5Eos SngetclDaity aime. JUNE 17, 1927.PART.I1. FRIDAY MOKNING. 8Je 11TORTGAGES LOAN iJJO LOAN' TJEAL FINANCIAL PEAIi ESTATE Fey Ksrfcenge AfONET WANTID JJ Fal a AMFRICAf VOnTOAGt. COMPANY "Loa Angeles' Most Successful M.itlgage C'uinpany'1 1011 Louth Hill it.
Estimate 1111. A VARTMENT ITOrSES Far Sale. Kirhen Fte. Wanted 41-VT WANT to leaaa about 40-room unfurn. ant.
house or hmel on East aide, WANT house $50,000 or leas, pay $10,000 cash, piefer Temple ar 1 at, car. wnerannyp K. 4 208. XI'T. or rm.
i'adiliai tour, ear. lat pay int. BaL mo. AT. 09 MONET WANTED Real Falale, Collateral! 74 es-evn -S- Mtg.
Biiyers Take Notice We have-lb fnllowlnt 1st mtgss. to sell A a allow II disc, fur quick action. .4 $6000, 4, til Beverly al-e 17600. Beverly res raise $16,600, $10,000, en Hollywood res. alue $1,000, j', on cor, value tli.ooo.
OX. 1148. Mr. Wolpe. John A.
Vaughan Corp. 1301 Wllahlre Beverly Hills. 4WL 8 INTEREST 1ST MORTGAGE Wa have eeveral llt edge 4 first mortgagee In the Wllahlre district, secured by sew and modern homes. IIOBT. A.
KLFItf INC. OWNERS. WIISHIRK BLVD. AT HWEETZEIl AVE. I blocks weat of Fairfax, phone ORegnn 1241.
T'tilTV a i he I.iri m'riTA(Tir. WHAT HAVB I'HONB FItl-roy 3713, FOR 8AI 41300 D. dua 14 41 tr.t. im -i t. ror jitou- 4 $500 T.D.'s $400 each.
Raid. 116 W. Jeffeeaon. lit'. 4T2I" MJ $7600.
1ST nitg. Int. $3600 lat 41 Int. Reed Ut. Co, 111 W.
6TH. MI8543. $3600, 12, new 4-roonTTiome, oc'up by owner. Val. $18,100.
OR. 1701. BLVp, $2600" 1st $-rm. atuc- eo. 61 bnnua DP! Il27rt $31 mnrrrmTalJTTTs Ids.
371. TH. 2743. Ev. YO, $448 $1100 1st pays 1(6 mo.
and" Int. 71; dl.e, mlf rm. 920, 316 VV. JM, I. 1ST NEW VVlf.sTlLT BRKRS.
KM. 9278 i5ash paid promptly for pufT STAXTIALTR. DEEDS. TR12M Al trust deid. $6670." ilia- eount.WA.
7768: 6147. I TRUST deedTor "sale at bli 'cnTicoildl 2824 Whlttler BlvdjAN. 8024. $6600 $100 4V. All dua yrs.
dlselllJv'o brokers. TH. 4404 $1800 t.D.. discount. $3800, EXCHANGE meat market, val.
$2600 1114 W. 107th st. T. $U00. New 8-rm.
stucco, 4t. 101 lseDEI 7 2 8 WANT TRUST DEEDS A. STEWART. TH. 4404.
1ST T.D.'e on fine bus. prop. $500 to $10,000. liberal disc. 696494.
$2360 trust deed for sale at S05t-7lls. count. 4644 Glassell ave.AL. 1614. $2100 tTB.
$40 mo. '4 disc 201 4108 S.Vermont. TH. 7036. 1400 T.D..
dTs. 301. 10475 8. Fig. YO.
2711. 1ST Da bought an3 sold. $16 WESTERN AVE. Rm. 6 WA.
4317. 1ST T.D.. bal. $4623. 2 houses, 1S1 dls.
FA. I972, S' TOCKS AND BONDS Mlseellaneoiig 74 IF you bought Julian stock In 1927. write, glvln amount A data. Imoor. tant.
Addresa E. box til. Times Branch. TiflNES AND MININCS YOUR chance buv milling equlot. chn.
mill A feeder, concent, tables. Al cond. Ph. ME. 0296.
Add F. A V. 621 Par. Mil ual Bldg A 40 SHARES John C. Feys and Associates, half price.
Addreaa K. box 159. Times Oifi.ce. BUSINESSES TTOTELS. ROOM'G HOUSES JLX For Sale.
Exchange. Etc. For Hale HAVE exceptional money-makinr op. portunity with good future for man or woman, for interest In new hotel with or without services. $10,000 required, fully secured.
Either salary, share of profits or straight Investment. Address E. box 309. Times Branch. OWNER WILL LEASE DOWNTOWN HOTEL, 46 ROOMS 341 S.
DOM IN ft INC. 511 Sun 6th at Olive. ONE of the finest of new Westiake hotels, rent direct from owner at about $13 per room. Total price for 108 rooms $25,000. with $15,000 cash.
The best buv in Los Angeles. Call TRinlty 2501. LEASE A furn. 40-rm. hotel in San Diego, best loo Priced to sell.
Will trade. Owner In L.A. Address box 71. Times Ofllce. 12 bath.
hd. floors, dhl. beautiful liKatlon, car ft green bua blk. 120 S. LAFAYETTE PK.
D. WALKER ft Brokers. 606 Metropolitan Theater. Bldg. TU.
2460. 12-RM. boarding home, fully equipped furn. A lease. Wond.
i opportunity Wllsh. dist. Best rerma. AT. 44f3.
15 ROOMS, clearing $175 monthly: price $700: only $350 down: cheap rent. Call 208 Delta 426 Spring 65-RM. dn. town apt. house, elevator, lobby, making big money.
$4500 price. Easy terms. Clinton. DR.0175 20 RMS. SACRIFICE $656" Including month's rent.
Furn. except 1 opt. Always full, good lse. 311 Loma Dr. 20 gd.
good furn. Don't overlook this. Rt. only $5 a rm. $500 hdls Bal.
EZ. 801 Venice Bl. A REAL buy. i8-room transient hotel, long lease, rent $50. Full price $1250 404 San FernanrTo Bid.
26-ROOM hotel, well neat and clean. Inquire 708 N. Alameda. Wanted 81-W FOR QUICK SALE OR EXCHANGE list your hotel, apartment-houses or leases with REPUBLIC REALTY CO. 724Roopeyelt.Bldg.
TR. 8116. IF you really want to sell and your price Is right, call MEtropolitan 1305 and we will sell it. 6th -St. Realty.
124 VV. 4th St. WANT Beverly or Hollywood. 40 or 60-rm. lst-claaa hotel.
Must be snap. Address J. box 106. Times Office. UNGALOW COURTS For Sale.
Exchange. Etc. 8-l'NIT ct. nicely furnished, to be sold this week for $1260 cash. Good income.
Close in. on car line. Phone AT. 6341. A PARTMENT HOUSES For Sale 82 For Sale or Exchange 59-room apartment, located at 1343 Wright street.
7-year lease. Rent $7.60 per room. Price is a gift to anyone. Take equity in a bun galow. We have to pay manager to run the house.
Biggest bargain in the city. Phone ME. 1464. See M. M.
TEATER. 358 Metropolitan Theater Building. FINELY FURNISHED Furn. cost $21,000. less than 1 yr.
old. If you have cash and some good trade, we can deliver for $15,003 FULL PRICE. See Hr.i FitJipatrlck. 642 Pacific Mutual Bldg. TR.
2911. APAR'i MEN house, 20 alngl-ie. overstuffed furniture all filled, li poma rets $350 mo. cost $22,000 Must aao. at once.
hdls. Bat to suit buyer. 801 VENICE PHONE" your want-ads to The Timea. No credit arrangement necessary. Courteous experienced ad-takers, day and night, will heln vou with vnur cop yJ desired.
Etropolltan 0700. 66 ROOM al! modern, cloae in. reasonable rent, good lease. Owner forced to sell at your price. For details call MU.
4235. PERCENTAGE LEASE 47 best now operating. Buy fur. ft pay 601 net Inc. as rent I IT 591 TV VA LOAN Manry Krai r.alala -aravfmenl 15 at A KB LOANS I'P TO SIXTY PER CENT Appraised ealua on Improved real dennal and Incoina ptoiierty In l.oa Angel, a and aurroundlnc No building loans, no loans over 126.000.
A picture should accompany each application. Plan I years straight with Interest at IS. rian 53 yea is straight wllh S. of principal psyahl at end of 1r-1 year, 10'. at end of 4th tar.
Ral- anc and or 6th ar. intar. i Man I 1 yeara straight, then 140 per thousand e'h iiuarler. Uuartei lv payment Includes principal ev! interest at I. All dua Sept.
I 131. Plan 4 118 per thouasnd mntitr. ly until Sapt. 1. 1336 Interest per annum computed inonlhly.
No appraisal fees or ex pens leas loan la actually made. till ECGKNE JK HEW. ESTATE LOANS 1141 PACIFIC Ml'TLAL BLDO MU. 3221. 5J and 6 Money TO LOAN On dealrnble residence and IHMlnetil ptopertles In Los Angeles.
