim n 1 1 b i el qi mni cl iv at the limiiinct of mr j v tr n tip i i opuud in oflin in t in irs nituiii oil cis to take into cotiiilernti in whit irl kmj t i jsi when he will be hupp l pnnie ln been aiingaml t ill i nllmllo mil to ansnu c ills ill his piofi sioiu i ipicitj di witnti n t4 oinij arcomnliiliih and ivitfut put leuu ol ill ilann nannj 7 i tf- wlf t school of mo lenettl in till idilri mnl 1 f stnctl moial pnikijlcs and 13 uciei tvn hoard llie hrttjsli li ir panco*ck when aw wis atnmt oy tlte ainerirnnat huoner hornet 111 the war of 1812 and to have bien aold and kpt in slaiery in georgia eei i nee werne now htppy to nnnnunc tbl lor i nipter ii 13 anjisis repreenlalne at washington lintin hid iih attention cal led to the subjecljiujilrcjtl coninencjd an him itigtlion for the purpose ol ascertain iii the true hate of ike ease and wiiha view to indicatin d m icka rights jfjjie accmacy ol hu statements can be substan 41 remittances all ftuhscniilmn ninnies fir 0i joiirn i ancloseil in ettensnnj duu nuitcreil which can be done at nin p l 0 in e on pwmciittf iboctnlsin a liti n to the p l age are at the 11k of the pul er 8uh cnbera will ohh e n- ind 111m1 us fiom s htvmrt as- nwny drfficulues b f irw irlinthcir sub t e iditr and rpm orshii av eerrption raone b mill is the tumble md expense of culleclion ihiou the countn ia rery zrenl 1 d s mtss s shadj dougla aie woik industr ousu la the x 3 it present mi d woith of a sh ire of the public palioift iiclu ej in 1 lave tite del mare m a s c n cill nt jii le wiles us tint mi dlilassi tile bet 0u11g mm peiker aluuval op mil william jahl we hue li e 1 in nt wt tor a 1 11 j titnu ctj olll tuttlll i laiy tile 7vli 1 chai ceil honds all mi lei retir 11 iml inn ijj sl tin in ucces tjirrfts bill hills l1ll we have sent a lai number eifbils i subscribers and hope thin wi 1 ri mtt lo u- at the earliest possible m incut ns oui sub acnptions are our onlj dtnimlence out canvassing messrs i d sliadit ii t douglass bothof this office will iisit many of the towos and cities in western and lnsttrn canada imineihatelj for the purpose of pro voting the icterest and prospetts of lias pa- per and th ciu of hiiininity generally mr shadd will act is canvasser c while mr douglass who lias just returned from a tour in the western states where he has ipeken with great aectptaiiee wtl lectuie extensively as well as c iniass ind we know vatrshxclonly boldareyouiiuien and are uvtauuiutlkvikac iiummmliivj dr order butacjujl far i lie pread of intelligence among canadi- ctlond m n of ndnich and w in isor lne bicn holding inilimtnn neelir tiid we latch m infinned that a pro niii i n t 1 llin mr iltnki 1 iml i is hiinds li is been un it t j tt npi iiiiiljr ineelin 1 r and lo c ill up m col urince to rcsin 1 ins couittinplil it i- foitltmine c is ansofc ortil 11 1 si iuhl be f oiitd iipii lv nil right iniiiti intn i n oiler his j so been is ule t furnish r s dud 1 ij 11 1 t 1 t r m 1 tr niedej lor the indian 111 11 in 1 lilies thus in ik u pack hoiis il tol itl men to cum in the ltis i lie council a ptrty uh t j j 1 t fr m tin pitition of f ur 1 1111 nj fouls- e i i 1 nt ht iikev t lu 1 fir tne lower j hiuc 111111 i lie coi red in in uh 1 wrote 1ie indsair rtsolu loin 1111j idnss w nil i he as hurj to h d ns 1 rieule 111 i liij s uk lie do s not txst we dire to mj h ihtie 1 e 1ie d icumc its not 11 1 c 11 t te111 1 11 11 meeting the as iritions of the o i 1 las bhdine sh un m a s e soon lifter foil orlock iesteni after noon ihe ailmmistritor of ihc oitrn ntnt sir il 1 un l ic iriued at tin qui ills hail iroin kiu on hoard t lie steamer lnuff iii roisu iimlian uillii mil scleral oinpames of lie militii loethei o ii e b slowo a aon of rut b echur siowe a member r tn mnn ulasain dirlmoulh iollegewas ed 111 the connect cut mer on tillirnoon riv h nbneogocinehito t stebs klllkd bit th iwwana s loui july 7 th st j of the- iad uatant publisliea a b by u fr t lin if and 500 teamsters under command sumner were attacked by a larebodr chejennes and arapaboe indians westol port kearey all ware report is conhnned by a trader arm fiom paeihc tly iowa and also by einiraol irani from salt lake a nkoroappointid toofici m conbin bacrktary or stitb to fruenit bokd on the- 9th diiy jjiiwj857 n commisaiunijis iio wh issued by governor bashford n nolan a peno 1 of nut biown nnd m gro extraction