THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY: A Bibliography · the current or previous issues of the . United States Air Force Academy: ... The Special Bibliography Series is also available - [PDF Document] (2024)

THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY: A Bibliography· the current or previous issues of the . United States Air Force Academy: ... The Special Bibliography Series is also available - [PDF Document] (1)


The United States Air Force AcademyMcDermott Library


A Bibliography2006 • 2010

THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY: A Bibliography· the current or previous issues of the . United States Air Force Academy: ... The Special Bibliography Series is also available - [PDF Document] (2)

THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY: A Bibliography· the current or previous issues of the . United States Air Force Academy: ... The Special Bibliography Series is also available - [PDF Document] (3)

Golden Legacy, Boundless Future...Your Nation’s Air Force






The McDermott Library of the U.S. Air Force Academy is pleased to offer the eighth

supplement to the bibliographical series, United States Air Force Academy: A Bibliography

1954-1964. This publication identifies materials related to the Air Force Academy from

selected sources over the five-year period. It also includes some items published between

2004 and 2005 that were not captured in the previous supplement.

The bibliography provides a starting point for students, scholars and others interested

in finding materials pertaining to the Air Force Academy. Most items cited in this

bibliography are available from the McDermott Library collections. The bibliography is

arranged by topic and within each category both published and unpublished materials are

listed alphabetically by author.

In addition to the quinquennial bibliographies, United States Air Force Academy: A

Bibliography series which started in 1964, the McDermott Library published Number 109 in

the Special Bibliography Series entitled “High Flight: History of the U.S. Air Force

Academy.” This bibliography was developed by Mr. Joseph Barry for the 22nd


History Symposium in September 2009 to capture more than 50 years of Academy history.

We welcome suggestions for additions and any important documents about the Air Force

Academy that were not cited in this or past bibliographies. Questions and comments about

this addition to the bibliography series should be addressed to Mr. Barry at:


Attn: Mr. Joseph Barry

2354 Fairchild Drive, Ste 3C9

USAF Academy CO 80840-6214

By writing to the address above, other libraries may obtain (free of charge) a copy of

the current or previous issues of the United States Air Force Academy: A Bibliography series

as part of the Academy Library’s gifts and exchanges program. The Special Bibliography

Series is also available on the McDermott Library’s web site.

This bibliography is the first supplement compiled and indexed by Mr. Joseph Barry,

Humanities and Social Sciences Subject Librarian, from the Reference Branch of the Air

Force Academy’s McDermott Library.


Director, McDermott Library

U. S. Air Force Academy

March 2011

THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY: A Bibliography· the current or previous issues of the . United States Air Force Academy: ... The Special Bibliography Series is also available - [PDF Document] (4)



SUPERINTENDENT Lieutenant General Hubert R. Harmon 1954-1956 Major General James E. Briggs 1956-1959 Major General William S. Stone 1959-1962 Major General Robert H. Warren 1962-1965 Lieutenant General Thomas S. Moorman 1965-1970 Lieutenant General Albert P. Clark 1970-1974 Lieutenant General James R. Allen 1974-1977 Lieutenant General Kenneth L. Tallman 1977-1981 Major General Robert E. Kelley 1981-1983 Lieutenant General Winfield W. Scott, Jr. 1983-1987 Lieutenant General Charles R. Hamm 1987-1991 Lieutenant General Bradley C. Hosmer 1991-1994 Lieutenant General Paul E. Stein 1994-1997 Lieutenant General Tad J. Oelstrom 1997-2000 Lieutenant General John R. Dallager 2000-2003 Lieutenant General John W. Rosa 2003-2005 Lieutenant General John F. Regni 2005-2009 Lieutenant General Michael C. Gould 2009- COMMANDANT OF CADETS Brigadier General Robert M. Stillman 1955-1958 Major General Henry R. Sullivan 1958-1961 Brigadier General William T. Seawell 1961-1963 Brigadier General Robert W. Strong, Jr. 1963-1965 Brigadier General Louis T. Seith 1965-1967 Brigadier General Robin Olds, 1967-1970 Major General Walter T. Galligan 1970-1973 Brigadier General Hoyt S. Vanderberg, Jr. 1973-1975 Brigadier General Stanley C. Beck 1975-1978 Brigadier General Thomas C. Richards 1978-1981 Brigadier General Robert D. Beckel 1981-1982 Brigadier General Anthony J. Burshnick 1982-1984 Brigadier General Marcus A. Anderson 1984-1986 Brigadier General Sam W. Westbrook III 1986-1989 Brigadier General Joseph J. Redden 1989-1992 Brigadier General Richard C. Bethurem 1992-1993 Brigadier General Patrick K. Gamble 1993-1994

THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY: A Bibliography· the current or previous issues of the . United States Air Force Academy: ... The Special Bibliography Series is also available - [PDF Document] (5)


Brigadier General John D. Hopper 1994-1996 Brigadier General Stephen R. Lorenz 1996-1999 Brigadier General Mark A. Walsh, III 1999-2001 Brigadier General S. Taco Gilbert, III 2001-2003 Brigadier General John S. Weida 2003-2005 Brigadier General Susan Y. Desjardins 2005-2008 Brigadier General Samuel D. Cox 2008-2010 Brigadier General Richard M. Clark 2010- DEAN OF FACULTY Brigadier General Don Z. Zimmerman 1954-1955 Brigadier General Robert F. McDermott 1956-1968 Brigadier General William T. Woodard 1968-1978 Brigadier General William A. Orth 1978-1983 Brigadier General Ervin J. Rokke 1983-1987 Brigadier General Erlind G. Royer 1987-1991 Brigadier General Ruben A. Cubero 1991-1998 Brigadier General David A. Wagie 1998-2004 Brigadier General Dana H. Born 2004- DIRECTOR OF ATHLETICS Colonel Robert V. Whitlow 1954-1957 Colonel George B. Simler 1957-1960 Colonel Maurice L. Martin 1960-1963 Colonel Edmund A. Rafalko 1963-1967 Colonel Francis E. Merritt 1967-1975 Colonel John J. Clune 1975-1991 Colonel Kenneth L. Schweitzer 1991-1996 Colonel Randall (Randy) W. Spetman 1996-2004 Bradley J. DeAustin (acting) 2004-2004 Dr. Hans J. Mueh 2004-

THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY: A Bibliography· the current or previous issues of the . United States Air Force Academy: ... The Special Bibliography Series is also available - [PDF Document] (6)





II. ADMINISTRATION - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 17

III. ADMISSIONS, SELECTION AND RETENTION - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 19

IV. ARCHITECTURE, BUILDINGS AND PLANS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 20

V. ASSOCIATION OF GRADUATES - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 23

VI. ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT AND SPORTS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 24

VII. BASIC CADET TRAINING - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 28

VIII. BEHAVIOR, ATTITUDES AND SOCIAL ISSUES - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 29

IX. BIOGRAPHY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 31

X. CADET LIFE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 33



XIII. EARLY YEARS AND ESTABLISHMENT - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 39

XIV. ECONOMIC HISTORY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 41

XV. ENVIRONMENTAL AND NATURAL HISTORY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 41

XVI. FACULTY AND STAFF - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 43

XVII. FICTIONAL WORKS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 44

XVIII. FLYING AND PARACHUTING - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 45

XIX. GENERAL HISTORY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 46

XX. GRADUATION - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 48

XXI. HONOR SYSTEM - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 48

THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY: A Bibliography· the current or previous issues of the . United States Air Force Academy: ... The Special Bibliography Series is also available - [PDF Document] (7)



XXIII. LIBRARY AND SPECIAL COLLECTIONS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 52

XXIV. LOCAL HISTORY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 53


XXVI. MISCELLANEOUS OR SPECIAL INTEREST - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 57

XXVII. PHYSICAL TRAINING - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 61

XXVIII. PUBLICATIONS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 62

XXIX. RELIGION AT USAFA - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 63

XXX. RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY AT USAFA - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 66

XXXI. STATISTICAL INFORMATION - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 71

XXXII. USAFA GRADUATES - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 72

XXXIII. USAFA PREPARATORY SCHOOL - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 78

XXXIV. WOMEN AND GENDER ISSUES - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 79

INDEX - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 83

THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY: A Bibliography· the current or previous issues of the . United States Air Force Academy: ... The Special Bibliography Series is also available - [PDF Document] (8)





1. Armacost, Andrew , et al. "Summer Scheduling at the United States Air Force Academy". Ft. Belvoir, VA, 2007. Defense Technical Information Center. <>.

2. Born, Dana H., Dean of the Faculty, U.S. Air Force Academy. "Qualifications of

Junior Officers (Statement of Dana H. Born of the Faculty U.S. Air Force Academy)". 2009. FDCH Congressional Testimony. (15 July 2009). < >.

3. Head, James H. A Brief History of the Department of Physics: United States Air

Force Academy 1955-2005. USAFA, CO: Department of Physics, United States Air Force Academy, 2006. (UGB 815.33 .P5 H43 2006 Oversize)

4. Joslyn, Thomas B. and Kenneth E. Siegenthaler. "Student Design, Development,

and Operation of Sounding Rockets at the United States Air Force Academy". Ft. Belvoir, VA, 2005. 12 p. Defense Technical Information Center. <>.

5. Price, Paul A. Genesis and Evolution of the United States Air Force Academy's

Officer Development System. Maxwell Air Force Base, AL: Air University, 2004. <>

6. Schweitzer, Dino and Steve Fulton. "A Hybrid Approach to Teaching Information

Warfare." Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Warfare & Security: Academic Conferences, Ltd., 2010. 299-307.

7. Siegenthaler, Kenneth E. et al. "Nurturing Our Rocket Space Workforce at the

United States Air Force Academy." Space 2005. Long Beach, CA: AIAA-2005-6780, 2005.

8. ---. "Nurturing Our Satellite Space Workforce at the United States Air Force

Academy." Space 2005. Long Beach, CA: AIAA-2005-6779, 2005. 14 p.

9. United States Air Force Academy. Curriculum Handbook. USAFA: United States Air Force Academy, 2006-2010. (UGB 804 .A31 Reference and Spec Coll.)

THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY: A Bibliography· the current or previous issues of the . United States Air Force Academy: ... The Special Bibliography Series is also available - [PDF Document] (9)


10. ---. Institutional Self Study Report: Prepared for the Higher Learning

Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, Spring 2009. S.l.: s.n., 2009. (UGB 788 .A2 .A1 2009 Spec Coll.)

11. ---. Outcomes. USAFA: United States Air Force Academy, 2009. (UGB

815 .O94 2009 Spec Coll.)

12. ---. United States Air Force Academy Institutional Self-Study Report: Executive Summary. USAFA: United States Air Force Academy, 2009. (UGB 788 .A2 A2 2009)

13. ---. United States Air Force Academy Strategic Plan 2010-2014. USAFA: United

States Air Force Academy, 2010. (UGB 801 .S9 2010 Spec Coll.)

14. United States Air Force Academy, Dean of Faculty. Dean of Faculty Strategic Plan FY 2009-2014. USAFA: United States Air Force Academy, 2008. (UGB 815 .S89 2009 Spec Coll.)


15. "Academy Graduates UAV/ISR Class." Air Force Magazine 92.10 (October 2009): 17-18.

16. Armacost, Andrew. "USAFA/DFM: The Air Force‟s Center of Management

Education & Expertise." USAFA Educator 18.3 (Winter 2010): 16.

17. Astle, Johanna. "Showdown: USAFA JAGS vs. 1° Mock Trial Members Providing Leadership Opportunities to Cadets by Reaching out to the Community." USAFA Educator 19.1 (Summer 2010): 21.

18. Astle, Johanna and Shelly McNulty. "Women in Combat: Joint Research

Developed through an Innovative 499 Course." USAFA Educator 19.1 (Summer 2010): 22.

19. Bachler, David M. "Vectoring Fourth-Class Cadets." USAFA Educator 15.2

(Spring 2007): 5.

20. Bandi, Jenny (C1C). "Embracing Learning." USAFA Educator 19.2 (Fall 2010): 10.

21. Barnes, Taylor. "USAFA‟s First Year Experience (FYE) Course: A Foundation

for Excellence." USAFA Educator 18.3 (Winter 2010): 11.

THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY: A Bibliography· the current or previous issues of the . United States Air Force Academy: ... The Special Bibliography Series is also available - [PDF Document] (10)


22. Barron, Sally. "Step Aside--the Future Looks Good." Checkpoints 36.3 (December 2007): 76-78.

23. Bengs, Brian L. and Brady J. Augustin. "Right Bombs, Right Target: Law of

Armed Conflict Instruction for United States Air Force Officer Candidates." Journal of Applied Security Research 5.3 (July 2010): 397-413.

24. Block, Robert M. "Using Prog to Assess More Than Grades." USAFA Educator

17.3 (Winter 2009): 15.

25. Boedigheimer, Ralph , Chris Cullenbine and Chris Nelson. "Redesigning an Ordinary Differential Equations Course." USAFA Educator 17.3 (Winter 2009): 16.

26. Born, Dana. "Preparing Officers of Character to Serve in Air, Space, and

Cyberspace." Checkpoints 37.1 (June 2008): 26-29.

27. ---. "Sharpening the Edge of Academic Excellence." Checkpoints 36.2 (September 2007): 8-11.

28. Born, Dana H. "Aligning with Our Future." USAFA Educator 18.1 (Summer

2009): 2.

29. ---. "College Rankings and Realistic Assessment." Checkpoints 37.3 (December 2008): 26-27.

30. ---. "Falcon Flight: “Fortifying and Aligning Our Learning Capacity for Our Nation”

on the Occasion of USAFA‟s 50th Anniversary." USAFA Educator 18.2 (Fall 2009): 2.

31. ---. "Getting to Where We Want to Go." USAFA Educator 17.2 (Fall 2008): 2.

32. ---. "Leaving a Legacy as a USAFA Faculty Member." USAFA Educator 16.3

(Winter 2008): 2.

33. ---. "Reflecting on the USAFA Faculty Member Role: On the Importance of Mentoring." USAFA Educator 17.1 (Summer 2008): 2.

34. ---. "The Academy as a Learning Focused Institution: You and the Cadets."

USAFA Educator 14.1 (Spring 2006): 1.

35. ---. "USAFA as a Learning Organization." USAFA Educator 19.1 (Summer 2010): 2.

36. ---. "USAFA Excels in National Rankings and Accreditation Visits." Checkpoints

38.3 (December 2009): 34-36.

THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY: A Bibliography· the current or previous issues of the . United States Air Force Academy: ... The Special Bibliography Series is also available - [PDF Document] (11)


37. ---. "USAFA High-Impact Practices: Making Hips Part of Our Teaching &

Mentoring Portfolio." USAFA Educator 18.3 (Winter 2010): 2.

38. ---. "We Need Your Help with Defining and Developing Multiple, Purposeful Pathways!" USAFA Educator 19.2 (Fall 2010): 2.

39. ---. "What‟s in Our Reflection?" USAFA Educator 17.3 (Winter 2009): 2.

40. Branan, Daniel. "Does This Learning Focused Stuff Really Work?" USAFA

Educator 14.2 (Fall 2006): 8.

41. Brooks, Christopher "“Boot Camp for Profs”: Improved Instruction." USAFA Educator 18.2 (Fall 2009): 4.

42. Burckel, Bonnie. "Putting Character into the Classroom." USAFA Educator 17.2

(Fall 2008): 21.

43. ---. "The Character and Leadership Integration Management Board (Climb) Cultural Shifts from Institutional Reflection." USAFA Educator 17.3 (Winter 2009): 13.