I'aaadena. Glendale, llolltwooil. Heverly Hills Santa Monica and Unl Beach. Quick action. No appraisal fee.
IMJUIItlES INVITED Winter Investment Co. 1109-10 Van Nuva Bldg TR. 1071 7TI1 SPRING STS. Correspondents New York Life Insurance Co. LOT OWNERS We Make BUILDING LOANS I'P TO FI'LL COST OK IMPROVEMENTS BRING IN VOI PLANS (We.
refinance) Torrance Finance Co. Room 1003. 44S S. Hill St. ML'tual 1271.
5J 6 Life Insurance Funds To loan on Improved dwelling, l.at and apartment prop-allies. In selected districts. No delay HAVELOCK C. BOYLE Pn.omo-8. W.
Campbell Schmidt MORTGAGE CO. 607 Edwards VVildey Bldg. 6th and Grand. TR. l35.
5l 6 INSURANCE FI7NDS AVAILABLE 7 Building Money Refinanced Into a low rate loan. THOMAS MORTGAGE CO. Financial Correspondent Prudential Insurance National City Bldg. TR. 3946.
RthjSprlng KKK l'8 FOR REAL ESTATE 1AIANH before borrowing elsewhere. Itepain J10 per thousand per month, including Interest. Can combine mortgage and trust deed. ro appraisal lee. Open Saturday afternoon.
THE WM. H. HAH WOOD CO, TR. 2664. 409-10-11 Sun Finance Bg.
U-U-I-C-S A-C-T-I-O-N Free Aooralaal Private money for mortgagee and trust deeds, any amount. New drat and second loans made. Try us first or last." WOLPERT MTG. TR. J16.
S0 N. Western VA. 7631 or HE. 1568 66 LOANS $1000 4 up for bldg. ft refinancing of flata ft homes In L.
A. ft surrounding territory. Ph. for our representative. Belvedere Mtg.
Co, AN. 1705. Money to Jxan QUICK SERVICE La Bonte Ransom 132 N. LAROHMONT. 012161 LARGE STRAIGHT OR Amortized loans, money can be used for refinance or Can handle 2nd loans or trust deeds.
Throop. Suite 300. 810 S. Spring. vNY amount $6000 to million on Iniu properties and for bldg.
purposes. W. W. MINES CO. A.
F. REAL. Mgr. Loan Dept J001 Stock Exeh.Bldg. TR 6834 60 BLDG.
60'j FLAT "LOANS 70C PAY-OFF LOANS 1007. BI'lLDING LOANS For preliminary appraisal see 416 Story Bldg. 3' A. 16J7 PRIVATE MONEY BUILDING LOANS to 100 construction cost. COMPLETED LOANS lo 70T.
of value. SPECIAL FUND FOR EC( IN 1 A. 45(13. WILL niake falr)yheavy Drat murt-gaga loans on income or vacant business city property. Quick action.
Amts. up to $50,000. Kaas ft Ruben, 608 Hank of Italy Bldg. VA. 1822.
INSURANCE ft PRIVATE MONEY For 1st 2nd T.D. a and building loans. No delays. The Mortgage Exchange, 327 lna. Exch.
Bldg. TRInlty 2835. 60 OF VALUE Loans to $25,000. -Quick service. MONARCH MTG.
602 Ilellman Hank Bldg. TU. 1045. .56 Money to loan on duplex ft res. Carlisle ft 'nrdnor.
03U0 wiishire, $1000 CASH Deposit on Trust Deeds or Mtgs. Fajvaluc. FAREY. 345 S. SPOT CASH Immediate action on T.D.'s.
legal rales. .107 Guaranty Bldg. HE. 04 66 MONEY for uliuing or refinancing Come In and f-lk it over L. HOLLAND.
400 Lne Mtge Bids W. 8th st. i'R. 8601 CHEAP MONEY. ANY AMOUNT For bldg.
or Impr. prop, loans PW 210 W. 7. TR. 1 6 34.
MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED Real Estate. $2000 up. No delay ROBERT MARSH ft INC 200 Nlareh Slrong Bldg.Loan pep PLKNTY 'of "money" for city" of co" Current rates, prompt appraisal. Sptnks, 806 Persh. Bg.
ME.0870 PRIVATE money $2000 up Quick action. MR. HOWARD with P. LEV 325 W. 8th st.
Suite 306. TR.6303 $5000. WANT 1st mtu. on owner home. Prefer northwest, 7377 Beverly Blvd.
OR. S703. PR IV. money, try or bldg. 73lfW.
6 A 7, on city, loans. Lockhart A Sen. Hollman Bldg. VA. 681.
2308. I MAKE 2nd loans to 76 of" cost of property without payments. 12" Int. OR. 6704.
Eve. GR. 6657. MONEY FOR TRUST DEEDS Alau make A. vacant loana.
Jos.Cohn.325 W. Ith. TRp606 4 YrC loans improved or for building FARNSWORTH BROS 11? TIJ('r. 1 i BUILDING loans, refinancing, ouick money for disc. a A mtgs.
A. PdwJT HAVE CASH WILL PAY FACE value of first mortgage and truat deeds. See Strn-r. 3 4J So. Jl tlljs.
Private monev. 7i. Imo side oron rtv xio ooo TK, Mia. 34009 T(i" $6000 Vrivate monev at 71 on gomj cilv. $250 TO $7500.
PRIVATE. Chrls- tlan. 4808 S. Western. E- s- i-KIV monev Also bldg.
loans. Mrtev3jl HolKd Blvll. OR.041 PLENTY of "money, quick action. See MR. PAVLOVSKI.
foA.jSUran.l 6 Money Real Eslale Impraremrnts IS Especially Desirable For Home Owners Ten-year amortisation loans an Improved prop-riles with prepayment option. "Any amount at any lima without notice or bonus' and with full rebate of Inleraat on principal repaid. Half-yearly peymenle cover principal and Interest and extinguish lha debt at the end of the in year period. A aafe and sane plan which eliminates renewal expenses and worrlea and provides a isa and practical plan for the eventual payment of the debt. 1m coat.
No appraisem*nt or escrow 1 fees. I nllmlteil funds. l-ans mane In approved clilea and lowna In Hoiithern California. Amortization Mortgage Co. 223 Pacific Southwest Building Pasadena, Calif.
12 SECOND TRUST DEED LOANS will be made by us through Standard Mortgage Corporation Payable In 31 monthly Installments, 1st ft 2nd loans not to exceed 66 2 of our spprslaement. SYNDICATE COMPANY Stelnhsuer. Vice-President. It Title Insurance Bldg. ME.
00? 1 MONEY 7 On nmiwrty of Ft-ti(ria Ht, Can loan on Ithr vttf'iint or Itiiprnvtarl at rur r-nt rut. Altwi 12 nronc IdHim. Krr ami fulr appriiia- CHELEW HOIT Wllahlre at Harvard. trtexcl 4281. Mteiel 424.
Money! Money! Money! In any amounts, al-alrht or monthly payments, to suit th prop, erty. 601 on completed loaiiS 100 on building loans. Quick action. Best rerulfs. Sunland Mortgage Co.
701 S. Hill 8t. Til. C46I. buildingtoans $2500 to $50,000 Our own funds at current rate.
No amortisation. Immediate action. Also loans oo completed property. ASSOCIATED MORTGAGE CO. OF LOS ANGELES 412-612 Bank of Italy Bldf.
IIEmpatead 4141, $350,000 have this amount tn loan on business property, residences, flats. In amounts to suit. Siraight 3 to 5 years. 6 to 7'S. Also liulldlng loans.
An Interview will secure your loan. HERBERT M. ORR MEt. 4710. 623 Story Bldg.
Money to Loan 7 OUR OWN AND PRIVATE FUNDS city or improved ranches. PROMPT REPORT, no auoraisal fee S. R. EARNEST ft Established 1907. Hugh K.
Wnlker. Jr. S. R. Earnest 319 Detwtler Bldg.
TR. 9075. REFINANCE 7 $450,000 to loan on desirable retl-clentlal or business property. 3 years. 7 7.
Interest, 2CV commission. LITTLE. NAFTZOER ft SMITH 412 Sun Finance Bldg. TRInlty 6704. Loans to Build Homes and to remove encumbrances.
Repay monthly. Low less Interest. STATE MUTUAL BUILDING ft LOAN 123 N. Spring St, L. A.
6 Money 7 We specialize In building, refinanc ing and mortgage loans. Quick ac tion. Unlimited funds. WE BUY GOOD TRITST DEEDS Phillips Hambaugh 714 S. Hill St.
Suite 210. TR. 0505. COLLATERAL LOANS MORTGAGES ft TRUST DEEDS We also buy paper for cash un der our special "No Discount Loss" plan. Investigate thla plan.
FLATS In sums of $2500 and up. BUILDING LOANS CONSOLIDATED MORTGAGE CO. 608 Washington Bldg. ME.835 MONEY IN 24 HRS. $100 ft up.
on R.E. ft equities In vac. lots, no escrow, bring your papers, 306 Ferguson Bid. 3rd ft Hill St. Immediate Appraisals Unlimited funds, pnyt.
or str. loans AMORTIZATION LOAN CO. Room 917. 810 S. Spring.
291W. PICO, EM. 0676. ACTION MORTGAGES TRUST DEEDS McBurney Holdrege tlS Pershing So. Bldg.