wh h ia resided llns city m my jeara as barber ice ilo 11 kut per anl leaderof a cotillion lie also m canted thetcapiului hint it 10 phuouv two varieties of don in encr il use nnd circulation loi the the commission is issued with nil propti fnnniiiis and uie boml by law is syncd b win h ulmaiij w 11 ii j mis as b mdsinm with a diueliinent of polict und r hi m iiiandofmr slurwoml werem allemleuie to receue his dxrelleiiiyr the crew and f uf bl oflctrs of tin aihme were dessed in aiery tu le bond and on it we hud and s lo like unifonu as so n a idorsentit in lxullmcy landed from the boat the ihuappou urn salwas salute of nineteen jott voul madid piins boomed fourth a welcome the ihuvient 1 orps piesinted irms the ban i siimkup tod sale the queen and ssii willi in i 0 1 t 3 p 0 ii i e ii c z lolcgicui struitthditlputa i jum lb o7 j m b c irt 1y v or fnful at 1 in ell of ilie pliiilelphia i tin lie ami5aveiy societt held on the senled a le y so lit r i ke uppeirance i lib instn nijiiou of lacretn mill ten i i irs a ere voted to the provincial vrtt pa 1 c hindi the sociely dt siring ihat in paici be suit to the a of ice in ibis oir llierc was n ucli 1 1ercst in i sympitln her majlhs accoims do and ladvlli erode oil 11 a earnic and j i tsid mr uc iv u p at akef louidreettolhe oieiniiiiit house at l i her ljeti 1 a xi us in it hr tended bv the ork t vliv wlurh acted u j pr lunl win n as 1 iur1 ol honor 1 1 e 1 1 couip inns i v b e an md police thin whei led oil lo h ir respee- k l s k if ll hir livi onirics but ihcar illin pitdel byu ls htr bills as re ir as aur man thru liasd initihed llirouli iiril of lliel lnal l- u ju iiureblie piincpl slreels ol ihe til 1 lie li at i 1 i even hi tide he nrrlem winchwas vyoi pritouji of r irs il te- ts ma order it cieiln a nl tnki 11 e elinnee f bting t pa md the set- in r su jecls as olh r cases mi cxi elli in cxiuiple which wisii ihty mid loll w we invent ws ironr ilonlurm lo the ult ihe aullionties h iv chine 1 name of the town of pctrto cballo to ol toitz in onlet ilcil it inivnt h the heal ouj lcp ok mr a r j to cawlo b i lokmca tlnlllkl ucdon vld v unl v vlall 10bntld- olomal ha been ml ie i wulelheco rilluaiion jui r unulr n b ij tsiim oll or oolite i ioiluasalie h vi 7 tieloile wis sill in the hand of ltj lleosltuckcoinmilues oui cili lis awai vni vvotlm ollic rt ise have betn out to wtlcome his i iccl 11 fhcie were f iv piisent among them we obstijed mavor llulclnsoii and iwo mem hers ol the c abmet i ion col tach and iloa p vaiiaouhnet i he dricrent r 1- untetr corps as well as the icguiais pie in retugeesv we hope the libertyloving people of these prormces and the states will give them aid in their- worktit a s c ixvitaiioxs io spluv iii reliliou lo hie olijicl ol mr at expresses anl tnvis to inculcate i v m uu i toitiijiiakl our icadeis should know til l xe- hamulim while a few disaffected individuils among our coorcd brethren in one 01 two little counly towns self styled the colored people of cannda are fret mg and fuming tins masonic celebiatioos 1st of august anniversaries c we can onlv j mpathysing with distress nt home and pay for iheshre in chuns and tods bless nig upon the poor the ililtigh pains are being settled by earnest mm mdustrv keeps up a musical buzzing throu the country and in town the woikin bees arc we are sorry hut our pitun ary cir c*mstinces an4 the manv cmbarussincii under which we labor at tuts tune in our what colored men are doivg etorts in connection with the cmist iauanvdv ilbors of t d s an m v s cnr to sustnn a pop r anion our exiled ftloivcountrmen in fai aji has prev ented us from comlung with ihe ri ineious mvitctions we have received fro n various sections of the west to adji ess the people the sure cnoojjn people are r o 1 r soci in bu ay ai woik honestly trying to support themselves by day labor trades turning dope that the friends 111 richmond amherst a penny in trade or farrain our far- j 1 burg chicago alton niles fairfield and mera are planting clcmng tending crop wilmngton may have a very plcasanl time and be succesful in the xanous dtuioi strations they propose to make the color i ed citizens ol wisconsin celebnte pie emancipation of the slaves in tne west 1 in ics on the 4th august nnd our si nice- prepirmg to store away men nd women 1ac blen securej for tle occasion are gardeodj and planting who never