44. Bushey, Dean. "Unmanned Aircraft Flights and Research at the United States

Air Force Academy." Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 54.1-3 (March 2009): 79-85.

45. Butler, Jeff. "Advocating for Continuous Faculty Development." USAFA

Educator 18.2 (Fall 2009): 6.

46. Butler, Michelle A. and Gary Packard, Jr. "Implementing APA‟s Undergraduate Psychology Curriculum Guidelines in DFBL" USAFA Educator 18.1 (Summer 2009): 18.

47. Byerly, Aaron. "Getting to Operate in „Payback Mode‟." USAFA Educator 18.2

(Fall 2009): 3.

48. Byerly, Aaron R. "Beyond the Cloister: The Cadet Sabbatical Program." USAFA Educator 19.2 (Fall 2010): 3.

49. ---. "Getting Your Juices Flowing – What Are Your Thoughts on Improving the

USAFA Course of Instruction?" USAFA Educator 18.3 (Winter 2010): 3.

50. ---. "Update on Falcon Flight (Fortifying and Aligning Learning Capacity for Our Nation)." USAFA Educator 19.1 (Summer 2010): 3.

THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY: A Bibliography· the current or previous issues of the . United States Air Force Academy: ... The Special Bibliography Series is also available - [PDF Document] (12)


51. Cariaga-Lo, Liza et al. “Supporting the Development of the Professoriate.” Peer Review 12.3 (Summer 2010): 19-22.

52. Carlyle, Lewis. "Laser Optics and Research Center: Tackling Missile Defense at

the Speed of Light." Checkpoints 37.3 (December 2008): 30-35.

53. Carrell, Scott E., Marianne E. Page and James E. West. "Sex and Science: How Professor Gender Perpetuates the Gender Gap." The Quarterly Journal of Economics 125.3 (August 2010): 1101-44.

54. Carrell, Scott E. and James E. West. "Does Professor Quality Matter? Evidence

From Random Assignment of Students to Professors." Journal of Political Economy 118.3 (June 2010): 409-32.

55. Caudill, Willie. "Living What We Teach." USAFA Educator 18.3 (Winter 2010):


56. Chen, Helen L., Lisa R. Lattuca and Eric R. Hamilton. “Conceptualizing Engagement: Contributions of Faculty to Student Engagement in Engineering.” Journal of Engineering Education 97.3 (July 2008): 339-53.

57. Christ, John. "Continuously Improving the Civil and Environmental Engineering

Experience." USAFA Educator 18.2 (Fall 2009): 17.

58. Chun, Francis. "Are You Aware of What Is in Space?" USAFA Educator 19.2 (Fall 2010): 21.

59. Collum, Ann. "Civil Engineering Cadets: Designing to Lead." Checkpoints 39.5

(June 2010): 38-40.

60. Conway, John. “Civilian Language Education in America: How the Air Force and Academia Can Thrive Together.” Air & Space Power Journal 24.3 (Fall 2010): 74-88.

61. Cooper, Cory. "Adding to Your Pedagogical Toolbox: Top Ten (+) Tools to Try."

USAFA Educator 17.1 (Summer 2008): 14-15.

62. Cycyota, Cynthia and Claudia Ferrante. "Women in Networks - WIN!" USAFA Educator 18.3 (Winter 2010): 23.

63. Davidson, Kyle. "Private Funding Provides Funding "Just-in-Time": Academy

Professors Utilize an Interactive Teaching Technique to Increase Cadet Learning." Checkpoints 34.4 (March 2006): 14-16.

THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY: A Bibliography· the current or previous issues of the . United States Air Force Academy: ... The Special Bibliography Series is also available - [PDF Document] (13)


64. Dearborn, Michael and Steven Novotny. "A New Pedagogy for Physics 110: Worked-Examples and Course Alignment." USAFA Educator 17.2 (Fall 2008): 22.

65. Della-Rose, Devin. "The USAFA Observatory: The Universe at Your Fingertips."

USAFA Educator 19.2 (Fall 2010): 23.

66. Derby, Dan. "DFCE ~ Engineers without Borders." USAFA Educator 18.2 (Fall 2009): 22.

67. Derby, LeAnn & Steve Bury. "Francophone Immersions." USAFA Educator 17.2

(Fall 2008): 16.

68. Donovan, John. "Why Culture Matters." USAFA Educator 19.1 (Summer 2010): 8-9.

69. Driscoll, Dan. "Spring Break Olmsted Trips: Opportunities for a Multi-

Disciplinary Approach." USAFA Educator 18.1 (Summer 2009): 16.

70. Eisen, Arri. "Why Do We Believe What We Do? One Alien‟s View." USAFA Educator 17.1 (Summer 2008): 3.

71. Enger, Rolf C., Stephen K. Jones and Dana H. Born. "Commitment to Liberal

Education at the United States Air Force Academy." Liberal Education 96.2 (Spring 2010): 14-21.

72. Fitzkee, David. "Program Assessment in the Department of Law: The Potential

Assessment Value of a Capstone Course." USAFA Educator 19.1 (Summer 2010): 24.

73. Font-Rodriguez, Gabriel. "Physics-Is-Phun Grade School Outreach Program."

USAFA Educator 19.2 (Fall 2010): 24.

74. Foster, Craig and Douglas Lindsay. "Understanding Cadet Motivation Towards

Leadership: Assessment, Adaption, and Funding." USAFA Educator 18.3

(Winter 2010): 12-13.

75. ---. "USAFA SoTL Support." USAFA Educator 18.3 (Winter 2010): 13.

76. France, Martin. "Astro Recondo – Lessons from Academic Redemption."

USAFA Educator 19.1 (Summer 2010): 14-15.

77. ---. "Astronautical Engineering Program Turns 50." Checkpoints 37.1 (June 2008): 58.

THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY: A Bibliography· the current or previous issues of the . United States Air Force Academy: ... The Special Bibliography Series is also available - [PDF Document] (14)


78. France, Marty. "Learning by Doing Space (Part I of II)." Checkpoints 35.1 (June 2006): 82-83.

79. ---. "Learning Space by Doing Space: FalconLaunch IV Launch & Recovery

(Part II of II)." Checkpoints 35.2 (September 2006): 75-78.

80. Franz, Teresa. "The Officer Development System (ODS) and Building Officers of Character." USAFA Educator 17.2 (Fall 2008): 8.

81. Fullerton, Richard. "Alignment Leads to Accreditation Success." USAFA

Educator 18.1 (Summer 2009): 17.

82. ---. "Preparing for Accreditation." USAFA Educator 17.2 (Fall 2008): 10-11.

83. Garver, John. "DFC Department Assessment Plan." USAFA Educator 17.1 (Summer 2008): 8-9.

84. Glisan, Eileen W., Daniel Uribe and Bonnie Adair-Hauck. "Research on

Integrated Performance Assessment at the Post-Secondary Level: Student Performance across the Modes of Communication." Canadian Modern Language Review/La Revue Canadienne des Langues Vivantes 64.1 (2007): 39-67.

85. Granger, Kari. "CCLD 500: Meeting the Challenge of Providing Access."

USAFA Educator 18.2 (Fall 2009): 9.

86. Green, Steve. "Above & Beyond ~ Intellectual Contributions." USAFA Educator 18.3 (Winter 2010): 17.

87. Green, Steve, Kurt Heppard and Claudia Ferrante "Education-Oriented

Research." USAFA Educator 18.3 (Winter 2010): 22.

88. Guajardo, Yumiko. "Interdisciplinary Courses to Expand Student Horizons and Perspectives." USAFA Educator 17.2 (Fall 2008): 15.

89. Gubbels. Patti. "A Vision of Continued Excellence in DF Faculty Development."

USAFA Educator 19.1 (Summer 2010): 4-5.

90. Hamilton, Drew. "Falcon Launch VII: Rocket Launch Sets Speed and Altitude Records." Checkpoints 38.1 (June 2009): 68.

91. Hammoud, Salah-Dine. "The Learning Centeredness of Language and Culture

Immersion." USAFA Educator 17.1 (Summer 2008): 11.

THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY: A Bibliography· the current or previous issues of the . United States Air Force Academy: ... The Special Bibliography Series is also available - [PDF Document] (15)


92. Han, Sam (C1C), Jeffrey Hutchins (C1C) and Albert Yu (C1C). "Using Today‟s Research to Inform USAFA‟s Leaders of Tomorrow." USAFA Educator 19.1 (Summer 2010): 10.

93. Harpham, Geoffrey Galt. "The Depths of the Heights: Reading Conrad with

America's Soldiers." WLA: War, Literature & the Arts. 20.1-2 (2008): 35-43.

94. Haverluk, Terrence and Rouven Steeves. "High Impact Practices and the

Intercultural Development Inventory: Reflections on the Work of the Intercultural Competence and Involvement Outcome Team." USAFA Educator 18.3 (Winter 2010): 4-5.

95. Heiderscheidt, Jeff. "Engr 101 - “Fun to Take and Fun to Teach!”" USAFA

Educator 18.2 (Fall 2009): 17.

96. Hendryk, Jason. "Sun Zi for Education." USAFA Educator 17.2 (Fall 2008): 17.

97. Henry, Karen S. "DFCE Cadet Research ~ Enhancing Education and Supporting CE Mission." USAFA Educator 18.2 (Fall 2009): 16.

98. Heppard, Kurt and Cynthia Cycyota. "Technology, Innovation, and Creating

New Projects and Ventures." USAFA Educator 18.3 (Winter 2010): 20.

99. Heppard, Kurt A. and Steve G. Green. “Improving Air Force Transportation Systems by Using Alternative Energy: The Air Force Academy Exposes Its Cadets to Managerial Challenges Inherent in Implementing a Sustainable Alternative Energy Plan.” The Public Manager 38.2 (Summer 2009): 83-87.

100. Hertel, John. "Capstone Course: The Crowning Achievement." USAFA

Educator 17.1 (Summer 2008): 10-11.

101. Homan, Paul. "Meteorology 320: An Essential Guide to the Wild Blue Yonder." USAFA Educator 19.2 (Fall 2010): 18.

102. ---. "Meteorology Research and Outreach: Reaching New Heights." USAFA

Educator 19.2 (Fall 2010): 25.

103. Hudak, Jordan. "The Path to Professional Certification." USAFA Educator 18.2 (Fall 2009): 20.

104. Hughes, Curt. “„Are There Any Questions?‟ - Promoting „Inclusiveness‟ and the

Learning Focus through Questioning Techniques." USAFA Educator 14.2 (Fall 2006): 4-5.

THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY: A Bibliography· the current or previous issues of the . United States Air Force Academy: ... The Special Bibliography Series is also available - [PDF Document] (16)


105. ---. "Cadet Attitudes toward Learning: A Summary of 10 Years of Focus Groups." USAFA Educator 14.1 (Spring 2006): 2.

106. Hughes, Rich "Making Excellence Inclusive." USAFA Educator 19.2 (Fall 2010):


107. Imada, Julie. "Research at USAFA Supports Our Learning-Focused Approach to Cadet Education." USAFA Educator 18.1 (Summer 2009): 13.

108. Jones, Steve. "A Tale of Four Instructors." USAFA Educator 14.2 (Fall 2006): 3-


109. ---. "Assessment: And Responding." USAFA Educator 19.1 (Summer 2010): 13.

110. ---. "Intentional Alignment of Assessment with the Institutional Outcomes." USAFA Educator 15.1 (Winter 2007): 4.

111. ---. "Is Your Classroom „Out of Alignment?‟" USAFA Educator 14.1 (Spring

2006): 4.

112. ---. "Multiple Levels of Assessment at USAFA." USAFA Educator 16.3 (Winter 2008): 7.

113. ---. "Our Interdependent Relationship with Cadets…and with Each Other."

USAFA Educator 15.2 (Spring 2007): 1.

114. ---. "The Pursuit of Excellence: What Do You Do When Your Students Aren‟t Quite “Getting It” as You‟d Like?" USAFA Educator 19.2 (Fall 2010): 6.

115. ---. "Using Cadet Feedback to Improve Faculty Reflection." USAFA Educator

17.3 (Winter 2009): 8.

116. ---. "“What Is the Overarching Purpose of Assessment” - How Would You Answer the Question?" USAFA Educator 18.1 (Summer 2009): 5 and 7.

117. Jones, Steve and Dave Stockburger. "Academic Assessment Plays a Major

Role in the Center for Educational Excellence." USAFA Educator 16.3 (Fall 2007): 9.

118. ---. "Do All Cadets Participate in USAFA‟s High-Impact Practices?" USAFA

Educator 18.3 (Winter 2010): 10.

119. Jordan, Rita. "DF‟s Inclusive Excellence Initiative." USAFA Educator 14.2 (Fall 2006): 2.

THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY: A Bibliography· the current or previous issues of the . United States Air Force Academy: ... The Special Bibliography Series is also available - [PDF Document] (17)


120. Kartchner, Nathan. "“Construct First, Design Later”." USAFA Educator 18.2 (Fall 2009): 19.

121. Kendrick-Alcántara, Carolyn. "Staying out of “the Dead Zone:” Deep Cultural Learning through Exposure of Everyday Culture." USAFA Educator 17.2 (Fall 2008): 19.

122. Khan, Halimur. "Some Thoughts and Observations on Maximizing Class Time

for Cadet Learning." USAFA Educator 17.2 (Fall 2008): 18.

123. King, Matthew. "Cadets Take High-Impact Learning on International Trek." USAFA Educator 19.1 (Summer 2010): 23.

124. Kiziah, Rex. "Reflection on the USAFA Course Design Retreat." USAFA

Educator 17.2 (Fall 2008): 5.

125. Kiziah, Rex R. "The Department of Physics: Facing Challenges … and Overcoming Them." USAFA Educator 19.2 (Fall 2010): 15-16.

126. Knize, Randall J. "Solving Problems at the Speed of Light." USAFA Educator

19.2 (Fall 2010): 22.

127. Kovach, David. "Econ 201 Core Course Alignment to USAFA Outcomes." USAFA Educator 18.1 (Summer 2009): 16.

128. Kudo, Terrance. "What? No Homework? What‟s the Catch?" USAFA Educator

17.3 (Winter 2009): 16.

129. LeBlanc, Matthew. "DFCE‟s Role in the AEF" USAFA Educator 18.2 (Fall 2009): 15.

130. LeBlanc, Matthew and Mark Russell. "ASCE/SAME USAFA Student Chapter

Outreach." USAFA Educator 18.2 (Fall 2009): 21.

131. Lee, Robert. "S.E.A.T. Solar Eclipse at Thule: A Faculty Perspective." USAFA Educator 17.2 (Fall 2008): 12.

132. Lingle, Brandon and Jesse Goolsby. "2010 War, Literature & the Arts

Conference." Checkpoints 39.3 (December 2010): 58-59.

133. Lowe, James, Andrew Armacost and Maureen Borgia. "Optimizing the Academy: Or Capstone Applications." USAFA Educator 18.3 (Winter 2010): 21.

THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY: A Bibliography· the current or previous issues of the . United States Air Force Academy: ... The Special Bibliography Series is also available - [PDF Document] (18)


134. Lowe, James K. and Andrew P. Armacost. “All for One and 'O.R. for All': Group Exams, Student Teamwork and Other Initiatives Help Make Introductory Operations Research Class One of the Most Popular Core Courses at the Air Force Academy.” OR/MS Today 37.4 (August 2010): 38+.

135. Lucey, Danielle. "Wings of Change: Bosh Global Services Readies Air Force

Academy for Careers as UAS Operators." Unmanned Systems 28.5 (May 2010): 41-43.

136. Malmstrom, Frederick V. "When Slide Rules Ruled the Rockies." Checkpoints

37.3 (December 2008): 52-55.