BUILDING LOANS AND REFINANCING EASTERN FINANCE CORP. 7 1 3 Kil wa rdfWildey Bldg. 4495 Unlimited 7 Money 2 veare straight, prompt service. INDEMNITY MTG. INS.
CO. 322 Union Oil Bid. Tit, 678L Bring In Your Plans Securo loans Immediately. Commence bldg. at once.
No delay. KITTS. 1 120 Story Bldg. MONEY IN 1 DAY $50 TO $500. if, TR.
AND UP. On real estate or vacant lot euuliy. Bring papers today. 345 S. HILL, PRIVATE MONEY Have $50,000 for first mtgs.
Wll' divide. Mrs. Broughall, DU. 4397. th'iVee" year" mortgage l75ans No red tape, reasonable rates.
PREMIER MTGE. ft 4 53S.SPnnfMU241 WE' make and buy first mtgs. ft T. Da. Get our figures before closing.
WESTERN AVE. REALTY CO SJ 68 W. "tt hs DU; 441 CASH for 1st T.D. loans, building loans and refinancing. Bring title reitillcate.
CHANDLER. 429 Central Bldg. SHORT ft long-term loans at on Imnroved nronertv ft bldg. opere tions. MORTGAGE GUARANTEE 626 Spring St.
"6e MONEY REFINANCING AND BUILDING M2tS.YOUNO Tll7 .4.. $2000 $26,000 for city Imp. Money for seconds, buy T.Ds. VA. 4269 F.
H. EVART8.606VimNuys "Private" Money lst-2nds HE. 3420. I BUY GOOD SECONDS Loan on firsts. W.
3. RANKIN. EM441 REAL estate contracts, mortgages ft trust deeds Btircna sea. i nv Sup. Finance.
JlldK. T.U,61 1 PLENTY 71 money on city improved. TRUST DEEDS purchased. R. W.
Klneey, 810 8. Spring at. A. 0463. 1ST OR 2ND WEST SIDE.
No ap praisal fees. Call HE. 3304. Won. Wilson.
6206 Beverly Blvd. loan nil X25.O00 to loan at 7 on good W. Side property. $3500 to 410 000 nans preferred TU. 2022 PRIVATE funds to BUY or MAKE 1st mtgs.
$1000 to $7000. No delays. 606 Detwller Bldg. TR. 7876.
7 MONEY 7 407 8. Western aye. PU. 1000. vVEniake loans on vacant also buy mortgages ft T.D a.
403 LANE MORTGAGE U.PO TC Money to Loan on Homes Immediate service. C.Rantte.4 3. HAVE $-25(10 to loan on residence prop. PUT iiu.i ucros. LOAN .3 71 C.
A. STEWART. TH. 4404. HAVEi $100.
0C private money. Will divide. Serious Healtv Co TR. 4824 till noft 7Xt. vacant A 2nd T.
D. "Jesse' Hall, 1'ersh. B.Y2,1 party' will buy small A-l T.D. Phone sum or eves. OX.
2123 1 ii (ion on $5500 for good loan 414 Central Bids. TU. (-33. lllaeellanewia It I A. Ieilt.
i.1. all. Orana-ea A lem- ntn, fir, Want illy. A l.tMmliv rial. 11.1 nun lat at 7'V for tin.
aao moo Newman. KM 0 1 Haute 7t-A awn Ftrliana-f rotiaae. I il. I rluaa In. eel Mile tilt niiae.
Want hmiae or Income. Will aaaunte. What have von? Iloom 404 Johnai.n lllda. in flo'ia Kl Hi looo home near enlc llmh i. hool.
th. lor 4 or -rni l.in.u in I. A. Will trade even or anie tmnrr. 8157 lil.KM'GK A Venice.
GiNilt i-rii). franie liouae on MUhiaan near thanaA tirove. for Lona Hi.cli, aani value. Ilert IJou J.ak ave. Nl eera mniM.s I tile i.atha.
IH.iioO: nila-. iiii.mi North of Wilahira near Kan- fax. Huliiiiii anythiriK tlear fur euulty. VA. ea MS.
Cl KAU liunii. A "other prop, for in i-onie. owneia only 1 10 ACACIA Altianitoa. ich." clear re" lied latoip for 4-lam. flat or larae ra.
auilul.le for aciioot. KM. 1.. IIMS, 140110 clear. Hoyle Ut.
Take IV. alile ha. lUTCIilMuN. fc.M W. HMH.7Y TU.K MATH I.
A. Illah 'll'l. I'Aclianae llllvfor lot. Thone Gll.illlle 0O. t-M.
hey new" Knitlinh Il w-erly llllla, 3 hatha. Conv. In achoola Kxch. fur Incoina prop. OX.
4i7J Lola 1'. IS LOTS 8. Paeailena. Want 4 Hat Mlt. or vaiant noilhweat A.
Will aeautne. 1'. 1IA1.U 71" H. no i inia 1 1 1 (i 4 VV have clear Iota to em liaiiRe for iluplei or Income. MR.
WRIGHT VV II. Merwln 307 H. W. Ilellman Hhls. THmilv 7411.
WASHINGTON lot bl Irjle for huoaalow. IHit fulute Owner. 41! W. Waahlnirlon at. teahlince lot and a corner hua toi.
Want Income and aaaurne Winrhealer. 1 1 (iroaae Hit. id'ltllANK hualniaa rnr. Idooo. I'art iah or etYh.
ML'. 6Sjl. Lola 77 VM.K or tr ide. 2 fine llollvwonillar Iota. Cone, late i loaerl car aa part payni't on I or tioth.
Oil. 18jj. Itualneea I'roperly 7J-C- VERMONT AVE. BUS. nr.xiao T.orted jual a.
of Waahlnitton lllvd. Conaiuer vacant Income prop, or wood paiwr In exituinKe. Will permli reaponaiMc buyer to finance on T.li haaia. Call EIHJAR P. SI.OAT.
13 l.nn liniont Tilvil. ils I4. TWG-atory hrlck front hMc. Income 1276 nio. Wonderful lot on Manchea- ter ave.
Poon to lat 100 ft. wide. Want vacant eaatern. Imperial Valley or local, ftee property and owner at lkSo Knat Mancheeter or phone KAIir 324. brick hllalneaa hldir.
Hlorea and npta. 0 ft. front. Income about K'lUllV 130. 000.
Trade for lot and cah. AS. HIIORTKI.L., 43i Weat Hlvd. VOrkf.a7. dA'IFH llilxir.O on mafnr truffle hu nefa artery dua for areateat enhancement In city.
Will cunaider clear lot. OL. 6301. VKIiMGNT ave buaineae block, transfer rof. I'r.
J12SH00. Will oonalder exchange. EM. H832. W.
Pico. lorouie Property 72-n FOR exchange, finest apartment house in Olennaie. 3-storv. In anartmenta. 12 singles.
douliles, each as large aa a five-room houae. Frigldalre 'nevervlhlng. Large corner lOOxloO. Completely furnished with 330.000 worth of furniture. Price 1130.000.
Incumbrance one paper. sc Want caah US. (too and trnde J.iO.000. An Hbaoliitoly bona fide deal. Owner.
CHARLES It. GPT1I-107 N. Central Glendale. Glen. 3737.
FOR exchange, stucco double. 4 rma. ea. aide. Mdw.
floors, dlaannearlng lieda. double garage. 3004-6 Del Monte Drive, cor. lieno. Idk.
so. of Sunset, cloae fo Btores. achoola. car line. Value 19(100.
property clear. Will take as Ilrat Payment good lot. city, peach or euhurlmn, or good mortgage and balance beck on mortgage at 7. It. W.
Martin. 0 Van Nuva HldK. TR4679. cl. K.Alt HOTEL PROPERTY EX CHANGE A Hotel business, IBS rooms, lax'atert In Nevada, want lo cal hotel or apt.
for sacrifice, value 3100.000. Will BSnume. MH. EL- MEIt S05 Flower. MK.
8133 MY new Snaniah duufex at 1072 Havworth In Caetnay Center. 16 Ige. rooma 4 hatha, fpper leased at 1110. Only Incumbrance small mtg I can match your trade. OR.
4474 or FL0717. building. 6 mis. each.lrc come I2S0 monthly. Consider T.D, or mortgage aa down payment.
Property clear A priced right EM. 268 1. FOR EXCHANGE 1 or 3 orange groves: wonderful locality, 10 acres each; want L.A. vacant or bungalow. MR.
FRANK. 412 Union League idg. Phone VA. 1760. THIS IS THE ONE APT.
HLOG. Beautifully finished near Western Ave. Melrose. Want lot or bungalow. HOlly.
morn ing. BEAUTIFt'L new Eng. type 12-unlt court. 6 lot 60x20o, inc. about 1576.
Pr. 185.000. mtg. 332.600. Submit clear city or sub.
Edwards. 1S1 W.6th St. WA. 34tiO. HEAl tr4-fnm.
"flat." 3rd Berendc7 subject to a 1st mtg. only. Trade for good lot. Mr. Sale, 21 Pacific Natl.
lik. TU. 6934. 3237. SUBMIT OFFER Pie Zone corner.