h dreimed of the necessity before nil seem j mr- ha v wood dav fjrmery keeper of tue i mly intent npcn kraping out the u w p provincial house has lilted up a neit sa come intrusions of two formidable enemies a loon for the sale of ice cream and fane h cold winter anj superannuated begg irs cakes mr day is alnady known to i j last winter we were blest with revi- furnish the best cream and more cake for tals among blick and while which ready cash i bin any of the purveors in lis are good enongh in their plice but very hni give him a cal little if any thing else will n j abalcm nl of 1 i armstrong next door to the corner intolerance ignorance meiidicincv men 1 1 of king illiam sis keeps on hind a large suppl of cvv and second hand cloth ing of every description jir a lmstiad a long experience 111 the business and the necessity ol an enterptis of the soitm j chilham is apparent julgiog fiom lusripid other literary ifforta to nltornale with the sales aliea1 bei a other winter meetings and ihercb impiocl ir j0 cnn pa c fir with rhnrcol liglu the head and hmrt as well as the heel of c an make colors ine anj beathe the commun ma s c thin jou can willi iv rds rive a f nnt nea miss elizabettl rgrllntilld dtnce and ini effects of pen r the black svvw davis pi 11 killtr it rtputilion is ol ri iiowii its introduction is re xrtsel 11 i 1 ciuse p irs ie i by tint lnnil pniituuly in the lud penile nl 1 int it f our 1 eauets stuuiu biu t t w t til 1 wuli the ediloi hit t e piiueiple 0 1 the avowed 1 relic li iau lutan organ 01 i elfhelpfullness is the on i true ground i d ojieial and iiivanab y gives rrirlndi tcrbiiild a truo and to mincnt vvtretl ei ill conectiou ol otlun latements- hinc er vvorii the iopiol and itlance j or i ri j oiiinal one ol its own the 11 iiikinil i cuaiien of quebec h is the follon- 1 t n xln es ion 111 a few it siys of xonrs iruly siuii pugii we beg to tender to the lilies of the above n lined soeiet thraigli miss pugh ourgnleful nikiowiedg n niof this 0 erous token of lb 11 nmoinbrincu of the in iman nnd their npprrciali n if our humble et a t lus rnftuim ministeiail icrsi m ut millers ilr mcdonald s visit 1 he i pper jamul 1 p ipers announce thi depaitureol attorney teueral ucuo loi lnland 1 hev a the do aol kiio the object of his voyage and lurmsii d itasons 111 ire or less prubtbe to 011r part were ill a position lo ami un l lvl veiy eeiuiniy ol not 1 emjlteiv d that the objlcl ol llie altomejf ticutial invn 1 is to obtain 1 lie nssisiauce 61 ihe mother country lor the opening ol an 111 er 0 il jrnuay be ween taualu and llailix and mn dotglv8s lecturfe on sundnj i that he will meet at joudon depuiation jfternoon lust a mr douglass not pied- 1 seul for ihesiinc puipose by nova bcolia nick one of ihe edit irs of the ironncial wineb has lakeutlie mill t ve 111 this 31 heme x 1 ncrnan canada west made an anil sla- ueleaiceui readeis t make their own very speech 111 the baptist church of this eoinineiituiy a lellei r 11 j b 11 fiom i lace mr d appeirsto beau edu nied liahlax ol llie ii gliesl authority insluini- ii n and a tine speaker with ihe ixeeplion shed us u h llns news which is tniili incd an i it was reginled as veiy probable both the propo itinns would be accepted that be iv in style too sentimental andiluiiin tiitoiy bein a hriusb subject we tluiulil his remarks n iltle too harsh lo be in good tasle mus n vuti slavery mm suppress the t ut 1 bernu- he h ippens to b a li itlsh sibj cl v tin k irienl augei 111 his coiitnntious mjmciits will in it at the ihou 111 cilynor any other of tliu nun ill it should woula and will flee when the right spirit is abroad taking- mora forethought al ready two new singing schools arc t pen un der messrs johnson and diy nnd we ma s predict somo stirring lectuies xit dan iir tho ncenl nols 1 new yik john mvirs rccciteil n sri bullet 111 darkiedosi in canada in a litter his bide as he was passing m the loca ny ol written from dlroitappn ally in a lid ll c h and reinainid 1 1 utur i 1111 tothe boston st day eotuiaj giztle uf hi wounlc i condition fir mini tlnee by ivlui iceiies us i om the ac it oldo eruinent e hivereison to beheie but tbisisoiilya pieudeto lb confeileialioii ol hi lintisb aiiitrcn tolonics and that ihetovciuoi teueral lo liigl 1 id ins o 11c tiling to do with tin qnisiion cuming tunl cisl tuir sinlous btfurr s3t an inv etgatmn