137. Martin, John. "Leveraging CEE for High-Impact Practices." USAFA Educator 18.3 (Winter 2010): 19.

138. McClean, Hugh. "Zen and the Art of Legal Writing." USAFA Educator 19.1

(Summer 2010): 18.

139. McGuire, Tom. "Publishing and Presenting as Spurs to Better Teaching." USAFA Educator 16.3 (Winter 2008): 8.

140. McHarg, Geoff. "SPARCing the „a-ha‟ Moment in Cadets." USAFA Educator

19.2 (Fall 2010): 20.

141. McKinney, Austin (C1C). "Integrating and Expanding Knowledge." USAFA Educator 18.3 (Winter 2010): 8-9.

142. Meyer, Alice. "Welcome to Faculty Orientation - Again!" USAFA Educator 17.2

(Fall 2008): 21.

143. Mills, Gary and Richard Lemp. "United States Air Force Academy Outcomes: Written Communication." USAFA Educator 18.2 (Fall 2009): 8.

144. Morreale, Brittany (C1C). "The Value and Challenge of Being a USAFA

Scholar." USAFA Educator 18.3 (Winter 2010): 8.

145. Morris, D. Brent "“Chasing Curiosity” - a Practice of Faculty Development." USAFA Educator 19.1 (Summer 2010): 6.

146. ---. "Tying Conceptual Tests of Student Learning to Faculty

Development." USAFA Educator 16.3 (Fall 2007): 12-13.

147. Morris, D. Brent and Ken Sagendorf. "Developing the USAFA Faculty Orientation Course." USAFA Educator 17.2 (Fall 2008): 20.

THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY: A Bibliography· the current or previous issues of the . United States Air Force Academy: ... The Special Bibliography Series is also available - [PDF Document] (19)


148. Moskver, Katherine V. “Register and Genre in Course Design for Advanced Learners of Russian.” Foreign Language Annals 41.1 (Spring 2008): 119-31.

149. Mudry, Ryan. "The Research Method of Effective Learning." USAFA Educator

18.3 (Winter 2010): 7.

150. Mudry, Ryan (C1C) and Billy Terry (C1C). "S.E.A.T. Solar Eclipse at Thule: A Cadet Perspective." USAFA Educator 17.2 (Fall 2008): 13.

151. Mueh, Hans. "The Department of Athletics – More Than Just Intercollegiates

and PE." USAFA Educator 19.2 (Fall 2010): 8-9.

152. Mueller, Gunther. "Reflections on the Department of Foreign Languages at USAFA." USAFA Educator 17.2 (Fall 2008): 14.

153. Neal, Laura and Linda Dinndorf. "Assessment: More than Program

Satisfaction." USAFA Educator 18.2 (Fall 2009): 5.

154. Novak, Gregor and Robert Lee. "SoTL at USAFA, and the Center for Physics Education Research (CPER)." USAFA Educator 17.3 (Winter 2009): 10-11.

155. Novak, Gregor and Steven Novotny. "Extending Just-in-Time Teaching by Way

of Worked-Examples." USAFA Educator 19.2 (Fall 2010): 17.

156. Noyd, Robert. "Designing an Intentional Faculty Development Program: A Primer." USAFA Educator 15.1 (Winter 2007): 2.

157. ---. "The Lecture, Content Delivery and Learning-Focused Practice."

USAFA Educator 14.1 (Spring 2006): 3.

158. ---. "Reshaping a Core Course with a Learning Focus I: Purpose, Goals, and Content." USAFA Educator 14.2 (Fall 2006): 2-3.

159. ---. "Producing Course Goals in Biology." USAFA Educator 17.2 (Fall 2008): 3.

160. Noyd, Robert K. "The Teaching Learning Practice: Whose Responsibility Is It? A

Brief Survey of Faculty and 3-Degree Cadets." USAFA Educator 16.3 (Fall 2007): 10-11.

161. Pascuzzi, Ryan. "Pascuzzi OAE Speech (at the Outstanding Academy Educator

Award Ceremony on 04 May 2007)." USAFA Educator 15.2 (Spring 2007): 2-3.

162. Patterson, Brian. "Developing a Capstone Course for the Physics Major."

USAFA Educator 19.2 (Fall 2010): 19.

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163. Patterson, Evelyn. "Ten Things to Share about What I‟ve Learned at USAFA."

USAFA Educator 18.1 (Summer 2009): 3.

164. Patterson, Evelyn and Steve Jones. "The Learning-Focused Approach." USAFA Educator 15.2 (Spring 2007): 4.

165. Patton, Ann. "FYE Shows 4-Degrees Off to a Good Start." Checkpoints 37.1

(June 2008): 60-61.

166. Perry, Pam. "Teaching Courage in a Negotiations Course." USAFA Educator 19.1 (Summer 2010): 20.

167. Phillips, Ty. "Cultivating Leaders of Character." USAFA Educator 17.3 (Winter

2009): 17.

168. Phipps, Stephen P. and D. Brent Morris. "A Philosophical Change in the Physics Core Curriculum Emphasizing Skills Rather Than Content." USAFA Educator 16.3 (Fall 2007): 6-7.

169. Pierce, Terry. "The USAFA Center of Innovation." USAFA Educator 18.1

(Summer 2009): 11.

170. Pierce, Terry and Michael Whitted. "The Impact of Innovation in Military Education." USAFA Educator 18.3 (Winter 2010): 6.

171. Pilch, Fran T. "The Fulbright-Hays Seminar Abroad Experience." USAFA

Educator 16.3 (Fall 2007): 8.

172. Pirog, Paul. "How Departments Help Produce Leaders of Character: Teaching, Service, and Scholarship." USAFA Educator 19.1 (Summer 2010): 16.

173. Poco*ck, James. "“DFCE Apprentice” - Annual Capstone Competition." USAFA

Educator 18.2 (Fall 2009): 18.

174. Rappaport, Neal. "Cultural Immersion, Macedonia: Cadets Visit Central Europe for Spring Break." Checkpoints 39.5 (June 2010): 24-25.

175. ---. "Out of Many, One (Department Spotlight, Economics & Geosciences)."

USAFA Educator 18.1 (Summer 2009): 14.

176. Reiley, Peter. "From Good to Great (The Department of Behavioral Sciences and Leadership)." USAFA Educator 17.3 (Winter 2009): 3.

177. Robinson, Sarah and Tom Koehler. "Aligned Assessment Processes in

Geosciences." USAFA Educator 18.1 (Summer 2009): 15.

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178. Sagendorf, Kenneth, Robert K. Noyd and D. Brent Morris. "The Learning-

Focused Transformation of Biology and Physics Core Courses at the U.S. Air Force Academy." Journal of College Science Teaching 38.3 (January-February 2009): 45.

179. Sanders, Joe and Steve Shambach. "A Theoretical Framework & Process to

Align Character Development Seminars." USAFA Educator 18.1 (Summer 2009): 4-5.

180. Scharff, Lauren. "Inaugural SoTL Celebration at the United States Air Force

Academy." USAFA Educator 18.2 (Fall 2009): 12.

181. ---. "Meet USAFA‟s New Director for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL)." USAFA Educator 18.1 (Summer 2009): 12.

182. ---. "The 2010 SoTL Forum: Showcasing Excellence." USAFA Educator 19.2

(Fall 2010): 13.

183. ---. "USAFA SoTL Update." USAFA Educator 19.1 (Summer 2010): 12.

184. Scharff, Lauren and Steve Samuels. "Full Steam Ahead to Excellence: Beh Sci 499: Leadership and Mentorship in the Classroom." USAFA Educator 19.2 (Fall 2010): 14.

185. Schaubroeck, Beth and Jadonna Brewton. "Assessing Assessment: Fostering

Effective Feedback in DFMS." USAFA Educator 17.3 (Winter 2009): 15.

186. Schmidt, Frank H. “Hal” (C1C). "Military Excellence: Setting the Bar through Leadership." USAFA Educator 19.2 (Fall 2010): 12.

187. Seely, Gregory. "“Engineers…Lead the Way!”" USAFA Educator 18.2 (Fall

2009): 14.

188. Snellman, Erick, Edward T. Unangst, and Jerry A. Krueger. "Moving Research into the Classroom: Successful Adaptations at a Service Academy." Journal of College Science Teaching 35.5 (March/April 2006): 32-36.

189. Snellman, Erick and Tom Unangst. "Applying Research to Course Pedagogy to

Develop Learning-Focused Skills." USAFA Educator 15.1 (Winter 2007): 5.

190. Stockburger, David. "A Look at Cadet Feedback Forms." USAFA Educator 15:1 (Winter 2007): 3.

191. ---. "Instructor Characteristics and Cadet Feedback." USAFA Educator 16.3

(Winter 2008): 10-11.

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192. Stockburger, David W. "Assessment and Rewards." USAFA Educator 15.2

(Spring 2007): 3.

193. ---."Selecting a Textbook in a Learning-Focused Environment." USAFA Educator 14.1 (Spring 2006): 3-4.

194. Swetz, Kimberly and Jadonna Brewton. "Calculus from the Mouths of Babes:

Improving Students‟ Math Communication Skills Using Formal Problem Briefs." USAFA Educator 17.1 (Summer 2008): 12-13.

195. “Teaching Humanities at America‟s Military Academies.” WLA: War, Literature

and the Arts. 20.1-2 (January 2008): 14.

196. Thompson, Greg and Matt Ross. "Mock Trial Taps into High-Impact Learning Goals." USAFA Educator 19.1 (Summer 2010): 19.

197. Thompson, Greg J. "Law 220 Vitalizes Focus on Course Goals." USAFA

Educator 18.2 (Fall 2009): 13.

198. Torke, Kyle. "A Culture Teaching Excellence: With Help from CEE." USAFA Educator 16.3 (Winter 2008): 14.

199. Tucker, Mike. "Mentorship as the Cornerstone of Great Teaching." USAFA

Educator 19.1 (Summer 2010): 17.

200. United States Air Force Academy, Dean of Faculty, Center for Educational Excellence. "Academic Freedom and Academic Assessment." USAFA Educator 17.3 (Winter 2009): 9.

201. ---. "Aligning the CEE Goals to the DF and USAFA Strategic Plans." USAFA

Educator 17.2 (Fall 2008): 7.

202. ---. "First Year Experience." USAFA Educator 17.3 (Winter 2009): 18.

203. ---. “Everything Stems from the Goals!”: The 2010 USAFA Course Design Retreat." USAFA Educator 19.1 (Summer 2010): 27.

204. ---. "Faculty Orientation: Applying What the Best College Teachers Do to

Learning at USAFA." USAFA Educator 19.2 (Fall 2010): 7.

205. ---. "The Path to Success: The 2010 Course Director Workshop Series." USAFA Educator 19.1 (Summer 2010): 26.

206. ---. "2009 Summer Faculty Orientation Modeling the Learning-Focused

Approach." USAFA Educator 18.2 (Fall 2009): 7.

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207. ---. "2009 USAFA Course Design Retreat, 31 May - 3 June 2009, Leadville, Co."

USAFA Educator 18.1 (Summer 2009): 9.

208. ---. "2009 Winter Faculty Orientation." USAFA Educator 17.3 (Winter 2009): 7.

209. ---. "The USAFA Course Design Retreat Colorado Mountain College – Timberline Campus, Leadville, Colorado." USAFA Educator 17.2 (Fall 2008): 4.

210. Van Valkenburg, Mike et al. "Facilitating Cadet Learning." USAFA Educator

17.1 (Summer 2008): 6-7.

211. Van Winkle, John. "Deploying Alternative Energy: Taking Wind Power to the Battle Field." Checkpoints 39.2 (September 2010): 34.

212. Van Zwoll, Lisa. "“Madame, What Did You Do Here All Summer?”" USAFA

Educator 17.2 (Fall 2008): 17.

213. Veverka, Don. "10 Ways to Achieve Inclusivity and Involvement in the Classroom." USAFA Educator 14.2 (Fall 2006): 6-8.

214. Waldie, Bradford (C1C). "Learning How to Learn." USAFA Educator 18.3

(Winter 2010): 9.

215. Walker, Brian. "Developing a Culture of DFM Faculty Development." USAFA Educator 18.3 (Winter 2010): 18.

216. Warner, Brad. "DFMS‟s View of Achieving the Mission." USAFA Educator 17.3

(Winter 2009): 14.

217. Warner, Bradley. "Being a Mathematician." USAFA Educator 17.2 (Fall 2008): 6.

218. West, Jim. "Does Professor Quality Matter? Employing an Economic Model." USAFA Educator 17.3 (Winter 2009): 12.

219. Wettemann, Bob. "Historical Debate…or Historical Deathmatch!" USAFA

Educator 17.1 (Summer 2008): 13.

220. Williams, Blake. "DFL - a Nonstandard Approach to Setting the Standard." USAFA Educator 19.1 (Summer 2010): 20.

221. Zineddin, Mohamad. "Taking Steps to Ensure Cadet Preparation for Advanced

Civil Engineering Courses." USAFA Educator 17.2 (Fall 2008): 9.

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222. Trest, Warren A. Air Force Roles and Missions: A History. Honolulu, HI: University Press of the Pacific, 2005. (UG 633 .T74 2005)

223. United States Air Force Academy, Dean of Faculty Dean of Faculty Strategic

Plan FY 2009-2014. USAFA: United States Air Force Academy, 2008. (UGB 815 .S89 2009 Spec Coll.)

224. United States Air Force Academy. Institutional Self Study Report: Prepared for

the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, Spring 2009. S.l.: s.n., 2009. (UGB 788 .A2 .A1 2009 Spec Coll.)

225. ---. United States Air Force Academy Institutional Self-Study Report: Executive

Summary. USAFA: United States Air Force Academy, 2009. (UGB 788 .A2 A2 2009)

226. ---. United States Air Force Academy Strategic Plan 2010-2014. USAFA: United

States Air Force Academy, 2010. (UGB 801 .S9 2010 Spec Coll.)


227. Born, Dana H. "Getting to Where We Want to Go." USAFA Educator 17.2 (Fall 2008): 2.

228. Branum, Don. "Father of the Academy: The Ideal Man, Remembering the

Extraordinary Contributions of Lt. Gen. Hubert Harmon." Checkpoints 39.2 (September 2010): 18-19.

229. Carlyle, Lewis. "A Conversation with the New Commandant: Brig. Gen. Richard

Clark, '84, Talks About Returning to the Academy." Checkpoints 39.3 (December 2010): 62-63.

230. Cox, Samuel D. "From the Commandant." Checkpoints 37.4 (March 2009): 14-


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231. Gillentine, Amy. "Lt. Gen. Gould Envisions Air Force Academy in Colorado

Springs Intertwined with the Community." Colorado Springs Business Journal 26 February 2010.

232. Gould, Mike. "At the Air Force Academy, It's All About Respect." Checkpoints

38.4 (March 2010): 8-9.

233. ---. "First Year Assessment." Checkpoints 39.5 (June 2010): 8-9.

234. ---. "From the Superintendent." Checkpoints 39.3 (December 2010): 8-10.

235. Gray, Debra Dubbe. "The Journey Begun...An Opportunity to Lead: Former Vice Commandant Looks Back at a Career That Began and Ended at USAFA." Checkpoints 35.1 (June 2006): 64-66.

236. Halter, Irv. "Letter from the Vice Superintendent." Checkpoints 34.4 (March

2006): 10-13.

237. Helms, Ian K. "Cadet Wing Commandant's Letter." Checkpoints 36.3 (December 2007): 18-19.

238. Maxfield, Jenna. "Summer Cadet Wing Commander." Checkpoints 35.2

(September 2008): 14-15.