2 nnlta, owner, 80HS nillhiirat. lto1lywmKl. f7-2a. hut 4V duplex "on cor? lot. Hollywood.
115.000 eaullv T'Tlce 327.000. Exchange for bungalow oasll. 1 16 a Gordon St. HOl'MS, 4-FAMILY flat, corner lot. exceptional lv good Income, attract, price, or will trade.
Call Mr. Jacobs', OR.7966 or WE. 9131. HAVE INCOME properly in exch. for ranches.
AV, 311 Ulllnhv Bld. TO. S. DOt'BLE BUNG. STCCCO.
1iC. HO WANTED Duplex, exi honre for 8-rm. home. .1 baths. Bev.
Illlle. Mr. Pow ell. HIH Pico. OX.
4017. ill 1'LEX 14 4 baths." "i-4 hlk from bus. Nr. s'-hoolK. Will trade.
Sub. to 1st mtg. for clear. (R 6K03. 6-AOHK citrus, good 6-rm.
houae, gas station on cor. for income, (lata. efc Ph. TH. 6723.
2" HOUSES In Glendale" Want to exchange for leae fur-nilure of apt. bouse. OR. 7730. CLEAR 10-rm.
(lid. bung-'l itv do In. tl2.i0. Lot 50x160. 6 or 6-rm.
bungalow HO. M39 14 sing, ins. 140.000. Splendid trade. Tit.
7323. REACT, stucco. 4-llat. new. 206 N.
Eilireniotit. WA.775S or AT. 6J47. 16 APT. wTll trade 332.000 ef.
for clear grove or city lot. GR 3285. Suburban Property 7S-H 5-ROOM stucco, new, neur Venice. Lot lor e'luity. Owner, llf.
W. 91li. lliuch. Harbor Properly 7'3-J 18 CLEAR LOTS MANHATTAN BEACH Value $12,000 for L. A.
or vicinity. Must be clear. Address H. box 128, Times Ofjice. Country Property 72-K SO-AC.
ranch. 60 A. In alfalfa, rnised 4.0 tons hay last vear. sold on rati, at $20 per ton. Pumping plant concrete pipe line, fair iinnroveiuenls.
Price $26 COO. Eocumlv 10.000. Or chard machinery. included want business, automobiles or what? A. A.
Ahlman. Route 2. Lan caster, al. 7-ROOM English type 2-story modern residence, garage, lacge lot, clear orange trees and shruhliery. floe lo cation.
Exchange for residence Glendale or vicinity. Must be attrac tive. A. H. SMITH, care of Cralg- hill Dike, 16 W.
Citrus ave, Rcdlands. Calif. DEVELOPED 80-ACRE FARM. GEN ERAL crops, grapes, potatoes, al falfa. 6-nn.
large barn. Joins good So. Calif, city. Take $35,000 to $40,000 L. A.
house, flat or other real estate, u. DENNIS CO. 1127 Van Nuys Bldg. VA. 0407.
WILL trade NEW 6-room house San Gabriel Vallev. NEW oera for 300 chickens about 1 to acrea loam soil, several walnut trees, cheao wa ter, for A. Improved. Write fullv. Address OWNER.
G. box 109 Times Vn.ce. 204 ACRES OJAI VALLEY, overlooking golf eouree. 60 acres apricots. Can divide, tor Bale or exchanve Will accept L.A.
or San Diego prop erly trade. Call SMITH. TR. 09x CLEAR acreage, rich level lasd. good water, thriving -ommuni'v.
in trana. Rya. ft P. K. for sot.
cr l.c. tel. 6743 3. WILTON I'L V. 8339 WANT court or income nroie- ertv for crane, giove 4.ALV.IN SMITH.
1093 Worcester. Pssaden LOAN Money Real Estate Improvement 78 FEE C8 FOR irANS 41 to I'i. oui'-k action. Straight bldg. loana.
till a. BDWY. Heal fecial Impreteeaeata IS CHEAPER MONEY 5i2 6 BUILDING LOANS (Our Own Funds) Our SPeelall la fl Building laens. Following with I'i and 4. money.
You need nol iyi more II uit have a good location. Improved property loans 1 to 17 years. I'i, I and Walter C. Ilartman Co. Invealment Hankers 421 Vsn Nu)S Bldg.
TK. 1181. ANT AMOUNT For bldg. er Improved property. SYNDICATB 111 Tills lna.
Bldg. CO. ME. 8024. 100 Buifdlng Loans We give rash on 1st ft 2nd mnrt-gagrs surtlclent to build the bldg.
ft pnv carrying CHKSI.EY FINANCE CORP. 214 llarih Bldg. 3rd ft Western Ar. VVA62II. Pald-UJi Caliltal Itlt 'inO 40 real estate loans.
This organisation loans In lot of value either aa mortgage or building loan. We loan our own money. Appraisals free. PACIFIC PHOPEKTIF 101 Van Nuy Bldg, T' rker lOJJT. RESIDENCE LOANS DESIRED Have private money at 1 and 1.
i. 6. 10 year loan. Immediate action. W.
ROSS CAMPBELL CO. 712-14 H-Sprlngat. TIt. I91t firiLliINi; LOAN I can recurs vou Ihe heaviest Iddg. loan In town: loans from $2000 to pest of references.
FRANCIS P. JONES CO. C''nrnl Ae, HI'. 4517. HAVE $8000 to loan nn high class Improved propenv.
Will divide ami. Mr. lligglns. Tit. 6461.
longtb EXcinroNE L.A- surrounding territory, also will consider legitimate subdivision loans. Mr. Harrison or Mr. Plcsrd 80S Fin, fenter Bldg. VA mJ TU LUa Private money.
Refinancing A eon-atrucllon loana. A. D. WILKINSON 412 Par. Mutual Hide Mn.Jl.
1 I V- F.asv monthly payments on loans In A A vicinity, also I.asuna. Nowport ft Unlboa prafhes. T. M. bTENSGAARD 20 Van Nuys I'HIVATE MONEY TO LOAN.
630 N. CHHSONa'VK. HOI.I.T, WH. 17S. $4000 cut win aivioe (.
o. pi- ferred. Miss N. 4 793. PRIV.
money for trust deeds ft mort gages. TC. aim, or it. an. a 10 LOAN liuoo to ,11000 Money ready.
Phone for appt. GR. 4356. Miscellaneous. Salaries.
QUICK MONEY In small amts. to peo ple steadily empioyeo. no inuoraeie necessary. 403 Haas Be. 7 A Bdwy.
846S. BROADWAY. MONEY TO LOA "ondfa nionas, Jew elry and other valuables. References loading banks ft Jwli-s. Courteous, private, confidential.
Lowest rates. F.stab. 1903. LADIES DEPT. MARKWELL ft CO.
302 CITIZENS' NAT. BK. BLDO. Corner 6tb ft Spring. A LTO LOANS and Financing.
-7VC REFINANCING Delinquent contracts our specialty DIRECT LOANS On auto to own made In 5 mln. $6.50 Per $100 Per Year Plus Insurance covering Joint hazards. Credit allowed for policies In force. INSURANCE AT A NEW CUT RATE. Our patrons are invited to PARK FREE nil day In our big garage while downtown.
Allen Auto Fin. Corp. 825 S. Hope St. VA.
4141. NO LOAN too LARGE or too SM A LIT If drive auto, pay back 1 to 18 no Harrison Finance Co. 2820 8. FIGUEROA. WE.
4164. CALIF AUTO FINANCE CO. MONK: WANTED F.slnte. Collaterals 76 H. Real VVAM'KD, $1100 on furniture valued $6000, repay mommy, win give as bonus baby grand piano or diamond ring, each valued eight hundred.
Address box 160. Times Office. WANTED $6000 from private party on $15,000 new residence. Call TR. 8738.
NEED $2000 2nd cur. rates. W. S. Dble.
Address E. box 341. Times Branch. WANT $3200 at 81 on modern 7-roorn 2-storv, lot 60x120. K.
T. Gnia, Fair Oak 8, Pasadena ELll.ot ,.355.3 WAN ED 1 3 5 00, "3 8 bonus, on1 5-rm. bung, in S.VV. Call YO. "22731 1 58W 64THST; WANT $500 on 160 acrea.
Fresno co Will pay good bonus. Address 621 W.Anahelm Wilmington. Ca! $3400, 61, 3 yr, 1st loan on stores ft apta. Sold for $12,500. Prln.
only. YE, 8782. Eve. TH 4 239. WANT $3400 at 81.
1 bonus, 6-rm. close-in res. Payable $35 mo. 1 ncL hit. LOSEY.
3716 8. Figueroa $2460-13000 ON 9-rm. house. 110x165 lot. 1417 S.
Myrtle. Monrovia. Address E. box 626. Times Branch.
$7500 1ST mtg. 81. Just off Wiishire on Harvard, came as uunua. Write WANT $2500 bldg. loan.
8 ft bonus Extra aoocl WANTED $8000 on orange grove. AU- ress K. box -44. lines viuce. WANT 2nd.
hacX or marble co. 330.000. m. $14,000. 7ct A bonus, bus.
2 brick stores, noiiywopq. n. $12,600 ON apt. -house site In Holly wood. ULadstone en.o.
WANT $500 1 yr. 1 per mo. Teacher Address K. lux rimes nmce. 13000 1ST trust deed to refinance home.