of facts in phys ology has nubmllted that iheute i obaccu la the ciuae of early deaths to extern almost incredible yet nltirming amongst the aocn ly of or qu ikers who do not use th weed those lb it are born onehalf live to the of fort sevm wiiih those bom in the ril populaiim of l ndon onlv live aa and thr e iiariera among q 1 ik r one 1 1 ineainveal eighty ol ag f hie gi u ril p pul linn of lorn o i one in foriy if tins olll rence is ri nil of the use of ivniccj the list ii prohibited bv statu the hltrr jr all 1 veins wih the suppression of the qu r ira e nhnuld take placr the upi ras ut the uiv of tobacco the m uitri at gnzfltea piper v rj well mf irini d upon such matters rob riles the stalunenl and we have rnson i b lire that jy canadian 5 the cor eet one ot world wide cm id uilli ie it f nor in forn n lands this justly celebrated lady will give a concert in this uwn on wednesday ninny rnrn jj t line heard next the 20th inauint miss greenfield is 1 much siitl ol ihc noilderful curatne povvu not excelled by any ore of her profession of dr il 11 balsirn 111 all stiges of di in america aud in compass of voice is v ist- cased lun th t we feel perlect bit 11 ly upenor to ihe world renowned m id imi rccoinintuilin it foi 0 i use lor cou lenny lmd joldsmilli or nny other in coljs bronchitis ise neiro freedom inever desne to see anntli r lie no ireed i took a little vunch ol 111 tin mjselfrom theit ome six months ago as nunery maid hir moiher had th luipinl ilince to represent herself to me as the the vernable lliza harris of uncle pom c ie brily 1 he gun of irrepressible ilihght with which she consigntd her child lo u entire strangers and beheld the tram start which was to put some hundred miles between th in sumed to me a gentle libil on those inrtous pirlings in uncli tom over which have bien rained such copious showers of tnli mini ihe girl was given iwiy thesamr autlioi ty to be exercised over her ns though ijuarleis if in hunr lie ciussed liiv in slrcilto ctntle wilkij il nil i el btricl to west liiialvi 1 anj the toik one of the li bill avinue ears lie ilun 1 il we find ihelollowing windsor whiih is directly opposite fiom detroit joins baiidwicli it is the enm- imncemciit of the great wislern rulroad imdheretdiz-vlatrordatnedom- tlajpiart upnttir nmitienth street- i tttj s edoleit with their miser iher unbliicfr nui u l c r stopped nnd be attmp ltd p t i 1 fe sillnliartmsttlvaift flint hi rim lo take care of themselves if the hunilreds lonregited tin re ind it thitlnm inal ahnminnt n of en ilizalion are the result of to rise and lake ills dep inure that he is covered lhat bo was allot ie wnsnsslslcd to his home and the 1 nil endid by a ph si- cian and subs qui inly dlcetroill heuioi- rhagc jiroductd by the wjunl xv ihe coronas jury on the lute st innboit nctidcnl nt montieil rclurnid a verdict of mnnslaiightir against join 1 son ir ovvntr of tho unforlunati stenrmr jjhn charles rudolph the captain j an biptiste daval the pilot and louis ro dirgi the male of tho vessel r thccayuga sadinrl hs ill it tho crops 111 lhat neighbourhood ncv r locked fit i he free btaes are gn irthnn an esc 11 1 il supports of slavi ry jailors anil constables ol the institution hi ie is sonic excufc lor coniiniiiiilii when under gimrus impnse the pouse the cause ol the oppresad 10 sluie and by force 1 store their rights in i ihiyaiemlhout excuse m aiding slain 111 binding on men an ijik un ihu oubjtot our lathers in fm nung ll e constitution swerved from njil we ihur childrtn at the end hnf a renturj sec the path of duty ehaiy tlunlhey nd must tralk mil this pnint the pub 0 mmd has long leiitling and the i no has been for il it liillvdispasf nulelv and with m md tlinsliiii il 1 ution wo ssing ol lln uni in can be a loi liking pun in the tnshivmg ofour fel low cjeituies nor ought tins bolld pttuitid if expinnce shall that it can only continue through cur 1 j 1 titn in w rong doing to thii pontic in lie im btatisnnlinding lue iy chanmng si range slave develop ments the st iouis jlwof thursrlt eont ins the following singular hate of h el among its local terns the prpcess o tr bsrsv



Provincial Freeman (Toronto and Chatham, ON: Mary Ann Shadd Cary (October 9, 1823 – June 5, 1893)), July 25, 1857, p. 2 (2024)
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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.