239. Omdal, Carrie M. (Director - Commandant‟s Action Group) and Barry Nixon. "Military Performance Appraisal, New and Significantly Improved." USAFA Educator 17.3 (Winter 2009): 17.

240. Rauschkolb, Dick. "Superintendent's Interview with the AOG" Checkpoints 35.1

(June 2006): 17-22.

241. Regni, John F. "An Open Letter to Graduates." Checkpoints 35.1 (June 2006): 14-16.

242. ---. "State of Your Academy: A Whole Lot of Good Going On! (a letter from the

Superintendent)." Checkpoints 36.3 (December 2007): 14-17.

243. "Remembering Lt. Gen. Warren: Lt. Gen. Warren, the Fourth Superintendent of USAFA, Passes Away." Checkpoints 38.4 (March 2010): 12-13.

244. Roeder, Tom. "Great Leaders of the Academy: Brig. Gen. Susan Desjardins, '80,

Completes a Successful Run as Commandant." Checkpoints 37.3 (December 2008): 18-19.

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245. Vidal, Melinda. "Cleaves, '85 Returns to Lead Admissions Directorate." Checkpoints 37.1 (June 2008): 10-11.

246. Whitaker, Johnny. "Letter from the Director of Academy Communications."

Checkpoints 36.4 (March 2008): 10-12.




247. Kirby, Sheila Nataraj, et al. Diversity of Service Academy Entrants and Graduates. Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2010. (RAND MG-917-OSD)

248. Petersen, R. Eric. Congressional Nominations to U.S. Service Academies: An

Overview and Resources for Outreach and Management: Rl 33213 (7 October 2010). Washington, DC: Congressional Research Service, 2010. <>

249. Rodriguez, John J. “Predicting the Career Success of Air Force Academy

Cadets.” Ph.D. University of Nebraska, 2008. (Being acquired by library.)

250. Sackett, Paul R. and Anne S. Mavor. Assessing Fitness for Military Enlistment: Physical, Medical, and Mental Health Standards. Washington, DC: National Academies Press, 2006. (UB 333 .N382 2006)

251. Smallwood, William L. and Sue Ross. The Air Force Academy Candidate Book:

How to Prepare, How to Get in, How to Survive. 4th ed. Monument, CO: Silver Horn Books, 2007. (UGB 816.8 .S58 2007)

252. Webb III, Beacher R. "To Graduate from USAFA: Identifying Which Admissions

Criteria Make the Best Predictors of Cadet Success". Fort Belvoir, VA, 2006. 69 p. Defense Technical Information Center. <>.

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253. Cleaves, Chevalier "Chevy". "The Air Force Academy Admissions Diversity Focus: In Response to the Cadet Wing Diversity Plan." Checkpoints 38.1 (June 2009): 14-15.

254. Regni, John F. "2020 Vision." Checkpoints 37.3 (December 2008): 10-15.

255. Rodriguez, Jacob. "Predicting the Military Career Success of United States Air

Force Academy Cadets." Armed Forces & Society 36.1 (October 2009): 65-85.




256. Adams, Nicholas. Skidmore, Owings & Merrill: SOM since 1936. Milan: Electra Architecture, 2007. (NA 737 .S53 A83 2007 Oversize)

257. Danz, Ernst. "Academic Complex, U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs,

Colorado. Designed 1954-57, Built 1956-62." Architecture of Skidmore, Owings, & Merrill, 1950-1962. New York: The Monacelli Press, 2009. 94-109. (NA 737 .S53 A4 2009 Oversize)

258. Fogelberg, Ben and Steve Grinstead. "Air Force Academy Cadet Chapel."

Walking into Colorado's Past: 50 Front Range History Hikes. Boulder, CO: Westcliffe Publishers, 2006. 173-76. (F 782 .F88 F64 2005)

259. Metz, Leon Claire and Jeffery M. Goldberg. Robert E. McKee: Master Builder of

Structures Beyond the Ordinary. CD audio. Robert E. and Evelyn McKee Foundation, El Paso, TX, 2006. (TH 140 .M378 M882 2006 CD Spec Coll.)

260. Netsch, Walter. Walter A. Netsch, FAIA: A Critical Appreciation and Sourcebook.

Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 2008. (NA 737 .N38 W35 2008)

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261. United States Air Force Academy. Cadet Chapel: United States Air Force

Academy. S.l.: s.n., 2009. (UGB 793 .C2 C12 2009 Spec Coll.)

262. United States Air Force Academy, Dean of Faculty and 10th Air Base Wing. Energy Strategic Plan: To a Net Zero Installation. USAFA: United States Air Force Academy, 2009. (UGB 815 .E59 2009)


263. Andrews, David. “Salute to Glass and Steel.” Common Ground 10.1 (Spring 2005): 30-41.

264. Bateman, Jennifer. "Memorial Pavilion Honors Long Blue Line." Checkpoints

35.1 (June 2006): 70-71.

265. Bruegmann, Robert. “A Chapel Takes Flight.” First Things: A Monthly Journal of Religion and Public Life 206 (October 2010): 30-31.

266. Carlyle, Lewis. "Crowning the Heritage Trail: The Class of 1970 Dedicates the

Southeast Asia Memorial Pavilion." Checkpoints 39.3 (December 2010): 14-17.

267. ---. "The Origin of an Icon: A Brief History of the Eagle and Fledglings."

Checkpoints 39.5 (June 2010): 41.

268. Chacon, Daniel. "AFA Joins Utilities on Solar Project: Academy Array System to Be among State's Biggest." The Gazette 2 November 2010: A1-A2.

269. "Choose Your Legacy: Class Giving." Checkpoints 38.2 (September 2009): 62-


270. Collum, Ann. "The Indoor Training Facility: Ensuring the Future of Academy Athletics." Checkpoints 39.5 (June 2010): 16-19.

271. Freedman, Danny. "Churches, American Style." Life (6 April 2007): 10-15.

272. Hedrick, Allen. "Designing a Strength and Conditioning Facility at the United

States Air Force Academy." Strength and Conditioning Journal 27.3 (June 2005): 64-68.

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273. Henning, Joel. "Geometry of the Spirit: The Air Force Academy Chapel Combines the Soaring Forms of Chartres with the Imagery of Fighter Jets Aloft." The Wall Street Journal 21 August 2010, sec. Weekend Journal: W16.

274. Hill, David. "Air Age Gothic: The U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Features

an Unparalleled Collection of Modernist Buildings. But the Challenges of Preserving Them Can Seem Daunting." Preservation 60.3 (May-June 2008): 47-52. [See also Checkpoints 37.3 (December 2008): 60-65.]

275. Howe, Gary. "Heritage Honored: Class Gifts Have an Impact." Checkpoints 39.5

(June 2010): 54-55.

276. Lebovitz, Michael. "USAFA Air Gardens: A Historical Perspective (Part I of II)." Checkpoints 36.1 (June 2007): 16-19.

277. ---. "USAFA Air Gardens: A Historical Perspective (Part II of II)." Checkpoints

36.2 (September 2007): 12-15.

278. Magee, Daniel A. "Sentinels of the Academy, Part I." Checkpoints 34.3 (December 2005): 50-52.

279. ---. "Sentinels of the Academy, Part II." Checkpoints 34.4 (March 2006): 50-53.

280. Miller, Dean J. "Missile to Be Retired after 37 Years of Academy Service."

Checkpoints 37.2 (September 2008): 60.

281. Regni, John F. "2020 Vision." Checkpoints 37.3 (December 2008): 10-15.

282. Russell, Mark. "Learning Right under Our Feet - Fairchild Hall Renovation." USAFA Educator 18.2 (Fall 2009): 20.

283. Simon, Steven A. "Commandant's Building at Lowry Dedicated." Checkpoints

36.2 (September 2007): 30-32.

284. Tillery, Ann. "A Lifetime of Commitment: A Graduate Gives Back." Checkpoints 38.4 (March 2010): 17-19.

285. ---. "Path of Honor: The Heritage Trail." Checkpoints 38.3 (December 2009): 14-


286. USAFA Endowment. "Breaking Ground: The New Holaday Athletic Center Is Officially under Construction." Checkpoints 39.3 (December 2010): 61.

287. "Walter Netsch Dies at 88." Architect 97.9 (July 2008): 18.

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288. Academy Spirit and Department of Political Science. "AOG & Academy Shape Future Leaders." Checkpoints 34.4 (March 2006): 68-69.

289. Bateman, Jennifer. "Building Leaders of Character for the Nation: The

Campaign for the Future of the Air Force Academy." Checkpoints 35.2 (September 2006): 52-53.

290. Carlyle, Lewis. "Crowning the Heritage Trail: The Class of 1970 Dedicates the

Southeast Asia Memorial Pavilion." Checkpoints 39.3 (December 2010): 14-17.

291. "Checkpoints: Defining a Generation." Checkpoints 38.2 (September 2009): 22-


292. "Choose Your Legacy: Class Giving." Checkpoints 38.2 (September 2009): 62- 64.

293. "Connecting the Academy: Inside the AOG's Communications Department."

Checkpoints 38.2 (September 2009): 18-20.

294. Davidson, Kyle. "AOG Changes Its Face to the World, Adds New Feature." Checkpoints 36.1 (June 2007): 68-69.

295. "Helping Hands: Customer Service at the AOG, Helping Parents, Graduates,

and Friends Find What They Need, One Call at a Time." Checkpoints 38.2 (September 2009): 52-53.

296. "Investing in a Better Academy: Air Force Academy Fund and Sabre Society."

Checkpoints 38.2 (September 2009): 58-61.

297. "The Kaminski Endowment: The Impact of Major Gifts on the Cadet Educational Experience." Checkpoints 38.2 (September 2009): 54-57.

298. "Keeping the Circle Unbroken: Class Rings Are a Milestone in the Life of Every

Zoomie." Checkpoints 38.2 (September 2009): 46-48.

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299. Kovsky, Eddie. "Ready for Launch: AOG Support Fires up Academy Rocket

Research." Checkpoints 34.4 (March 2006): 64-65.

300. "Marking the Milestones: Event Hosting at the AOG." Checkpoints 38.2 (September 2009): 38-41.

301. McKelvy, Shawn D. "AOG Helps USAFA Cadets Shine at Annual International

Law Competitions." Checkpoints 35.2 (September 2006): 54-56.

302. Patton, Ann. "Longtime Face of AOG Moves on to Next 'Adventure'." Checkpoints 36.4 (March 2008): 20-21.

303. "Service Academy Career Conference: Connecting Graduates to Civilian

Careers." Checkpoints 38.2 (September 2009): 50-51.

304. "Webguy: The Untold Story behind the Scenes with the Association of Graduates' Runaway Web Phenomenon." Checkpoints 38.2 (September 2009): 34-37.




305. DeBerry, Fisher with Mike Burrows. The Power of Influence: Life-Changing

Lessons from the Coach. Colorado Springs, CO: Fisher DeBerry Foundation, 2009. (GV 939 .D42 A11 2009)

306. Hennings, Chad. Rules of Engagement: Finding Faith and a Purpose in a

Disconnected World. Boston: FaithWords, Hachette Book Group, 2010. (BJ 1581.2 .H4485 2010)

THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY: A Bibliography· the current or previous issues of the . United States Air Force Academy: ... The Special Bibliography Series is also available - [PDF Document] (32)



307. “Air Force Coach under Fire for Comments on Minority Players.” Diverse Issues in Higher Education 22.20 (17 November 2005): 11.

308. Air Force Print News. "Academy Accepts Bid to Armed Forces Bowl."

Checkpoints 36.3 (December 2007): 80-81.

309. Amann, Wayne. "Calhoun, '89, Diagrams Game Plan." Checkpoints 35.4 (March 2007): 80-81.

310. ---. "'Pop' Remembers His Cadet Roots: Bluesuiter-Turned-NBA Champion Re-

Visits Campus." Checkpoints 35.3 (December 2006): 92-93.

311. Bandi, Jenny (C1C). "Embracing Learning." USAFA Educator 19.2 (Fall 2010): 10.

312. Bryant, Milo. "Falcons' Ehn Still Making Believers." Checkpoints 36.1 (June

2007): 78-79.

313. Caparell, Adam. "Lessons Still Resonate with Hennings, '88: Air Force Great Credits Position Change as Catalyst Behind Hall of Fame Career." Checkpoints 35.3 (December 2006): 93-94.

314. Carlyle, Lewis. "A Cut Above: Falcon Cheerleaders Make an Impact."

Checkpoints 38.3 (December 2009): 60-63.

315. ---. "Building Contenders: Inside the Ring with USAFA Boxing." Checkpoints 38.3 (December 2009): 56-58.

316. ---. "Falcon Swimming and Diving: Cadets Learn the Value of Courage under

Water." Checkpoints 38.4 (March 2010): 68-73.

317. ---. "Home at Last: Falcon Football Brings Home the Commander in Chief's Trophy." Checkpoints 39.3 (December 2010): 18-19.

318. ---. "Live High, Train Low: Optimizing Cadet Athletics at the Human

Performance Lab." Checkpoints 39.5 (June 2010): 28-33.

319. ---. "The Power of Influence: A Conversation with Fisher DeBerry." Checkpoints 39.5 (June 2010): 52-53.

320. ---. "Striving for Perfection: The Cadet Rifle Team Takes Aim at Becoming the

Best in the World." Checkpoints 39.3 (December 2010): 42-45.

THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY: A Bibliography· the current or previous issues of the . United States Air Force Academy: ... The Special Bibliography Series is also available - [PDF Document] (33)


321. ---. "World Class Athlete Program: Graduates at the Olympic Training Center Serve as Ambassadors for the Air Force." Checkpoints 39.5 (June 2010): 60-65.

322. ---. "The World's Most Difficult Sport: Women's Gymnastics Challenges Body

and Mind." Checkpoints 38.4 (March 2010): 74-79.

323. Collum, Ann. "The Indoor Training Facility: Ensuring the Future of Academy Athletics." Checkpoints 39.5 (June 2010): 16-19.

324. Davidson, Kyle. "Troy Calhoun: Leadership Coach." Checkpoints 37.2

(September 2008): 12-14.

325. "Falcons Skate to a Record Season." Checkpoints 38.1 (June 2009): 71-73.

326. Fisher, Dan. "Academy Joins Atlantic Hockey Association." Checkpoints 34.4 (March 2006): 83-84.

327. Glockner, Andy. "The Hidden Truth: Few Can Match Falcon's Start."

Checkpoints 35.3 (December 2006): 88-89.

328. Hedrick, Allen. "Designing a Strength and Conditioning Facility at the United States Air Force Academy." Strength and Conditioning Journal 27.3 (June 2005): 64-68.

329. Hellman, Jessica (C1C) with the assist by Caroline Kurtz (C1C). "Redefining

Excellence: USAFA Women's Volleyball Team." USAFA Educator 19.2 (Fall 2010): 11.

330. Kleve, Matt. "Voices from the Booth." Checkpoints 35.3 (December 2006): 44-


331. Lorenz, Stephen. "We Win as a Wing, We Lose as a Wing: A Story of Spirit as a Force Multiplier." Checkpoints 39.5 (June 2010): 20-22.

332. McKeown, Melissa. "Golf Program Named One of Nation's Best by Golf Digest."

Checkpoints 36.2 (September 2007): 74.

333. Monroe, Mike. "Bzdelik Pushes Air Force into National Prominence." Checkpoints 35.4 (March 2007): 78-79.

334. Mueh, Hans. "The Department of Athletics – More Than Just Intercollegiates

and PE." USAFA Educator 19.2 (Fall 2010): 8-9.

THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY: A Bibliography· the current or previous issues of the . United States Air Force Academy: ... The Special Bibliography Series is also available - [PDF Document] (34)


335. ---. "Tomorrow's Leaders Forged through Competition Today: The Air Force Academy Athletic Department." Checkpoints 37.2 (September 2008): 70-74.

336. Mueh, Hans J. "Exciting Changes for USAFA Athletics." Checkpoints 38.1 (June

2009): 18-21.

337. ---. "The USAFA Department of Athletics." Checkpoints 35.2 (September 2006): 10-12.

338. O'Neil, Devon. "Pilgrimage: Taking in an Air Force Game a Real Rush".

Colorado Springs, 2010. ESPN Sports Travel. 2 November 2010. <>.

339. Schaller, Jake. "Recruiting Is Key to Success for Air Force Football Program:

Calhoun Begins Building from the Ground Up." Checkpoints 36.4 (March 2008): 62-65.

340. Simon, Steven A. "National Soccer Championship: USAFA Grad, Holaday

Scholar, Wins National Championship." Checkpoints 39.5 (June 2010): 82-83.

341. Toller, Dave. "On the Ice: Academy Graduate Balances Air Force with Pro

Hockey." Checkpoints 38.4 (March 2010): 66-67.

342. USAFA Athletics. "Academy Salutes DeBerry's Legacy: Tribute, Parade and Dinner Honor 23-Year Head Coaching Legend." Checkpoints 36.1 (June 2007): 86.

343. ---. "Air Force Legend Jim Bowman to Retire This Summer." Checkpoints 36.1

(June 2007): 83.

344. ---. "Air Force Names Jeff Reynolds Men's Basketball Coach." Checkpoints 36.1 (June 2007): 79-80.

345. ---. "Calhoun, Hall Named Coach, Offensive Player of the Year; Calhoun Also

Name AFCA Region 5 Coach of the Year." Checkpoints 36.3 (December 2007): 81-82.

346. ---. "Hennings, '88 Elected to College Football Hall of Fame." Checkpoints 35.1

(June 2006): 90-91.

347. ---. "Hockey Team Finishes Season with 21-12-6 Record." Checkpoints 37.1 (June 2008): 64-65.

THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY: A Bibliography· the current or previous issues of the . United States Air Force Academy: ... The Special Bibliography Series is also available - [PDF Document] (35)


348. ---. ""Return to Dominance": Coach Fisher DeBerry and Players Are Determined to Get Back to Their Winning Ways." Checkpoints 35.2 (September 2006): 82-84.

349. ---. "Sagastume Announces Retirement: One of 25 Coaches in Division I History

with 300 Career Wins." Checkpoints 36.1 (June 2007): 84.

350. ---. "Three Kings: Fighters Follow a Long Tradition of Dominating in the Ring." Checkpoints 35.1 (June 2006): 86-88.

351. Van Winkle, John. "Thanks for the Memories! Coach Fisher DeBerry Calls It a Career after 27 Years on the Falcon Sideline." Checkpoints 35.4 (March 2007): 20-24.




352. Schemo, Diana Jean. Skies to Conquer: A Year inside the Air Force Academy. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2010. (UGB 847 .S32 2010)

353. United States Air Force Academy. Basic Cadet Training: Class of 2013. 2009.

(UGB 855 .B36 2013 Reference)


354. Babin, Chance. "Reserve Chaplains Help Cadets Find Solace, Cope with Challenges." Citizen Airman: The Official Magazine of the Air National Guard & Air Force Reserve 57.5 (2005): 19.

355. Hart, Christin. "Recognition: A Physical and Mental Challenge." Checkpoints

36.1 (June 2007): 34-37.

356. Johnson, Khari. "Doolie 'Do' Is Just the Start: 1,250 Doolies Begin Tough Weeks." Checkpoints 36.2 (September 2007): 22-23.

THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY: A Bibliography· the current or previous issues of the . United States Air Force Academy: ... The Special Bibliography Series is also available - [PDF Document] (36)


357. Oligney, Brittany. "Basic Cadet Training: An Opportunity to Lead." Checkpoints

35.2 (September 2006): 58-60.

358. Patton, Ann. "FYE Shows 4-Degrees Off to a Good Start." Checkpoints 37.1 (June 2008): 60-61.

359. "Webguy: The Untold Story behind the Scenes with the Association of

Graduates' Runaway Web Phenomenon." Checkpoints 38.2 (September 2009): 34-37.

360. White, Crystal, Tania Buda (C2C) and Faith Sanders Walker (C2C). "Cadet

Cadre Interns - AETC Experiential Learning." USAFA Educator 18.3 (Winter 2010): 25.




361. Callahan, Jamie L. "Power, Control, and Gender: Training as Catalyst for Dysfunctional Behavior at the U.S. Air Force Academy." Gender, Race, and Ethnicity in the Workplace: Issues and Challenges for Today's Organizations, Volume 2: Legal, Psychological and Power Issues Affecting Women and Minorities in Business. Ed. Margaret Foegen Karsten. Vol. 2. Westport, Conn.: Praeger Publishers, 2006. 217-27. (HF 5549.5 .M5 G46 2006 v.2)

362. Heinecken, Lindy. "New Missions and the Changing Character of Military

Organisations." Cultural Differences between the Military and Parent Society in Democratic Countries. Ed. Giuseppe Caforio. 1st ed. Amsterdam Elsevier, 2007. 177-99. (JF 195 .C85 2007)

363. Taylor, Robert L., William E. Rosenbach and Eric B. Rosenbach. Military

Leadership: In Pursuit of Excellence. 6th ed. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 2009. (UB 210 .M553 2009)

THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY: A Bibliography· the current or previous issues of the . United States Air Force Academy: ... The Special Bibliography Series is also available - [PDF Document] (37)


364. Whelan, Paul. "Generational Change: Implications for the Development of Future Military Leaders." Military Leadership: In Pursuit of Excellence. Eds. Robert L. Taylor, William E. Rosenbach and Eric B. Rosenbach. 6th ed. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 2009. 265-83. (UB 210 .M553 2009)


365. Beekley, Matthew D. et al. "Incidence, Prevalence, and Risk of Eating Disorder Behaviors in Military Academy Cadets." Military Medicine 174.6 (2009): 637-41.

366. Carrell, Scott E., Richard L. Fullerton and James E. West. "Does Your Cohort

Matter? Measuring Peer Effects in College Achievement." Journal of Labor Economics 27.3 (July 2009): 439.

367. Ficarrotta, J. Carl. "Military Ethics: Some Lessons Learned from Manuel

Davenport." Air & Space Power Journal 20.4 (Winter 2006): 91-99.

368. Foster, Craig and Douglas Lindsay. "Understanding Cadet Motivation towards Leadership: Assessment, Adaption, and Funding." USAFA Educator 18.3 (Winter 2010): 12-13.

369. Hughes, Curt. "Cadet Attitudes toward Learning: A Summary of 10 Years of

Focus Groups." USAFA Educator 14.1 (Spring 2006): 2.

370. Jones, Steve. "Using Cadet Feedback to Improve Faculty Reflection." USAFA Educator 17.3 (Winter 2009): 8.

371. Machalek, Richard, et al. "Suspending Routine Duty: The Sociological

Significance of Military Holidays and Ceremonies." Armed Forces & Society 32.3 (April 2006): 389-404.

THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY: A Bibliography· the current or previous issues of the . United States Air Force Academy: ... The Special Bibliography Series is also available - [PDF Document] (38)





372. Blevins, Tim et al, ed. Legends, Labors & Loves: William Jackson Palmer, 1836-1909. Colorado Springs, CO: Pikes Peak Library District, 2009. (HE 2754 .P28 L445 2009)

373. DeBerry, Fisher with Mike Burrows. The Power of Influence: Life-Changing

Lessons from the Coach. Colorado Springs, CO: Fisher DeBerry Foundation, 2009. (GV 939 .D42 A11 2009)

374. Hennings, Chad. Rules of Engagement: Finding Faith and a Purpose in a

Disconnected World. Boston: FaithWords, Hachette Book Group, 2010. (BJ 1581.2 .H4485 2010)

375. Hoffler, Joseph W. Promotion Denied: The Harrowing True Story of Racism,

Cover-up, Betrayal and Vigilante Justice at the United States Air Force Academy. [United States]: Hertford Free Press, 2008. (UGB 801 .S44 2008)

376. Hoppin, C.J. Same Date of Rank: Grads at the Top and Bottom from West Point,

Annapolis, and the Air Force Academy. Bloomington, IN: Xlibris Corp., 2009. (U 408.3 .H676 2009)

377. Meilinger, Phillip S. Hubert R. Harmon: Airman, Officer, Father of the Air Force

Academy. Golden, CO: Fulcrum Group, 2009. (UGB 291 .H288 M513 2009)

378. Metz, Leon Claire and Jeffery M. Goldberg. Robert E. McKee: Master Builder of

Structures Beyond the Ordinary. CD audio. Robert E. and Evelyn McKee Foundation, El Paso, TX, 2006. (TH 140 .M378 M882 2006 CD Spec Coll.)

379. Netsch, Walter. Walter A. Netsch, FAIA: A Critical Appreciation and Sourcebook.

Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 2008. (NA 737 .N38 W35 2008)

380. Olds, Robin with Christina Olds and Ed Rasimus. Fighter Pilot: The Memoirs of

Legendary Ace Robin Olds. New York: St. Martin's Press, 2010. (UGB 291 .O44 A3 2010)

THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY: A Bibliography· the current or previous issues of the . United States Air Force Academy: ... The Special Bibliography Series is also available - [PDF Document] (39)


381. Preston, R. L. and Dan Thornton. Stetson, Pipe and Boots: Colorado's Cattleman Governor : A Biography About Dan Thornton. Victoria, BC: Trafford Publishing, 2006. (F 781.2 .T5 P7 2006)

382. Ringenbach, Paul T. (foreword by General Ronald S. Fogelman). Battling

Tradition: Robert F. McDermott and Shaping the U.S. Air Force Academy. Chicago: Imprint Publications, 2006. (UGB 751 .R58 2006)

383. Sullenberger, Chesley. Highest Duty: My Search for What Really Matters. New

York: William Morrow, 2009. (TLB 290 .S949 A11 2009)


384. Benzel, Lance. “Clark's Grit, Courage, Molded by WWII 'Failure': Shot Down and Captured in France, Military Man Driven to Excel.” The Gazette 18 March 2010: A1-A2.

385. Boyne, Walter J. "The Robin Olds Factor." Air Force Magazine 2008): 44-48.

386. Branum, Don. "Father of the Academy: The Ideal Man, Remembering the

Extraordinary Contributions of Lt. Gen. Hubert Harmon." Checkpoints 39.2 (September 2010): 18-19.

387. “Brigadier General Robert F. McDermott 1930-2006 (Obituary).” Air Power

History 53.4 (Winter 2006): 62-63.

388. Cisneros, Henry. "Brigadier General Robert F. McDermott." Checkpoints 35.2 (September 2006): 62-64.

389. Culver, Virginia. "Obituary: Former AFA Superintendent Spent 33 Months as a

POW." The Denver Post 16 March 2010: A-8.

390. DeBerry, Drue L. "Good Advice: Part 1." Checkpoints 39.5 (June 2010): 56-59.

391. ---. "Good Advice: Part 2." Checkpoints 39.2 (September 2010): 46-48.

392. “Donald J. Barrett (Obituaries & Life Tributes).” The Gazette 26 April 2009: A17.

393. “Lt. Gen. A.P. Clark, Former AFA Superintendent, 96: Airman was POW in WWII, 4-Year Academy Leader.” The Gazette 9 March 2010: A5.

394. “The Nation's First African-American Academic Computer Scientist Is Logging

Out.” The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education 63 (Spring 2008): 39.

THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY: A Bibliography· the current or previous issues of the . United States Air Force Academy: ... The Special Bibliography Series is also available - [PDF Document] (40)


395. "Remembering Lt. Gen. Warren: Lt. Gen. Warren, the Fourth Superintendent of USAFA, Passes Away." Checkpoints 38.4 (March 2010): 12-13.

396. "Walter Netsch Dies at 88." Architect 97.9 (July 2008): 18.

397. Wehry, Butch. "Farewell to a Life Lived to the Full: Academy, Friends and

Family Remember the Legend of Brig. General Robin Olds." Checkpoints 36.2 (September 2007): 58-60.

398. Wilkinson, Stephan. "At Home in the Blue Vault." Aviation History 18.3 (2008): 25-32.




399. Schemo, Diana Jean. Skies to Conquer: A Year inside the Air Force Academy. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2010. (UGB 847 .S32 2010)

400. Smallwood, William L. and Sue Ross. The Air Force Academy Candidate Book:

How to Prepare, How to Get in, How to Survive. 4th ed. Monument, CO: Silver Horn Books, 2007. (UGB 816.8 .S58 2007)


401. Almazar, Patrick and Larry Price. ""Wandering 104": Class of 1981 Graduates Patrick Almazar and Larry Price Share Many Fond Memories of Their Time at the Academy." Checkpoints 35.1 (June 2006): 74-76.

402. DeBerry, Drue L. "Good Advice: Part 1." Checkpoints 39.5 (June 2010): 56-59.

403. ---. "Good Advice: Part 2." Checkpoints 39.2 (September 2010): 46-48.

404. "Keeping the Circle Unbroken: Class Rings Are a Milestone in the Life of Every

Zoomie." Checkpoints 38.2 (September 2009): 46-48.

THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY: A Bibliography· the current or previous issues of the . United States Air Force Academy: ... The Special Bibliography Series is also available - [PDF Document] (41)


405. Kovsky, Eddie. "Cadets Celebrate 100th Night Countdown." Checkpoints 34.4

(March 2006): 42-43.

406. Malmstrom, Frederick V. "I Woke up Screaming: Welcome to Post-Cadet Stress Disorder." Checkpoints 36.4 (March 2008): 36-38.

407. McKinney, Austin (C1C). "Integrating and Expanding Knowledge." USAFA

Educator 18.3 (Winter 2010): 8-9.

408. Miller, John. "Playboy Squadron Leaves Their Legacy." Checkpoints 37.3 (December 2008): 44-45.

409. Montgomery, Ed. "The Return of Recognition: Fabled Rite of Passage Is More

Than Just Another Training Event." Checkpoints 35.1 (June 2006): 42-43.

410. Morreale, Brittany (C1C). "The Value and Challenge of Being a USAFA Scholar." USAFA Educator 18.3 (Winter 2010): 8.

411. Ott, Jim. "Air Force Cadet Recalls Academy Life." Checkpoints 34.4 (March

2006): 44-45.

412. Tomczak, Joseph R. "Returning to USAFA." Checkpoints 34.4 (March 2006): 76-78.

413. USAFA Cadet Wing Public Affairs Staff. "Pinnacle Peaks in Success!"

Checkpoints 35.1 (June 2006): 44-45.

414. Van Winkle, John. "Cadets Build Homes During Spring Break." Checkpoints 36.1 (June 2007): 74-76.

415. Waldie, Bradford (C1C). "Learning How to Learn." USAFA Educator 18.3

(Winter 2010): 9.

416. Warner, Chad. "The Cutting Edge Performance (Sabre Drill Team)." Checkpoints 36.1 (June 2007): 22-23.

417. Wright, Ken. "Willing Hands (Story of Cadet Erik Mirandette)." Checkpoints 35.4

(March 2007): 32.

THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY: A Bibliography· the current or previous issues of the . United States Air Force Academy: ... The Special Bibliography Series is also available - [PDF Document] (42)





418. Cook, Martin L. "Ethics Education, Ethics Training, and Character Development: Who 'Owns' Ethics in the US Air Force Academy?" Ethics Education in the Military. Eds. Paul Robinson, Nigel de Lee and Don Carrick. Aldershot, England; Burlington, VT: Ashgate Pub. Company, 2008. 57-65. (U 22 .E831 2008)

419. Taylor, Robert L., William E. Rosenbach and Eric B. Rosenbach. Military

Leadership: In Pursuit of Excellence. 6th ed. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 2009. (UB 210 .M553 2009)

420. United States Air Force Academy. Center for Character & Leadership

Development. Center for Character & Leadership Development. USAFA: United State Air Force Academy, 2010. (UGB 840.5 C3 2010 Spec Coll.)

421. Whelan, Paul. "Generational Change: Implications for the Development of

Future Military Leaders." Military Leadership: In Pursuit of Excellence. Eds. Robert L. Taylor, William E. Rosenbach and Eric B. Rosenbach. 6th ed. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 2009. 265-83. (UB 210 .M553 2009)


422. Academy Spirit and Department of Political Science. "AOG & Academy Shape Future Leaders." Checkpoints 34.4 (March 2006): 68-69.

423. Astle, Johanna. "Showdown: USAFA Jags Vs. 1° Mock Trial Members Providing

Leadership Opportunities to Cadets by Reaching out to the Community." USAFA Educator 19.1 (Summer 2010): 21.

424. Born, Dana H. and Daniel J. Watola. "Working Towards an Integrated Effort to

Commission Leaders of Character: Cadet Commanders' Leadership Enrichment Seminar (CLES)." Checkpoints 38.4 (March 2010): 24-25.

425. Burckel, Bonnie. "Putting Character into the Classroom." USAFA Educator 17.2

(Fall 2008): 21.

THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY: A Bibliography· the current or previous issues of the . United States Air Force Academy: ... The Special Bibliography Series is also available - [PDF Document] (43)


426. ---. "The Character and Leadership Integration Management Board (Climb) Cultural Shifts from Institutional Reflection." USAFA Educator 17.3 (Winter 2009): 13.

427. Collum, Ann. "Corporate Excellence Academy Values: Class of '69 Graduate

Brings Both to the Fortune 500." Checkpoints 39.2 (September 2010): 42-43.

428. Foster, Craig and Douglas Lindsay. "Understanding Cadet Motivation Towards

Leadership: Assessment, Adaption, and Funding." USAFA Educator 18.3 (Winter 2010): 12-13.

429. Granger, Kari. "CCLD 500: Meeting the Challenge of Providing Access."

USAFA Educator 18.2 (Fall 2009): 9.

430. Gray, Debra Dubbe. "The Journey Begun...An Opportunity to Lead: Former Vice Commandant Looks Back at a Career That Began and Ended at USAFA." Checkpoints 35.1 (June 2006): 64-66.

431. Han, Sam (C1C), Jeffrey Hutchins (C1C) and Albert Yu (C1C). "Using Today‟s

Research to Inform USAFA‟s Leaders of Tomorrow." USAFA Educator 19.1 (Summer 2010): 10.

432. Jones, Steve. "Our Interdependent Relationship with Cadets…and with Each

Other." USAFA Educator 15.2 (Spring 2007): 1.

433. Mastroianni, George R. "Occupations, Cultures, and Leadership in the Army and Air Force." Parameters 35.4 (Winter 2005-2006): 76-90.

434. Mets, David R. "Service before Self or Self-Service? Some Fodder for Your

Reading on the Professional Ethics of Air Warriors." Air & Space Power Journal 21.1 (Spring 2007): 96-107.

435. Phillips, Ty. "Cultivating Leaders of Character." USAFA Educator 17.3 (Winter

2009): 17.

436. Pirog, Paul. "How Departments Help Produce Leaders of Character: Teaching, Service, and Scholarship." USAFA Educator 19.1 (Summer 2010): 16.

437. Roeder, Tom. "Great Leaders of the Academy: Brig. Gen. Susan Desjardins, '80,

Completes a Successful Run as Commandant." Checkpoints 37.3 (December 2008): 18-19.

438. Rokke, Erv. "Future Leaders, Enduring Character." Checkpoints 39.3

(December 2010): 20-22.

THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY: A Bibliography· the current or previous issues of the . United States Air Force Academy: ... The Special Bibliography Series is also available - [PDF Document] (44)


439. Sanders, Joe. "On Becoming a First Call Center: Elevating and Integrating Character and Leadership Development." USAFA Educator 19.1 (Summer 2010): 7.

440. Sandrock, Jeff. "Cadets Embrace 'Courage in the Face of Adversity'."

Checkpoints 34.4 (March 2006): 70-71.

441. ---. "Falcon Heritage Forum: Cadets Take Heritage by Storm." Checkpoints 35.3 (December 2006): 68.

442. ---. "Reflections on Heritage: Falcon Heritage Forum Honors War Veterans and

Inspires Cadets." Checkpoints 35.1 (June 2006): 57.

443. Scharff, Lauren and Steve Samuels. "Full Steam Ahead to Excellence: Beh Sci 499: Leadership and Mentorship in the Classroom." USAFA Educator 19.2 (Fall 2010): 14.

444. Schmidt, Frank H. “Hal” (C1C). "Military Excellence: Setting the Bar through

Leadership." USAFA Educator 19.2 (Fall 2010): 12.

445. Wehry, Butch. "National Character, Leadership Symposium: The Academy Hosted the 14th Annual Character and Leadership Symposium Focusing Cadets on the Theme Of "All Created Equal--Human Dignity and Respect" Last February." Checkpoints 36.1 (June 2007): 72-73.

446. Woodside, Erinn. "2006 Commandant's Challenge: Cadet Wing Stimulates

Trails of Wartime Leadership." Checkpoints 35.3 (December 2006): 82-83.




447. Diodati, Egidio. "The U.S. Air Force Academy: Organizational Culture and Diversity Issues." Understanding and Managing Diversity: Readings, Cases, and Exercises. Eds. Carol P. Harvey and M. June Allard. 4 ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2009. 314-24. (HF 5549.5 .M5 H37 2009 Spec Coll.)

THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY: A Bibliography· the current or previous issues of the . United States Air Force Academy: ... The Special Bibliography Series is also available - [PDF Document] (45)


448. Hoffler, Joseph W. Promotion Denied: The Harrowing True Story of Racism,

Cover-up, Betrayal and Vigilante Justice at the United States Air Force Academy. [United States]: Hertford Free Press, 2008. (UGB 801 .S44 2008)

449. Kirby, Sheila Nataraj, et al. Diversity of Service Academy Entrants and

Graduates. Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2010. (RAND MG-917-OSD)

450. Marsh, AaBram G. "The Tanning of the Military." Attitudes Aren't Free: Thinking Deeply About Diversity in the US Armed Forces. Eds. James E. Parco and David A. Levy. Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama: Air University Press, 2010. 395-409. (UB 416 .A88 2010)

451. Samuels, Steven M. and Dena R. Samuels. "Incorporating the Concept of

Privilege into Policy and Practice: Guidance for Leaders Who Strive to Create Sustainable Change." Attitudes Aren't Free: Thinking Deeply About Diversity in the US Armed Forces. Eds. James E. Parco and David A. Levy. Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama: Air University Press, 2010. 321-41. (UB 416 .A88 2010)

452. ---. "Privilege and Cultural Reform at the U.S. Air Force Academy." The Matrix

Reader: Examining the Dynamics of Oppression and Privilege. Ed. Abby L. Ferber, et al. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2009. 579-83. (Being acquired by library.)


453. “Air Force Coach under Fire for Comments on Minority Players.” Diverse Issues in Higher Education 22.20 (17 November 2005): 11.

454. "Attitudes Aren't Free: A Collection of Academy Graduates Come Together to

Co-Author a New Book About Diversity...A Conversation with Dave Levy, '88, and Jim Parco, '91, Co-Authors of Attitudes Aren't Free." Checkpoints 39.3 (December 2010): 34-35.

455. Benzel, Lance. "Gender, Religion, Race Take Stage." The Gazette 30 October

2010: A1-A2.

456. Cleaves, Chevalier "Chevy". "The Air Force Academy Admissions Diversity Focus: In Response to the Cadet Wing Diversity Plan." Checkpoints 38.1 (June 2009): 14-15.

THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY: A Bibliography· the current or previous issues of the . United States Air Force Academy: ... The Special Bibliography Series is also available - [PDF Document] (46)


457. Jordan, Rita. "DF‟s Inclusive Excellence Initiative." USAFA Educator 14.2 (Fall 2006): 2.

458. Nelson, Michael. “The Case for the Academies.” Claremont Review of Books

10.3 (Summer 2010): 41-45.

459. Schmidt, Peter. “Air Force Criticizes Diversity Proposal That Came From...the Air Force.” Chronicle of Higher Education 53.38 (25 May 2007): 22.

460. ---. "Defense Dept. May Cut U.S. Service Academies' Affirmative-

Action Efforts." Chronicle of Higher Education 53.37 (18 May 2007): A19.

461. Winn, Patrick. "Academy Pushes to Boost Minority Rates." Air Force Times 2 June 2008): 9.




462. fa*gan, George V. Air Force Academy Heritage: The Early Years. Rev. ed. Golden, CO: Fulcrum Publishing, 2006. (UGB 751 .F15 2006 Oversize)

463. Meilinger, Phillip S. Hubert R. Harmon: Airman, Officer, Father of the Air Force

Academy. Golden, CO: Fulcrum Group, 2009. (UGB 291 .H288 M513 2009)

464. Preston, R. L. and Dan Thornton. "Air Force Academy Comes to Colorado."

Stetson, Pipe and Boots: Colorado's Cattleman Governor : A Biography About Dan Thornton. Victoria, B.C.: Trafford Publishing, 2006. 291-306. (F 781.2 .T5 P7 2006)

465. Wismer, David A. Shamrock Ranch: Celebrating Life in Colorado's Pikes Peak

Country. Boulder, CO: Johnson Books, 2009. (F 784 .S39 W57 2009 Oversize)

THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY: A Bibliography· the current or previous issues of the . United States Air Force Academy: ... The Special Bibliography Series is also available - [PDF Document] (47)


466. Witters, Arthur G. and J. Bryce Hollingsworth. The United States Air Force Academy: The Real Story of How It Was Developed. Chapel Hill, NC: Professional Press, 2009. (UGB 751 .W829 2009)


467. Boyne, Walter J. "They Wanted Wings." Air Force Magazine 92.2 (February 2009): 70-72.

468. Butler, Jimmie H. "USAFA's Forward Air Controller Heritage." Checkpoints 36.3

(December 2007): 72-74.

469. Davidson, Kyle. "50 Years Later...Still Expecting Great Things: Things Were Tougher Back Then...Simpler, but Tougher." Checkpoints 37.1 (June 2008): 12-15.

470. DeBerry, Drue L. "Good Advice: Part 1." Checkpoints 39.5 (June 2010): 56-59.

471. ---. "Good Advice: Part 2." Checkpoints 39.2 (September 2010): 46-48.

472. Dikkers, Gary. "The U.S. Air Force Academy: What Might Have Been at Lake

Geneva." Checkpoints 39.2 (September 2009): 52-56.

473. Fuchs, Alice "The Devil Is an ATO: Taking a Look Back at the Academy's Early Days at Lowry Air Force Base." Checkpoints 39.5 (June 2010): 78-80.

474. Hatelid, John E. "Memories of USAFA Summer Training, 1968." Checkpoints

36.2 (September 2007): 50-52.

475. Malmstrom, Frederick V. "Before There Was a USAFA Prep School...Part-One of Two Parts." Checkpoints 38.1 (June 2009): 30-33.

476. ---. "Before There Was a USAFA Prep School: Part 2 of 2." Checkpoints 38.3

(December 2009): 52-54.

477. Meilinger, Phillip S. "Establishing the U.S. Air Force Academy: The Early Years." Air Power History 56.2 (Summer 2009): 38-47.

478. Skarstedt, Vance. "Review of Battling Tradition: Robert F. McDermott and

Shaping the U.S. Air Force Academy by Paul T. Ringenbach." Checkpoints 35.3 (December 2006): 38-40.

THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY: A Bibliography· the current or previous issues of the . United States Air Force Academy: ... The Special Bibliography Series is also available - [PDF Document] (48)





479. Chacon, Daniel. "AFA Joins Utilities on Solar Project: Academy Array System to Be among State's Biggest." The Gazette 2 November 2010: A1-A2.

480. Doehrman, Marylou. "Air Force Academy Pours Millions into Local Economy."

Colorado Springs Business Journal 28 May 2004.

481. Hazlehurst, John. "Colorado Springs Economy Remains at Mercy of the Military." Colorado Springs Business Journal 24 August 2007.




482. Anderson, David G. and Amy Lavender. "Noxious Weed Monitoring at the U.S. Air Force Academy Year 1 Results". Fort Collins, CO, 2006. Colorado State University, Colorado Natural Heritage Program. <>.

483. Armstrong, David Michael. Rocky Mountain Mammals: A Handbook of

Mammals of Rocky Mountain National Park and Vicinity. 3rd ed. Boulder: University Press of Colorado in cooperation with the Rocky Mountain Nature Association, 2008. (QL719.C6 A75 2008)

484. Cannings, Richard J. The Rockies: A Natural History. Vancouver ; Berkeley:

Greystone Books 2005. (QH104.5.R6 C36 2005)

THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY: A Bibliography· the current or previous issues of the . United States Air Force Academy: ... The Special Bibliography Series is also available - [PDF Document] (49)


485. Chacon, Daniel. "AFA Joins Utilities on Solar Project: Academy Array System to Be among State's Biggest." The Gazette 2 November 2010: A1-A2

486. Dodson, Carolyn and William W. Dunmire. Mountain Wildflowers of the

Southern Rockies: Revealing Their Natural History. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2007. (QK139 .D63 2007)

487. Fogelberg, Ben and Steve Grinstead. "Air Force Academy Cadet Chapel."

Walking into Colorado's Past: 50 Front Range History Hikes. Boulder, CO: Westcliffe Publishers, 2006. 173-76. (F 782 .F88 F64 2005)

488. Fredell, Robert. "Lifting the Veil on Research at the United States Air Force

Academy." Checkpoints 37.3 (December 2008): 24-25

489. ---. "Walking the Path of Energy Independence." Checkpoints 38.1 (June 2009): 67.

490. Nelson, Mike P. Colorado Weather Almanac. Boulder, CO: Johnson Books,

2007. (QC 999 .N45 2007)

491. Normandie, Richard W. and Matthew R. Lewis. "Environmental Assessment Golf Learning Center and Driving Range". Ft. Belvoir, VA, 2007. Defense Technical Information Center. <>.

492. United States Air Force Academy, Dean of Faculty and 10th Air Base Wing.

Energy Strategic Plan: To a Net Zero Installation. USAFA: United States Air Force Academy, 2009. (UGB 815 .E59 2009)


493. Heppard, Kurt A. and Steve G. Green. “Improving Air Force Transportation Systems by Using Alternative Energy: The Air Force Academy Exposes Its Cadets to Managerial Challenges Inherent in Implementing a Sustainable Alternative Energy Plan.” The Public Manager 38.2 (Summer 2009): 83-87.

494. Hoffman, Michael. "School of Fish." Air Force Times 69.31 (16 February 2009):


495. Poco*ck, James. "Green Sustainability" USAFA Educator 18.2 (Fall 2009): 18.

496. Schorr, Robert A., Paul M. Lukacs and Gregory L. Florant. "Body Mass and Winter Severity as Predictors of a Overwinter Survival in Preble's Meadow Jumping Mouse." Journal of Mammalogy 90.1 (February 2009): 17.

THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY: A Bibliography· the current or previous issues of the . United States Air Force Academy: ... The Special Bibliography Series is also available - [PDF Document] (50)





497. Hoffler, Joseph W. Promotion Denied: The Harrowing True Story of Racism, Cover-up, Betrayal and Vigilante Justice at the United States Air Force Academy. [United States]: Hertford Free Press, 2008. (UGB 801 .S44 2008)

498. Olds, Robin with Christina Olds and Ed Rasimus. Fighter Pilot: The Memoirs of

Legendary Ace Robin Olds. New York: St. Martin's Press, 2010. (UGB 291 .O44 A3 2010)

499. Ringenbach, Paul T. (foreword by General Ronald S. Fogelman). Battling

Tradition: Robert F. McDermott and Shaping the U.S. Air Force Academy. Chicago: Imprint Publications, 2006. (UGB 751 .R58 2006)


500. Born, Dana H. "Leaving a Legacy as a USAFA Faculty Member." USAFA Educator 16.3 (Winter 2008): 2.

501. ---. "Reflecting on the USAFA Faculty Member Role: On the Importance of

Mentoring." USAFA Educator 17.1 (Summer 2008): 2.

502. Brown, Kirk and Ruth Whitaker. "50th Anniversary of the Admissions Liaison Officer Program." Checkpoints 36.2 (September 2007): 40-42.

503. Cariaga-Lo, Liza et al. “Supporting the Development of the Professoriate.” Peer

Review 12.3 (Summer 2010): 19-22.

504. Chen, Helen L., Lisa R. Lattuca and Eric R. Hamilton. “Conceptualizing Engagement: Contributions of Faculty to Student Engagement in Engineering.” Journal of Engineering Education 97.3 (July 2008): 339-53.

505. Gubbels. Patti. "A Vision of Continued Excellence in DF Faculty Development."

USAFA Educator 19.1 (Summer 2010): 4-5.

THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY: A Bibliography· the current or previous issues of the . United States Air Force Academy: ... The Special Bibliography Series is also available - [PDF Document] (51)


506. Hassan, Anthony and Robert J. Jackson. "Air Officers Commanding Master's

Program." Checkpoints 37.3 (December 2008): 71-72.

507. Hoy, Raymond. "Road to Afghanistan: Academy Professor Receives Bronze Star." Checkpoints 39.3 (December 2010): 46-47.

508. Morris, D. Brent "“Chasing Curiosity” - a Practice of Faculty Development."

USAFA Educator 19.1 (Summer 2010): 6.

509. Omdal, Carrie M. (Director, Commandant‟s Action Group) and Barry Nixon. "Military Performance Appraisal, New and Significantly Improved." USAFA Educator 17.3 (Winter 2009): 17.

510. Rayner, R. Patrick. "Heritage to Horizons: Honoring Our Past and Planning for

Our Future." Checkpoints 39.3 (December 2010): 56-57.

511. United States Air Force Academy, Dean of Faculty, Center for Educational Excellence. "Faculty Orientation: Applying What the Best College Teachers Do to Learning at USAFA." USAFA Educator 19.2 (Fall 2010): 7.




512. Coleman, Glenn. Return to Stanley Canyon. Booksurge, 2009. (PS 3603 .O43 R47 2009)

513. Davis, Patrick A. The Shattered Blue Line. New York: Pocket Star Books, 2005.

(PS 3554 .A937617 .S52 2005 Fiction)

514. Dotson, Robert S. The Light on the Star: A Novel. [United States]: Xlibris Corp., 2005. (PS 3604 .O67 L53 2005)

515. Isaacson, Terry C. A Flight through Life. Baltimore: PublishAmerica, 2005.

(PS 3609.S22 F5 2005)

THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY: A Bibliography· the current or previous issues of the . United States Air Force Academy: ... The Special Bibliography Series is also available - [PDF Document] (52)


516. Ponders, Kim. The Last Blue Mile. 1st ed. New York: HarperCollins, 2007. (PS 3616. O59 L27 2007)




517. Moran, Shane. A Brief History of the Cadet Airmanship Programs at the United States Air Force Academy. Randolph Air Force Base, Tex.: Air Education and Training Command Office of History and Research, 2005. (UGB 842 .M82 2005)


518. Brown, Andrea. "Fun-Filled Competition in the Air: Wings of Blue Wins National Championship." Checkpoints 35.4 (March 2007): 66-67.

519. Butler, Jimmie H. "USAFA's Forward Air Controller Heritage." Checkpoints 36.3

(December 2007): 72-74.

520. Carlyle, Lewis. "Air Tight Support Squad: The 70th Flying Training Squadron Takes on the Role of Wingman at USAFA." Checkpoints 39.2 (September 2010): 12-16.

521. ---. "The Altimeter of Character: In the Air with the 557th Flying Training

Squadron." Checkpoints 38.4 (March 2010): 36-39.

522. ---. "Falcon Skydivers Reach New Heights." Checkpoints 38.3 (December 2009): 38-41.

523. Fuchs, Alice "The Devil Is an ATO: Taking a Look Back at the Academy's

Early Days at Lowry Air Force Base." Checkpoints 39.5 (June 2010): 78-80.

THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY: A Bibliography· the current or previous issues of the . United States Air Force Academy: ... The Special Bibliography Series is also available - [PDF Document] (53)


524. Johnson, Craig. "USAFA Airmanship Programs: As “Hip” as It Gets!" USAFA Educator 18.3 (Winter 2010): 14.

525. Lucey, Danielle. "Wings of Change: Bosh Global Services Readies Air Force

Academy for Careers as UAS Operators." Unmanned Systems 28.5 (May 2010): 41-43.

526. Patton, Ann. "Cadet Excels with His Head in the Clouds." Checkpoints 35.3

(December 2006): 58.

527. ---. "New Academy Detachment Debuts." Checkpoints 35.3 (December 2006): 53.

528. Roeder, Tom. "Gliding on Program's Success: Record Number of Cadets in

Training." Checkpoints 35.3 (December 2006): 70-71.

529. "Soaring Program Reaches New Heights." Checkpoints 37.3 (December 2008): 20-23.

530. Tillery, Ann. "A New Era: Aerial Combat in the Age of Unmanned Aircraft."

Checkpoints 38.3 (December 2009): 24-27.

531. Walker, Yancey E. "The Unexpected." Flying Safety 64.8 (August 2008): 26-27.




532. Barry, Joseph. High Flight: History of the U.S. Air Force Academy. Colorado Springs, CO: United States Air Force Academy, McDermott Library, 2009. (Z 5816 .U5 U5 no.109)

533. Boyne, Walter J. Beyond the Wild Blue: A History of the United States Air Force,

1947-2007. 2nd ed. New York: Thomas Dunne Books/St. Martin's Press, 2007. (UGH 207 .B683 2007)

THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY: A Bibliography· the current or previous issues of the . United States Air Force Academy: ... The Special Bibliography Series is also available - [PDF Document] (54)


534. Clark, Albert P., et al. United States Air Force Academy 1954-2004 : 50th Anniversary Oral History. Ed. Friends of the Air Force Academy Library. Colorado Springs, CO: Privately printed by the Friends of the Air Force Academy Library, 2005. (UGB 751 .U58 2005)

535. Jewel of the Rockies: The U.S. Air Force Academy's First 50 Years. DVD.

Rocky Mountain Public Broadcasting Network, Denver, 2005. (Available in Special Collections.)

536. Martin, Michael N. Flight of Excellence: United States Air Force Academy 50th

Anniversary. Nashville, TN: Turner Pub. Co., 2007. (UGB 638.5 .L3 M37 2007)

537. Simon, Steven A. Fifty Years of Excellence: Building Leaders of Character for

the Nation: A Publication Celebrating 50 Years of the U.S. Air Force Academy. Tampa, FL: Faircount LLC, 2004. (UGB 751 .F46 2004)

538. Trest, Warren A. Air Force Roles and Missions: A History. Honolulu, HI:

University Press of the Pacific, 2005. (UG 633 .T74 2005)

539. Weller, Grant. "Department of History Sets "History of USAFA" As Military Symposium Theme." Checkpoints 37.2 (September 2008): 46.

540. White, Elwood L. The United States Air Force Academy: A Bibliography, 2001-

2005. Colorado Springs: McDermott Library, United States Air Force Academy, 2006. (Z 6725 .U5 U51 2006)


541. Bateman, Jennifer. "Building Leaders of Character for the Nation: The Campaign for the Future of the Air Force Academy." Checkpoints 35.2 (September 2006): 52-53.

542. Carlyle, Lewis. "The Origin of an Icon: A Brief History of the Eagle and

Fledglings." Checkpoints 39.5 (June 2010): 41.

543. Clodfelter, Mark. "Matching Mountains and Fulfilling Missions: One Grad's Assessment of USAFA's True Value, Part I of II." Checkpoints 37.1 (June 2008): 20-24.

544. ---. "Matching Mountains and Fulfilling Missions: One Grads Assessment of

USAFA's True Value, Part II of II." Checkpoints 37.2 (September 2008): 62-65.

THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY: A Bibliography· the current or previous issues of the . United States Air Force Academy: ... The Special Bibliography Series is also available - [PDF Document] (55)


545. Desjardins, Susan. "USAFA – A Proud History, A Proud Future." Checkpoints 35.4 (March 2007): 10-14.

546. Mastroianni, George R. "Occupations, Cultures, and Leadership in the Army

and Air Force." Parameters 35.4 (Winter 2005-2006): 76-90.

547. Rayner, R. Patrick. "Heritage to Horizons: Honoring Our Past and Planning for Our Future." Checkpoints 39.3 (December 2010): 56-57.




548. Miller, Charlie. "Feel the Fire: Graduation to Remember." Checkpoints 35.1 (June 2006): 32-33.

549. Smith, Steven Donald. "Rumsfeld: Graduates Will Help Secure Freedom."

Checkpoints 35.1 (June 2006): 30-31.




550. Yoos II, Charles Jacob. "Honor System Renovation: Development and Authentication." Attitudes Aren't Free: Thinking Deeply About Diversity in the US Armed Forces. Eds. James E. Parco and David A. Levy. Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama: Air University Press, 2010. 489-504. (UB 416 .A88 2010)

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551. Desjardins, Susan. "Honor." Checkpoints 36.1 (June 2007): 62-65.

552. Kreidel, Joe. "Honor System Reforms Underway." Checkpoints 36.1 (June 2007): 65-66.

553. Lipka, Sara. “Air Force Academy Restricts Students to the Campus for Cheating

and Other Misconduct.” The Chronicle of Higher Education 53.25 (23 February 2007).

554. Malmstrom, Frederick V. "The 1965 Cheating Scandal: The Scandal Can Teach

Us a Great Deal About the Origins, Strengths, and Weaknesses of Human Virtues." Checkpoints 34.4 (March 2006): 36-41.

555. ---. "The USAFA Cheating Affair of 2004." Checkpoints 37.4 (March 2009): 46-


556. O'Connor, Seamus. "Academy Honor Code Toughened: Cheating Case Prompts Expulsions, Resignations." Air Force Times 67.43 (14 May 2007): 18.

557. Roeder, Tom. "Honor, Pride Get Put to the Test: After a Cheating Scandal

Shook the Academy, One Leader Looked to the Past, and Cadets Looked within Themselves." Checkpoints 36.2 (September 2007): 54-56.

558. Sepp, Eric. "A Place to Reflect." Checkpoints 35.4 (March 2007): 40.

559. United States Air Force Academy Center for Character Development. "Academy

Institutes Honor System Changes." Checkpoints 36.3 (December 2007): 58-59.

560. Wasley, Paula. "18 Cadets Are Expelled or Resign from Air Force Academy in

Cheating Scandal." Chronicle of Higher Education 53.36 (11 May 2007): 46.

THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY: A Bibliography· the current or previous issues of the . United States Air Force Academy: ... The Special Bibliography Series is also available - [PDF Document] (57)





561. Bandi, Jenny (C1C). "Embracing Learning." USAFA Educator 19.2 (Fall 2010): 10.

562. Davidson, Kyle. "Cadets Gain First-Hand Insight into What It Means To

"Remember, New Forget"." Checkpoints 36.2 (September 2007): 38-39.

563. Derby, Dan. "DFCE ~ Engineers without Borders." USAFA Educator 18.2 (Fall 2009): 22.

564. Derby, LeAnn & Steve Bury. "Francophone Immersions." USAFA Educator 17.2

(Fall 2008): 16.

565. Donovan, John. "Why Culture Matters." USAFA Educator 19.1 (Summer 2010): 8-9.

566. Driscoll, Dan. "Spring Break Olmsted Trips: Opportunities for a Multi-

Disciplinary Approach." USAFA Educator 18.1 (Summer 2009): 16.

567. France, Martin. "Global Cultural Immersion: Trip Funded by Olmsted Foundation Provides Unique Experiences for Cadets." Checkpoints 36.4 (March 2008): 58-60.

568. Guajardo, Yumiko. "Interdisciplinary Courses to Expand Student Horizons and

Perspectives." USAFA Educator 17.2 (Fall 2008): 15.

569. Hammoud, Salah-Dine. "The Learning Centeredness of Language and Culture Immersion." USAFA Educator 17.1 (Summer 2008): 11.

570. Harvey, Travis. "USAFA Cadets Travel to UAE." Checkpoints 35.3 (December

2006): 62-64.

571. Haverluk, Terrence and Rouven Steeves. "High Impact Practices and the Intercultural Development Inventory: Reflections on the Work of the Intercultural Competence and Involvement Outcome Team." USAFA Educator 18.3 (Winter 2010): 4-5.

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572. Imada, Julie. "The Ties That Bind: A Look at the United States Air Force Academy's Relationship with Singapore." Checkpoints 37.2 (September 2008): 15.

573. King, Matthew. "Cadets Take High-Impact Learning on International Trek."

USAFA Educator 19.1 (Summer 2010): 23.

574. LeBlanc, Matthew. "DFCE‟s Role in the AEF." USAFA Educator 18.2 (Fall 2009): 15.

575. McKelvy, Shawn D. "AOG Helps USAFA Cadets Shine at Annual International

Law Competitions." Checkpoints 35.2 (September 2006): 54-56.

576. McKinney, Austin (C1C). "Integrating and Expanding Knowledge." USAFA Educator 18.3 (Winter 2010): 8-9.

577. Mishev, Rob. "Passage to India." Checkpoints 36.2 (September 2007): 44-47.

578. Moore, Chuck. "Best of the Best: Exceeding the Highwater Mark, Cadets Go

International with Graduate Scholarships." Checkpoints 39.5 (June 2010): 66-67.

579. Morreale, Brittany (C1C). "The Value and Challenge of Being a USAFA

Scholar." USAFA Educator 18.3 (Winter 2010): 8.

580. Morreale, Brittany (C1C) and Daniel O‟Keefe (C1C). "SPARTAN: Solar Phenomenon and Radioactive Testing at Amami, Japan." USAFA Educator 18.2 (Fall 2009): 10.

581. Moskver, Katherine V. “Register and Genre in Course Design for Advanced

Learners of Russian.” Foreign Language Annals 41.1 (Spring 2008): 119-31.

582. Pilch, Fran T. "The Fulbright-Hays Seminar Abroad Experience." USAFA

Educator 16.3 (Fall 2007): 8.

583. Rappaport, Neal. "Cultural Immersion, Macedonia: Cadets Visit Central Europe for Spring Break." Checkpoints 39.5 (June 2010): 24-25.

584. Simon, Steven A. "National Soccer Championship: USAFA Grad, Holaday

Scholar, Wins National Championship." Checkpoints 39.5 (June 2010): 82-83.