Call RI'RHANK 1067-J. $2500. 8. NEAR Figueroa. 500.
8. NEAR Figueroa. W. S.th. Improved.
WANTED $40,000 on business property 3 vrs. Mr. Slmivezin. lt.jl'i? 15500. si ft bonus.
DM. on r.eurb- rr HnllvwOod. VH.6S.5. WANT 12300 mtg. 2 hses.
one lot. SI ft bomis. TH. 27 4 8 O. 2 443 eve.
Jjooa on 1st mtg 81. 71 bonus, on 4-rm. stucco. W. Holly.
TH. 1952. I Mla-rllaneeee FXCll AVCFH 14 ft. on If Ml at Auaiiia. wllh I tores.
Imib i ui ant mange aiovee or walnut ranch for equity, lln ft Very i'hMW, lav vou? family fiat, nil doublee and well filmlahe mImi modern hun- atuw and ela.tii one acre at Coinn-lon. Want ti Hade euudy IB these fine protertlee for eoniethihg smaller. i leer tr neurl go, (jener. .621 8- I. A.
AM. hKTTF.IL Nothing litt gter offeted In Ft-change Uuiiiea. Bulle-lint revliM-d dailv. mailed Ik but address on receipt of your panni eitecifying what you want. Thou-eanrie of listings to if lot I Iron).
bee Me for fltitt It action, PIIILI REAVt No Wratcrn. IIU1 f11. XIC'fCIiA ne hotnea atibject In mdy one encumbrance nf 40'. each dp trade In troupe hi aiafrately Want clear Cat rut lira or ironi Cm foateh any deal rsnclng from $lnniH tn $40,000 Will iNiniiiilrr Imperial Han Joaquin. Fremont ft, J'at-drn.
Ph. i 3216 FOR ex-change, new 10 pt hullillni In Hollywood Income $7000 a yer, lf rntrl Price 11" Will take sone lot part paym.ut CourtceT to hrokrte. VICTOR pol.AKOW HIT Guarant, fu.tK Hollywood (SHutino Ii S.iT furnished a hlok fnin Sunset. Vn llollvwned. lor vacant ilupiex.
teo new 6 room bungalow 4'tly Terrace. l.oe Ansele. or will II. no payment down or trade for Vacant: also Ntiah cdan In- varan! what? It. Gewihrop.
t-oi Stfiti Santa Monica. tXCII AMIK 3 rlfur Ion niorrr nif titan! lnpi-r alk; 140 a ra Jmnvrlal Valley Urol, ilcur; 40 r- (anitdian whrl lrtf, ilnr. rhania fr v'int Iti. or ruia. Wha! Jvc you Call AMiK.
Sunta Mum, a ma. WANT AOH Will (uliintf Mam Ht. hulni oroer for i I.hhuh uroirlv; I tut to i'i one. Ail.iul Qulik. 'nir COI'M I KSTM KST ClUil' I Ciirc Til H44, Iw.
I4. Ml. t(ifl. snt a or (-rni. moo.
nr ri-liltr. Wcat I. A. or Simla Monloa. 1ft -iuli.
runih. 4-rm. aiutxo. Ijj ftfin i lar. Suloiitl.
BKI.NCON. t'Ar. t7t Hunt- inwlon JwKW j-urnVr" IpuiMiiib. Main artfrv I.ariso lt. L.Kr.l ami Kinf Inrnme.
l'rio fr. 'lol. 1 lor otnt. HARRY GROSSMAN Ti4 Ifitaa HI'tc Tth Hilwy. IsXI-mat'fr whut oii hK or you want, our fcxrhariM Pcpart-tnnt ran anxlst you.
Vuu will r-Brwlntf our airvu. I'KTKIIH-HHOAI'ES Yl ilft llibfrnlan M'ririg jr.l'ij. For Sale or Exchange Jutt N. of Uniuman'a new Chlo Tbratr. Large S-aty.
8-ronm en Zone lot. 60x1 ii ft. t-iwner IS 10 NK1 Cerrllo or I'h BEAi'TIKl rn-w Lunanlowa. 3 vnrdnt. lola.
1 llarK'hwtrr ave. lot Tor rar. or Mmrh of rr. Iff II H. W'inahip.
lHdo Mam-hemer 9rfon A NT" lorn on a Valliy irnperly, live liOOO enultv In bHutilul I'iiaadtrnn reaideme a a ft rat pnymint and a-ume llO.dOO. CtmaMer niHRInn tnonthly itaynu-nta. R. JONE.S, i olumhia Pomona. ''tanl new 16-UOtt apt.
houae Junt beinit furnlalied. Juralcd at 2731 W. UTK ST. cloae In. blka.
from two 6c car linca. Lot cost tl5.HMi. Total rrlce ISO.OOO. Want clear property. Owner, OR.I,8 ItoOO KtlTV In" iu.me on Harcouit.
one Work eonih of Anre-1 lua Vlata. VV1II ti.ke 1 raiwr for lUltv -Now leuaed for T0 ikt 1110, K. O. TIHKS, Tel VKt I 10-A' KK oianae Krnve. "-room houae above Foothill lllvd.
Fine I.K-a'.ioii Iirira ITiO floii. Trade for Income. chana-e W. L. TWINING.
CA 05. i itnoi hoiiBe. nr. Melroae at I-a Urea Will ex.hanae U4T.0 enultv for aereatre. lot or eonieininK o.
Here ia your chanre. l'hone MR. V.ATON. WH. Jll; eve, WH 43f City Property Wanted To wrianae.
Bring or mall to Mr. Hoanian. Jolner-Wbit SMALL, apt. "I.Mk. on Rampart UKd.
near th atreei. for vacant lota or llat'. Nol Mllside. Miaht aasutne some. Owne only, l'hone OH.
6JJ: WANT apo't. atorea or vacant for clear J30.000 13-Ii. realdenre. heet auction Glenrtale Will aasume A r-WOOU SliH W. Liroadway.
Glen-alel23Sj DON'T WORRY! See me at once I can match any esch Ownera B. V. rihlpley. Kl.MKIt HAL.V ION S3o champan, lllday jCKES on Sari Fernando Koad. 7u fl rrontaso.
i.ia.ionc Income. G. G. KOSKCRANo, Brand. Glendale.
Glen. 1341. 212 tj. KKW 10-rm. rear.
uO-ft. Due lot. HO.OOO. clear. Submit impr.
or mmpr. Bqual value. Address K. box 7:5. Timea Ofllce.
MONKV MAKING UK8GRT In full operation. llfiO.ono. clear. H'ant income. Action neceaaary.
See BOII.BNBKrK. 74 R. Hprtrur at. "WANT duplex. Hollywood" or Heverly for Sunaet Blvd.
hua. lot. Price Kciulty 310.600, lllpe for Improvement. OX- Sf.07. Kvea.
OX. 6376 fiAVE iiOOO efiuFty In'beautlful 6-rm. houae. Acacia Hilla. Glendale.
to exchange for acreage, amall houae orlota. OU.7"30. 4pKA MILt flat. .0 laige rhii. electric refrigeration, unit furnaces, near Baverly Blvd.
Terms or trade. Own-er, GU 1 1 Z. i-RM. alucco. new.
well loc. trade for vacant property on blvd. Misht assume. 610 W. 103RD ST.
3 tn I p.m. BUNGaToW "duulila. West HoiFvwood. Will conBider Easlern some cash lor $5000 euulty. Mr.
Wolf kin. lil'8 SAR(iBNTCOrtTI. A JJF.I.ROSB ft La Brea hunnalow court ifit S7i1l.) Ten 4-rm. units. 2B- raaea.
Mta llS.R.o, mi. Income t00. Submit. G.I!fl.5Lme 61Li. BEVERLY llllla artlallc 10-rm.
du plex rented. Gon.i mcoitic. vv am clear lot, T. D. or nitee.
lor euulty. C.aU i'M J4evHtU. 0 A. DAIHY. Cbi leM-u.
suu. near Want So Oal. (war here few Price 301 OAItKlELI Alhamlira. l'hone 43S1. MONEi 'vianted a'bo'ut" 4O00 on "impr.
3 a. ranch, between Rtvcia 6c Whit-tier. Addreaa J. box 314, Times OnVe. '4-KM.
tt gar. Lot 47x135 clear, nr. here. Want 6-rm. or duplex north L.A.
or Herniate. TH. 3:39. 6405 S. yElsMo.NT.
10 AC11F.S walnuu. Pomona. budded, large house, well located VVnt A. G. P.
Rl.AKtJMORB 04 Van Nuys Bldg. 8ANTA ANA. valuable cor. Close hi on Bdwy. SJxlli7.
Want A. inc EDWARD OLSBN, 41B W. th st TIT. ZU; eves. KM.
3o0. 4 FAM. flaL VV. 64lh at. Zone C.
3 rma. r'ir. Inc. mo. Steal.
E'luity J11.3iio. Want home or dbl KfiiS VERMONTYO S51K. FLAT BriQilNtJ. iVrga" gCKid income. Price 14,000.
Want Clear lnnd for equity. WE. 842fi Kvenlnjjs ('Hicaco WANT j.M For one or liotli. i.6-fto. and 3S- fm.
New atiartinptit*. Want onick action. Owner informationCA. 400 ACftKS Delta counlv. Colorado.
WH1 exchange for aci'Piixe or Income near Iia Angeles. Phone Owner, jj Ji IB'HAT have you to Killinilt? Ac at once. GOOD LEASK1) RANCH Imperial Valley 132, 00, Courtesy Pq. Bldg. to brokers.
60. l'erslilnif 7 CHOICE res. Improved bus. lot, cleitr. for good prop.
Will assume Box 663. Sams Monica vVk CAN exchange your property. What have you? ithrow TC 7333 312 Ins. Exc. inn Olive, WKKTWOOD bungalow'.
corner Mlgsis- aippt and Selby. Will trade for du plex or double. OX. 2D 4-FLAT. nr.
Fairfax clear. Inc. $200. Alwavs rented. Take part trade, pr.
Bnnney.OX.406 WANT amall store have clear riots, rash. Beverly Hills. Income. Mean huelnew, submit. 'OX.
61. XI 9 oiiii in new 4-fam. flat Beverly Hills. Val. $23.
000 Trade for vac. Inc. In N.W. OX. 2416.
A. Fresno, exuh. for A. House ft barn, water rights. 10-acre vineyard A.
alfalft. A.lt2.5., I WILL T.XADE MY 160 AORES alfaifa land clr. for bungalow. Owner. 1103 Irolo, DR.
vj 5WO ocean from homes. Long Beach. for west side property. 3 Bart lett Bldg. VA.
83. fu Arradia. exchange clear for home to 8a'io, tiiaooiei. i--Ga rlieid. l'hone ETpLEX.
NKW.i5 RMS WILSHlf.E tt LA BREA DIST LOT OK BL'NG. F. It. 2815. fOH your equity, eleaj- Utah wheat lands, Oownie.
with POLLEN BECK Vi' tt 1S ACRE cherry and fruit ranch nr. Beaumont. Will trade for -ood first paper. VErmont 62.. Clh BEVERLY HILLS 7-ronm.
Mtg. t-oim. Want smaller tiome.fl 8P( Nat'. Wt. BldgI.
A. ICF "hoiiia, 17000. for Phoenix Arix. piop. Mr.
UUl. lU VV. I at. tL S. 7 I 7 11004-11 First Mlge.
rest ee.ate golil nolee secure by Ae 4 siy. brlclc Siange eor ner frown Hill ft Witmer st. Total laaue 176.000. Value ini, onn. bona tut circular.
A few left. 110001 First Mtge. Real Rsfale Gold Notes secured hv the new 4 sly. and basem*nt Fllse 413 K. Lake too-taming 87 rma.
A beautiful Toal Issue Valus 1144,000, A ftw lefU 14(0011, Two 4-rm. stucco bungalows, 1 garages, cor. Van Neeg a Lot tOXlOO. 111,000. 120.000 76.
-storr. soil. brie, store A apt. Iddg. N.
rnr. 49th and Flgueroa. Lot tlx 130. Val. 151.
00. $::,100 1. New -sty. and ba hrldi 36-rm. and lolib apt.
bhlg, 2920 Kenwo.gl ave. between 29th and SOth Lot 45x113. Val. $43,600. Additional 1.
1st on Re-ueat. AMERICAN MORTGAGE CO. I4t 8. Hill st. WEstmore 9131 7 AND CERTIFIED FIRST MORTGAGES Why buy an ordinary first imvt-gnge when yoii ran Invest In a Certified First Mortgaga with lntertit paid on the due data without fall, and no trouble or worry, phone for list and details.
Attention TtROKERS OR INVESTORS We have $lnno. 1 yr. truat deed behind $6000 mtg. Residence value 311.000. 3 disc.
$6500. 8C. 1st trust deed on ruat-ness property, vacant, on which owner refuaed 122.000. Je, disc. Cull Mr.
Wolpa, OX. 6168. John A. Vaughan Corp. 1308 Wllahlre Beverly Hills.
Attention BROKERS OR INVESTORS We hsve lioon, isre. 1 yr. trust deed behind 15000 mtg. Residence value $11,000. 3'.
disc S6500. 1, 1st trust deed on busi ness property, vacant, on which owner refuaed $22,000. Jcj, iiigc. Call Mr. Wolpe.
OX. 6168. John A. Vaughan Corp. 1308 Wllahlre Bl vd Bev.
Hills. 71 AND 81 CERTIFIED FIRST MORTGAGES If you want a conaervatlve. safe. first mortgage, send for a I st of Certified First Mortgages. Interest promptly on the due date always.
No bother or worry. Investigate. RALPH G. WOLFF CO. 10 ROOSEVELT BLDG.
TR. 8816. MOX "WANTED lo.oo 1st 3 on 40 acres Navel oranges. trees, In A-l condition. Located 1 ml.
S.E. of Ktchgrove. Kern Co. Owner's val. $52,000.
Our valuation about $35,000. WM. H. WOLPERT MTG. CO.
1017 Rlves-Strnng Bldg. TR. 2169. WANTED Direct $35,000 1st 71. 3 on $80,000 vacant busi ness lot located on the S.E.
corner of Third and Berendo. 150 ft. on nurd by so ft. In depth, no -fill Zone unrestricted. R.
E. FORD, owner. 607 S.Western ave. $2000 TRUST DEED PAYS $55 per plus 129e Int. All due 2 years, subject to 1st 3 by Mortgage Guarantee Co.
4-familv flat lot 50x1 ao. Value $14,000. TR. 9936; $250 DISCOUNT $3000; 1st 3 81. pay able quarterly.
New 6-rm. stucco bungs. Excellent construction. STANDARD CREDIT CORP. 807 Nat.
City Bank Bldg. TR. 2378. WANTED Money on 1st mortgage $2 1 50. 2 years 8 per cent.
7 per cent bonus, on lot 40x120 with fine new house, stucco. 5 riaims. 620 VV. 107th st. Value $5500.
W. MATTHEWS, 210 Douglas Bldg. ME. 4379. $4000 1ST LIEN TRUST DEED.
TR. 9935. $5500 1st Trust Deed On new 2-story stucco residence and double garage. 2-unlt heating system. 2 tile baths.
Value $12,500. -ll -J AOKSON. MU. 8271. WANTED $1300.
Will pay 121 Int. A repay In Installments of $30 and interest monthly. First mortgage on strictiv modern 6-rm. bungalow and garage. Xrfit 60x136.
Gifford. 5464 5th av. VErmont 8362. $4500 1st T.D.. "81, on old frame house on valuable lot, center of Hollywood.
11 bonus. HOWE A HAUN INV. CO. OX ford 6111. $4500 3 YRS.
8 Owner's home, 5-rm. Spanish, fine cor. In Westwood. near Santa Moni ca Blvd. Murdook.
OX. 1S17. $4000 1ST LIEN TRUST DEED. 81 3 YEARS, 8-ROOM DOUBLE Bf-N'GAlAjW ON LOT 40x139. 4STH NR.
FIG. VALUE $11.500. TR. 9933. IF you have money to loan we can place it for you to your advantage on mortgage and trust, deed.
TA FT REALTY CO. X. Vine. HG7190 FROM private Dartv. Holly, property J45O0 at 81 Val.
$9500 $3250 at 81 Val. $9000 $2250 at 81 Val. $5000 Principals only. Owner. 693666.
1ST MTG. $6500 at 71 for 5 years on 10-room dorhle in Hollywood. At home after 6 p.m. Principals only. George G.
Vodra. GL. 3963. WANT $6500 3 vrs 8T on 6-rm. stun- co bung.
Laurel w. Holly wood. Property Just sold. MR. C1IEESMAN.
OX. 6111. $7500 CASH, collateral 1st mortgage on 40-foot East 9th St. frontage, value $400 foot. 81 Int.
1 bonus. Private party. RO, 0328. $400071. 1st 7-rm.
new Span Ish atticco. dble. gar. Val. $8500.
CITY BOND FINANCE CO. U18 Hellman Bk, Bide. TR. 3801. WANT $9000.
SCi. 3 vrs. No bonus 6-rnom home. Wiishire dist. Val.
$20,000. INGRAM, 603 Qulnby Bldg TR. 65BL MONEY WANTED Need $15,000 to complete construction of hotel. Am ple security. Good bonus and interest Address K.
box 308, Times birancn WANTED $12,000 Bt 121 for 1 year on vacant Glendale' business corner. Worth $40,000. Owner 300 N. La Brea. WH.
4613 eves. 697505. WANT $5000 on 23 well-located lots Just west of Culver City on hlirh ground, 1 to 3 years, pay SI. Will C. frather.
ELiot 3709. WANTe'D To borrow $20,000 for months, bank approved security. pay 91, Address box 193, Tim 'fhVe. WANT $4500. 81.
on bouse val. $8500 at 71 on court vol. All near Wash. A 6th ave. reuse.
EM. 2968 FOR WILSHIRE-HOLLYWOOD loans (We nlwnva have sroon ones.) See WESTERN AVE REALTY CO 3468 VV. 6th St. 1IJ. 4676 $10,000.
1ST mtg. on new bungalow Bllnn Wilmington. Lib- court eral discount. Address F. box Times Office.
WANTED $2775 on homes to be built on Harvard outside of L.A. City. 81 with liberal discount. Ph Mr. Dl Vail.
EM. 1463. $2500. 8. 2nd T.D.
due 10 lib eral disc, for quick action, want $2000. 121, choice location. 60 equity both. A. v.
CURBY. TU. 8835 WANTED $3000. Will oav 8 inter-i est ft bonus on new strictly modern D-room stucco hunealow. Garage.
Gifford. 6464 5th av. VErmont 8382. $3400 1ST mtg. 8.
71 bonus. 6-rm close-in. pavable $35 incl. tnt, Losey. 3716 S.
Figueroa. HU. 5270 $11,600 1ST mtg. on bungalow court in Hollywood, value 2 R. out).
31J-. 5549 or GR. 3546, Owner, WANTED Refinancing loan, straight or amortizing. New cor. dble.
brick good Income. TH. 7629. $3600 WANTED for expansion of es-tab. bus.
Have $10,000 stock A eqp. No Indent. 3571 8. Figueroa. $S0O.
1 YR. Ample security. Pay liberal Interest and bonus. Address E. box 584.
Times Branch. Beverly Unimproved Loans wanted. Oxford IQ23. WANT $20,000. 81.
no bonus. iiu.onii Rome in neart oi neveny. INGRAM. Quinbv Bldg. TR.6551 FIRST MORTGAGES FOR SALE MORTHLAND MORTGAGE CO.
private party only. Phone GL. 7101. $3250 Sunset-Hyperion, stucco. 000 Paved blvd.
Choice. ME. 3258. OWNER wants $4000 2nd D. on jej.
valued 817.000. Holly. WH. $3500 1ST 3 81-. bonus.Ser.$00N"o WANT $25: 000 on $lo676oo value.
Address E. box 378. Tune Branch. INVESTMENTS It Kinds SUCCESSFUL and welt established manufacturing firm doing business for five yeare with leading automo. bile and tire manufacturer, distributors snd dealera on Paclflo Conat and Eaat, requlree additional rapltal looo to $10,000 needed for natural expansion.
Business has paid food Interest on every dollar Invcted since start, besides building substantial surplus. Will stand rigid Investigation. Bank and commercial ref. erences furnished. A splendid nptior-tuntty to share In the ownership and profits of a eurreaaful.
(lowing business. For further information ad-dress K. box 20. Times Office MAN or woman with good business foresight and wllh $3000 to Invest in the moat wonderful twvutlrv device ever Invented. (Pat.
pend I The only hen's trapnest In the world that automatically records the Individual eggs and culls out the nnnlaver without any human assistance. This machine Ig no longer an experiment A la now being manufactured. Come and see lie actual performance In daily use. 1300 Tucker Cnmuton, Callf, Icor. Lon Bench lllvd 11AVK exceptional money-making opportunity with good future fur man or woman, for Interest In new hotel with or without services 1 10.
lorn required, fully secured. Either aal-srv, share of prollta or straight Investment. Address E. box I09. Times Branchy $50,000 WANTED Any amount $100 or more, marsntee 101, double your money in short time, proven proposition.
Talk to It. WOODRUFF, 616 W.J03rd at. A FORTUNE FOR $5000 $5000 will make you $75,000 in a stable clean-cut deal. Addresa E. box 352.
Tm Branrh. SMALL business for sale, net $160 can be handled by one man: require $3760 caah. Adureis J. box 166. Times Olrlce.
WANTED Man wllh bus. ability end some capital tn take active part In very prof, mchdae. bus. For details AJdreas box 144. Times Office SALESMAN to" Invest $500.
no compel. For particulars phone BE. 4216 SIN ESS OPPORTUNITIES Of Many Kinds Miscellaneous 43 TIME IS NOW Eastern Mills Want Asbestos and More Asbestos Thousands of tons to be shipped here by us from Arizona deposits and resent by boat to III! orders. $1000 will allow you to make quick profits every 30 days A provide a monthly Income for 20 yrs. We have no stock or interests or partnerships for sale.
This Is simply a mechan-diaing opportunity. Stands any Investigation. Only limited number can participate. For appointment. give phone number A address.
Write onlv Mr. Jones. 1223 N. Highland ave. AUCTION Rptnrday.
J'liie 18ih. 2 p.m 717 8. HILL, ROOM 319 Dentists' A Jewele-s GOLD RE FININO PLANT consisting of cot plcta A up to date niaclrnery. Equipment ard office fixtures. To be apld tn seiarato lets or i a going business.
In the lat rase. Including leaie. full insiiu tlons as to nicthials of manufaciu inr. fornmles. list of Business established 10 ere, oraye yearly ne.
profits $6000. Open for Inspection daily 10 1 12 Present owner. EljER W. Trask, Auctlonee- PARTY LEAVING Cm WISHES TO SELL Half of Whole Interest IN ESTABLISHED BUSINESS Gown Building and LADIES TAILORING ALSO SCHOOL OF COSTUME DESIGNING MISS HOFFMAN. DR.
8299. CAN use amounts ranging from $2500 up to total of $50,000 for construction of hotel, service sta- lion, garage, cafe, swimming pool, etc. for new townsite on main highway in Arizona. Will pav bonus and 81 Interest or will consider investment on profit sharing basis with or without services. Ample security.
Addreaa E. box 311, Times Branch. EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY To connect in manuperlal capacity with local estab. concern Its pioduet throughout U.S. invest, req Fully secured.
Er ranslon req. additicnal executive ability. Financial returns shoue'i pay I ack it vest. In few months. Be" Mr.
Griffin or Mr. Earl. 1503 WEST PICO 6.T. SPECIAL, for Bale, low price, brick store with 4-rm. flat upstairs.
Price $6000. terms. $250 $40 mo. 1 yr. Int.
free. 1 yr. taxea free. 3 yrs. insurance free.
Why not stock your own business rather than buy old stock? GA. 2874. CITY of 4000-needs indoor oiiTnge, Ideal site fronting tws main highways now available at ground-fhsir price In subdivision being surveyed. Water supply and drainage conditions ideal. Write Claude B.
Bovn-ton, Oroyllle. DISTRICT MANAGER. We have uie ening for several capable men. mechanically inclined, as exclusive representatives in California. Active man with car can earn $500 mouth ly.
AppIV 644 SUBWAY TERMINAL BLDG. UNUSUAL opportunity, established grocery In one Hollywood's finest markets, doing more than $6000 monthly, very small overhead, standa closest tnvestls. Metropolitan Realty 1021 N. Western. GL, 6306, GOING candy and confectionery business In live town of twelve thousand Inhabitants.
Price $6000. Vt down, balance to suit purchaser. Long time lease on building. Address J. box 09TlmesOflice1 A RARE OPPORTUNITY Illness forces me to dispose of my tea room.
Wiishire dist. Doing a capacity business. At a sacrifice. Full details. OX.
1413. BUILDER, wants" partner. $10,000 cash, bldg. apartments, safe. Pr-manent.
References, experience not necessary. Address for interview. FONNER. 650 S. Figueroa.
DO YOU SEEK CAPITAL? or are you planning to organize a company? Consult HITCHco*ck CO. (Est. over 7 yrs.) 713 lna Exch. 9th A Olive. T.
A. INDUSTRIAL A mercantile needs capital, for expansion. Several yrs. in city, doing exrel. bus Active or Inactive connection.
Ad-d ress H. box 237. Timea Office. READY-TO-WEAR, millinery. 17 mj.
from L. Onlv atore of its kind. Btock new. Illness compels sale. Excellent opportunity, ddress K.
box 195. Timea Office. FOR SALE Going business along line of manufacturer's agent. $5000. Desire to sell only to responsible can owner, ojt.
8-2 or aaarcss ler, AFt-ro rrr iinia mOP. ON ler, Trv aiitiIT). ON SANTA FE. BEAUT. FOR CLEAN INDUSTRY.
Addreas J. box 46. Times Office. BEACH confection, hot dogs, lunches, cold drinks. A real place, including buildln.
Cheao rent. See owner. 1224 Strand, Hermosa Beach. BUSINESS opportunities investigated, analyzed and approved by "International" certify: safe Investment. See our list.
SEND for our new free booklet, "A Yearly Income for FRANK MELINE CO 713 S. Hill FOR SALE Brea, store A dwelling under lease. $7000. Cathay. posa Cal.
M. F. Wilkins. FOR SALE 7-room house and established grocery store, on corner Ad-dress box 384. Times Rrnnch.
MONTHXY x- aa rm 1 1 II fl at ns rv iciH. Address E. box 381. Times Branch. HOFFMAN Press.
8-A. new. also racks A 2000 hangers. $350 cash. 310 W.
111TH PL. TH. 3193.. FOR LEASE Two boulevard Intersection cornerj for oil sta. OR.
8101. Eve. SEND 2c stamp for "A Romance oi the Arizona Desert." American t-re Syndicate. 320 Lincoln Bldg. ONLY bakery A confectlcnerv op the beach.
Best location. Established years. 217 E- Seaside. Lnna; Beach. -t-t rmTirjte-n woodworking plant for sale or take a partner.
CA. ga. lady who can invest $1500 tn have income oi per month. Phone RO. 4153 a.m.
PARTNER wanted to manCeiore airplanes, covered by basic patent. Addreaa D. bos Hi. Time Breach. WISH loan of fifty to sixty thousand dollars for six months.
Will nav 10 Interest. 81 bonus. For aecur- Hv have first mortgage or nn.oon. due on and two yeara from June 1. Interest 10, payable quarterly.
Mortaaae revere tiank appraised In. enme property of 4160. 000. Iteverlv- Vermont (list. pnv.
pany prererrea. Addreas KVoj 8 First Trust Deeds We own and offer for sale ronaervstlve First Trust Deeds Improved properties In Is Angle and vicinity. Amounts 12600 A up. Torrance Finance Co. 1004-7-1 Pershing Siuare Bldg.
II'tUal X271-3-I 80 1st Mortgages We own and offer for sale conservative Irt mtg-. on Loa Angeles property. In ainounte of 12600 up. La Bonte Ransom Co. 133 N.
WEST HLLY'D. $2000 1 Yl02 4-rm. English. Talm In Beverly 1 blk. so.
of Wllahlre. Val. 600. Kubject 10 ssuuv. yrs.
i'. $4500 1st Trust Deed On new 7-room Spanish bungalow and double garage. Lot 60x160. Value. $9500.
MR. JACKSON, MU. 3271. "3 to 5 DISCOUNT Yielding 81 on first mtg. and first trust deeds on homes.
GUARDIAN INVESTMENT CORP. 811 Van Nuys Bldg. TR. 7661 Wll.G-pay Interest A bonus fcr iioo on new atrlctlv modern 6-rm, ft hrakfaat room stucco bungalow nn carHue. GlfTord6464 Jth WE are able to oner a umiien numoer of very choice 1st mortgages and trust deeds on highly Improved lo cal property.
Phillips a tianoaugn 714 S. Hill. TR. 0605. $9000 FIRST 81 INT.
TR. 9936. WILL pay 81 Interest A bonus for Via ou on new strictly moqern o-rni. A breakfast room stucco bungalow and garage. GI fford.
6 4 6 4S tha v. Ermnnt 8 36! WANT $1000. Will repay at $30 mo. plus 121. Security trust deed on owner's home located at 6th ave.
A 48th st. $9500. Call 2001 4 8TH ST. WANT $10,000. or 6 years.
81. on A-l orange grove, 40 acres, value $60,000. Owner. 950 8. WILTON PL.
EM. 8422. WANT to borrow $12,000, 3 to 5 Jrs. on new Hollywood home. Not to ex-reed 71.
Addreaa D. box 651. Times Office. $2600. 81.
2nd T.D. due 10 lib eral disc. lor quick action, want $2000. Cho ce location. 60 equity both.
A. V. CURBY, TU. 8835 WANT J4600, 1st 8-rm. 2-atorj' house.
1 acre. loU E. 121 at. TH. 1919-R-3; I WANT $5000 for 1 year on my wii shire home, will pay 157.
Fl. O1I1 or OR. 4474. $7000. 71 3 1st mtgs.
312,600 ft $4000. one ft 2 yrs. All good loans. Phone GL. 8005.
Money Wanted on Vacant Phone Mr. Eaton. WH. 3114. $10,066, on 72 ft.
Income corner. Menlo Ave. Val. $25,000. Spinka.
806 Pershing Set. Bldg. ME. 0870. TRUST DEED $1500, 12c on nice home.
Good location, call Mr. Rice. MU. 3 12 6 WANT $10,000. 81, ON A BEAUTIFUL 2-STORY HOME.
BY AP-FOINTMENT ONLY. HE. 3304. YOUNG lady wishes to borrow $200. 15Ti Int.
Perm, position. Good refs Address K. box 297. Times Office. FROM private party.
$3000, 3 yrs- 8 Off, residence located west, value 665C0. WA. 7552. WANT $3o00. pay 81 A bonus.
6 rm. mod. stucco ft val. $6600, 2p0l W. 4Sth St.
VE. 2602. $5000. 8. good double close In.
Owner occupies. No agents. DU, 4615. WILL give liberal discount, $300" T.D. Owner preferred.
PHONE TR. 0426. S-T-O-P S-P-E-N-D-I-N-G Those monthly payments yon re ceive on MORTGAGES. TRUST DEEDS ft CONTRACTS. We wilt give you cash for them.
Quick action. No escrow. Established 1911 FRIENDLY FYBUSH in'JVan NuysBldC; VAn. 1917 For $2000 Stucco bungalow, 1 year old. Lot POx 150.
Very good location. Pars $50 including 81. 13 payments have been made, balance due 2 vrs. Owner's equity $1600. AX.
4758. 6301 S. Figueroa. TH CALIFORNIA MORTGAGE CO. own and offer on Income properties FIRST LIEN TRUST DEEDS with excellent yield well seasoned Choice security.
TU. 3511. SPECULATORS ATTENTION Holder of first about to foreclose. Will sell second trust deeds, totaling $8900 on three Beverly Hills duplexes at big discount. Owner of seconds unable to take over firsts.
Make offer. S. G. SMITH, TR. 7108, TRUST DEED MONEY Ready cash, quick action.
No brkg, CALIFORNIA RESERVE CO. (The Trust Deed Clearing House.) 453 S. Spring st. Ph. Mutual 5147 FOR sale, trust deed $2760 at 8 pavable $40 monthly, subject to $3000 mortgage, on new.
strictly modern 6-room bungalow ft garage. Will discount $700. Gi fford, 6464 5th av. VErmont 8362. FOR prompt ft courteous service see us first when selling your nrst or second deeds of trust.
No escrow fees. Room 602 MERRITT 307 W. 8th st. Telephone VA. 3153: VA.
EXCH. BLDG. ME. 4773. SEASONED Trust Deeds for sale on apartment bouses In choice localities.
Prompt monthly payment Good discounts. SUGARMAN-V1TOFF COMPANY 416 West Eighth st TRInity 1478 hoi.i.yvvTkID T.D.. $3600. Due 17 mo. $5500 1st mtg.
ahead, disc, to net 121. 711 N. CHEROKBB AV Do not disturb tenants. Phone HE. 0466 TRUST deed on new stucco double bungalow.
$1640, 81 Interest, due years. SO'- discount, can eve nings, KM. Btm. MAKE $1000 buying my cilt-cdwd 84900, 8 T.D. Pays out wih monthly paymta.
In 3 veers. Only a (It nelo s.ssuu anq i i a youia, c. i.e., 1.450 TRUST deed for sale, due 2 'A vra on 7-rm. Spanish house, new Beverly Hills. 201 discount.
Call OX. sin. $850 T.D. on owner's home bet. Wash.
A Adams. $1600 1st. Pave 125 mo. inc. 61.
Will disc. 20. 6114 W. Adams, wm. yua $20,000.
1ST 41 bonus. Property valuation $42,000. Prefer private money. CLINE. TR.
6555 CLOSING out estate, will sacritice bona tat mtg. noiea at discount. Brokers, don't apply. Ad-clress box 461. Times Branch.
$3000 T.D.. DISC. 181 Paya $65 41 due yrs 10 prop, worth $17,000. OX. .2 4 16.
T.D., nets 121 per annum Pays $500 or more A Int. monthly. All due 4 yra. Income approx. annually.
Wagner, TR. 7876. MAKE $1000 buying my gilt edge I paa mil woo monthly payments In years, only $3900 and It's yours. HE 7613. PURCHASE money T.D.
$2836 due In 1 41 Interest, very liberal discount private money preferred. A KIN. TR. 835 6, fvvtl good trust deeds, $2500 and Bis disc. $2T Ins.
Exch. Blr. FOR SAJE or lease-, 4 v.tre.p. Ih-. ready for P.rlc4.
I slve (T'st. Own. H. 1160. EM.
06i 4 SELL OR EXCHANGE 92 ROOM 5" mod. stucco, rent $650, gross $1400. $12,500. terms, or good real estate. 10 ROOMS, 6 garages, rent $60.
Good lease, $760. GOSS. BE. 8373, For Exchange Will Exchange Clear 120-room apartments. Close In, Big money maker.
Long lease, rent $6.60 per room. Beautiful corner. Well furnlahed. 'We will take income property and assume. Reason 'or selling: We have to hire man ager and help to run the house.
This Is the biggest bargain In the city. Phone ME. See M. M. Teater.
Metropolitan Theater OlUg, Fer Lease 8S-B NEW lS-untt court, ready July 1. Will lease for a term of years. K. B. Hiiiman.
128 W. Slauson Huntington Park. APT. PERCENTAGE LEASE 60-40. 40 rooms, now ready to rumiao.
best toe. Call 605 FLOWER. EIGHT unfurnished apartmenta for rent at 804 N. Bdwy. Reasonable rent, lease, lnq.
10 N. Bdy Wanted 42-W WANTETV Up-to-date apt. bouses fur. or unfur. in good loc.
on per cent less only. We operate them ourselves. Calif. Prop. Management 656 ROOSEVELT BLDG.
TR. 2359 A GOOD apt. UP to ISO. vuu. Will assume 30 mortgage: have about $55.
ooa tn smaller parcels. Improved A vacant. Owner. $004 E. CTH ST.
AN. 4424. PRIVATE party wishes to loan iuiiim. money i ..11 on Imp. local real I estate, it'.