585. USAFA Public Affairs. "From USAFA to Ulaanbaatar: Cadets Visits Mongolia."

Checkpoints 38.3 (December 2009): 44-46.

THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY: A Bibliography· the current or previous issues of the . United States Air Force Academy: ... The Special Bibliography Series is also available - [PDF Document] (59)


586. Waldie, Bradford (C1C). "Learning How to Learn." USAFA Educator 18.3 (Winter 2010): 9.

587. Wang, Qiqui, Wang Ximin and Hao Chengming. “Chinese Servicemen's Views

of USAF Airmen and Education.” Air & Space Journal 21.4 (Winter 2007): 53-56.

588. Winn, Patrick. "Foreign Cadets Take Learning Home." Air Force Times 67.51 (9

July 2007): 18.

589. ---. "2 U.S. Colonels Help Afghans Build an Air Force Academy." Air Force Times 26 March 2007: 30.




590. Barry, Joseph. High Flight: History of the U.S. Air Force Academy. Colorado Springs, CO: United States Air Force Academy, McDermott Library, 2009. (Z 5816 .U5 U5 no.109)

591. Friends of the Air Force Academy Library. "The USAFA Graduate War

Memorial". Colorado Springs, CO. Internet Resource. (2008-): The Friends of the Air Force Academy Library. <>.

592. White, Elwood L. The United States Air Force Academy: A Bibliography, 2001-

2005. Colorado Springs: McDermott Library, United States Air Force Academy, 2006. (Z 6725 .U5 U51 2006)


593. Benzel, Lance. “Clark's Grit, Courage, Molded by WWII 'Failure': Shot Down and Captured in France, Military Man Driven to Excel.” The Gazette 18 March 2010: A1-A2.

THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY: A Bibliography· the current or previous issues of the . United States Air Force Academy: ... The Special Bibliography Series is also available - [PDF Document] (60)


594. Culver, Virginia. "Obituary: Former AFA Superintendent Spent 33 Months as a

POW." The Denver Post 16 March 2010: A-8.

595. “Donald J. Barrett (Obituaries & Life Tributes).” The Gazette 26 April 2009: A17.

596. Holmes, Erik. "Legendary Pilot's Papers Saved from Auction Block." Air Force Times 69.48 (15 June 2009): 30.

597. “Lt. Gen. A.P. Clark, Former AFA Superintendent, 96: Airman was POW in

WWII, 4-Year Academy Leader.” The Gazette 9 March 2010: A5.

598. Scott, Edward A. “What's Behind the Guarded Gate and the Locked Fence: Special Collections at the United States Air Force Academy.” Colorado Libraries 34.2 (2007): 26-27.




599. Abbott, Carl, Stephen J. Leonard and Thomas J. Noel. Colorado: A History of the Centennial State. 4th ed. Boulder: University Press of Colorado, 2005. (F 776 .A22 2005)

600. Blevins, Tim et al, ed. Legends, Labors & Loves: William Jackson Palmer,

1836-1909. Colorado Springs, CO: Pikes Peak Library District, 2009. (HE 2754 .P28 L445 2009)

601. Kaelin, Celinda R. and the Pikes Peak Historical Society. American Indians of

the Pikes Peak Region. Charleston, SC: Arcadia Publishing, 2008. (E 78 .C6 K34 2008)

602. Lewis, Allan C. Railroads of the Pike‟s Peak Region, 1900-1930. Charleston,

SC: Arcadia Publishing, 2006. (TF 24 .C6 L493 2006)

603. Martin, Mary L. Greetings from Colorado Springs. Atglen, PA: Schiffer Publishing Limited, 2007. (F 784 .C7 M37 2007)

THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY: A Bibliography· the current or previous issues of the . United States Air Force Academy: ... The Special Bibliography Series is also available - [PDF Document] (61)


604. Pike, Zebulon Montgomery, et al. The Southwestern Journals of Zebulon Pike,

1806-1807. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2006. (F 592 .P638 2006)

605. Swint, Sharon Hester. Historic Photos of Colorado Springs. Nashville, TN:

Turner Publishing Company, 2009. (F 784 .C7 S95 2009)

606. Wismer, David A. Shamrock Ranch: Celebrating Life in Colorado's Pikes Peak Country. Boulder, CO: Johnson Books, 2009. (F 784 .S39 W57 2009 Oversize)


607. Eaton, Leslie. "Strapped City Cuts and Cuts and Cuts." Wall Street Journal 13 April 2010, Eastern ed.: A1-A16.

608. Larimer, Ron. "Colorado Springs to House New Air Services Museum." Colorado Springs Business Journal 23 December 2005.




609. Boleng, Jeff and Michael Henson. "Expanding Cyberspace Education and Training." Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Warfare & Security, 2010. 37-43.

610. Galway, Lionel et al. Understrength Air Force Officer Career Fields: A Force

Management Approach. Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2005. (RAND MG-131-AF)

THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY: A Bibliography· the current or previous issues of the . United States Air Force Academy: ... The Special Bibliography Series is also available - [PDF Document] (62)


611. Price, Paul A. Genesis and Evolution of the United States Air Force Academy's Officer Development System. Maxwell Air Force Base, AL: Air University, 2004. <>

612. United States Air Force Academy. Outcomes. USAFA: United States Air Force

Academy, 2009. (UGB 815 .O94 2009 Spec Coll.)

613. United States Air Force. Institutional Research & Assessment Division (XPR). Statistical Summaries of USAFA Cadets & Graduates. Colorado Springs, CO: Headquarters, United States Air Force Academy, XPR, 2005. (UGB 816.8 .S84 2005 Spec Coll.)

614. Watson, Cynthia Ann. Military Education: A Reference Handbook.

Contemporary Military, Strategic, and Security Issues. Westport, Conn.: Praeger Security International, 2007. (U 408 .W37 2007)


615. "Academy Graduates UAV/ISR Class." Air Force Magazine 92.10 (October 2009): 17-18.

616. Bengs, Brian L. and Brady J. Augustin. "Right Bombs, Right Target: Law of

Armed Conflict Instruction for United States Air Force Officer Candidates." Journal of Applied Security Research 5.3 (July 2010): 397-413.

617. Born, Dana. "Educational Transformation: Heritage to Horizons - Our Legacy,

Our Future." Checkpoints 35.3 (December 2006): 10-12.

618. Burks, Eric. "Cadets Learn Mission through Operation Air Force." Checkpoints 37.2 (September 2008): 47.

619. Carlyle, Lewis. "Air Tight Support Squad: The 70th Flying Training Squadron

Takes on the Role of Wingman at USAFA." Checkpoints 39.2 (September 2010): 12-16.

620. ---. "The Altimeter of Character: In the Air with the 557th Flying Training

Squadron." Checkpoints 38.4 (March 2010): 36-39.

621. ---. "Going the Distance: One Cadet's Journey from the Hospital Bed to the Terrazzo." Checkpoints 39.3 (December 2010): 24-27.

622. Crosson, Thomas. "Cadets Deploy for Real World Experience." Checkpoints

35.1 (June 2006): 34-36.

THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY: A Bibliography· the current or previous issues of the . United States Air Force Academy: ... The Special Bibliography Series is also available - [PDF Document] (63)


623. Enger, Rolf C., Stephen K. Jones and Dana H. Born. "Commitment to Liberal Education at the United States Air Force Academy." Liberal Education 96.2 (Spring 2010): 14-21.

624. Franz, Teresa. "The Officer Development System (ODS) and Building Officers

of Character." USAFA Educator 17.2 (Fall 2008): 8.

625. Hatelid, John E. "Memories of USAFA Summer Training, 1968." Checkpoints 36.2 (September 2007): 50-52.

626. Johnson, Craig. "USAFA Airmanship Programs: As “Hip” as It Gets!" USAFA

Educator 18.3 (Winter 2010): 14.

627. Lucey, Danielle. "Wings of Change: Bosh Global Services Readies Air Force Academy for Careers as UAS Operators." Unmanned Systems 28.5 (May 2010): 41-43.

628. Montgomery, Ed. "The Return of Recognition: Fabled Rite of Passage Is More

than Just Another Training Event." Checkpoints 35.1 (June 2006): 42-43.

629. Nelson, Michael. “The Case for the Academies.” Claremont Review of Books 10.3 (Summer 2010): 41-45.

630. Niday II, Jackson A. and Kathleen Harrington. "Can Academic Freedom Work in

Military Academies?" Academe 93.3 (July/August 2007): 26-29.

631. Patton, Ann. "New Academy Detachment Debuts." Checkpoints 35.3 (December 2006): 53.

632. Pierce, Terry and Michael Whitted. "The Impact of Innovation in Military

Education." USAFA Educator 18.3 (Winter 2010): 6.

633. Roeder, Tom. "Gliding on Program's Success: Record Number of Cadets in Training." Checkpoints 35.3 (December 2006): 70-71.

634. Schifani, Kate. "Academy Women's Symposium." Checkpoints 35.3 (December

2006): 54-56.

635. Schmidt, Peter. "Defense Dept. May Cut U.S. Service Academies' Affirmative- Action Efforts." Chronicle of Higher Education 53.37 (18 May 2007): A19.

636. Tillery, Ann. "A New Era: Aerial Combat in the Age of Unmanned Aircraft."

Checkpoints 38.3 (December 2009): 24-27.

THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY: A Bibliography· the current or previous issues of the . United States Air Force Academy: ... The Special Bibliography Series is also available - [PDF Document] (64)


637. United States Air Force Academy, Dean of Faculty, Center for Educational Excellence. "First Year Experience." USAFA Educator 17.3 (Winter 2009): 18.

638. USAF Public Affairs. "Cadets Win NSA Cyber Defense Exercise: Cyber

Warriors Defend Academy Network from Virtual Attacks by America's Cryptologic Organization." Checkpoints 35.1 (June 2006): 58-59.

639. USAFA Cadet Wing Public Affairs Staff. "Pinnacle Peaks in Success!"

Checkpoints 35.1 (June 200): 44-45.

640. Viss, Carolyn. "Cadets Experience Real-World Deployment." Checkpoints 37.2 (September 2008): 16-17.

641. Warner, Chad. "The Cutting Edge Performance (Sabre Drill Team)."

Checkpoints 36.1 (June 2007): 22-23.

642. Wehry, Butch. "Cadet Survival Training." Checkpoints 37.3 (December 2008): 56-57.

643. White, Crystal, Tania Buda (C2C) and Faith Sanders Walker (C2C). "Cadet

Cadre Interns - AETC Experiential Learning." USAFA Educator 18.3 (Winter 2010): 25.

644. Woodside, Erinn. "2006 Commandant's Challenge: Cadet Wing Stimulates

Trails of Wartime Leadership." Checkpoints 35.3 (December 2006): 82-83.




645. Anderson, Donald. A Visitor's Guide to the U.S. Air Force Academy. American Traveler Series. Rev. ed. Phoenix, AZ: American Traveler Press, 2009. (UGB 766 .A54 2009)

THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY: A Bibliography· the current or previous issues of the . United States Air Force Academy: ... The Special Bibliography Series is also available - [PDF Document] (65)


646. Gillespie, Paul and Grant Weller, eds. Harnessing the Heavens: National Defense through Space Vol. 10. Chicago: Imprint Publications, 2008. (UGB 789 2006)

647. Heinecken, Lindy. "New Missions and the Changing Character of Military

Organisations." Cultural Differences between the Military and Parent Society in Democratic Countries. Ed. Giuseppe Caforio. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2007. 177-99. (JF 195 .C85 2007)

648. Hurst, Robert. Road Biking Colorado's Front Range. Falcon Guide. Guilford,

CT: Globe Pequot Press, 2005. (GV 1045.5.F76 H88 2005)

649. Normandie, Richard W. and Matthew R. Lewis. "Environmental Assessment Golf Learning Center and Driving Range". Ft. Belvoir, VA, 2007. Defense Technical Information Center. <>.


650. Avery, Dayna. "Called to Serve.” Checkpoints 36.3 (December 2007): 62-65.

651. Barringer, Sam et al. "Out of the Core: Cadet-Led Bone Marrow Drive." USAFA Educator 18.3 (Winter 2010): 15.

652. Brown, Andrea. "Cadet Returns after near-Fatal Fall: During a Grueling

Recovery, Avolio Had One Goal: Get Back to the Academy." Checkpoints 36.4 (March 2008): 28-30.

653. Brown, Ron. "Same Construction and Engineering Camps: Building Great

Engineers by Mentoring Students." Engineer 38.3 (July-December 2008): 15.

654. Butler, Jimmie. "Coming Home to USAFA" Checkpoints 35.4 (March 2007): 26-


655. Carlyle, Lewis. "A Pastel Horizon: Catching a Glimpse of the Academy Art Collection " Checkpoints 37.1 (June 2008): 30-32.

656. ---. "Beyond Mitch's: A Guide to Surviving Your First Years in the Air Force."

Checkpoints 39.3 (December 2010): 40-41.

657. ---. "Flight of the Falcon: Inside the Academy's Falcon Program." Checkpoints 39.3 (December 2010): 28-31.

THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY: A Bibliography· the current or previous issues of the . United States Air Force Academy: ... The Special Bibliography Series is also available - [PDF Document] (66)


658. ---. "Going the Distance: One Cadet's Journey from the Hospital Bed to the Terrazzo." Checkpoints 39.3 (December 2010): 24-27.

659. ---. "The Ring That Would Not Die: The Life, Death, and Resurrection of One

Cadet's Class Ring." Checkpoints 39.3 (December 2010): 48.

660. Cubero, Ruben A. "Chaney King, a Winged Pig and It's All Good!!!: A Personal Perspective." Checkpoints 35.1 (June 2006): 50-52.

661. Davidson, Kyle. "Lion-Sized Hearts: Cadets Lend a Helping Hand at Blue Lion

Animal Rescue." Checkpoints 37.3 (December 2008): 38-43.

662. "Elsevier Health Sciences: Major Swine Flu Outbreak at US Air Force Academy, Unique Opportunity to Study Virus Behavior." Defense & Aerospace Business (4 November 2009): 16.

663. Gutierrez, Lorna. "'Bring Me Men' Feature Film on Class of 1980 to Begin in

Spring 2008." Checkpoints 36.3 (December 2007): 32-33.

664. "Investing in a Better Academy: Air Force Academy Fund and Sabre Society." Checkpoints 38.2 (September 2009): 58-61.

665. Kleve, Matt. "Warriors Still Come in All Sizes." Checkpoints 36.1 (June 2007):


666. LaRivee, Marianne O. "Grad Joins USAFA Heritage March." Checkpoints 35.1 (June 2006): 72-73.

667. Levy, Hila (C1C). "The Impact of a Good Educator." Checkpoints 37.1 (June

2008): 44-45.

668. Livingston, Julia. "Atop Eagle's Peak: Des Moines Cadet Fights Back to Regain Dream." Checkpoints 38.4 (March 2010): 32-34.

669. Lorenz, Stephen R. "Do the Right Thing." Checkpoints 37.4 (March 2009): 21.

670. Magee, Daniel A. "Sentinels of the Academy, Part I." Checkpoints 34.3

(December 2005): 50-52.

671. ---. "Sentinels of the Academy, Part II." Checkpoints 34.4 (March 2006): 50-53.

672. Malmstrom, Frederick V. "What Killed the Dodo?" Checkpoints 39.3 (December 2010): 50-52.

673. McConn, Dick. "USAFA Insignificance?" Checkpoints 38.3 (December 2009):


THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY: A Bibliography· the current or previous issues of the . United States Air Force Academy: ... The Special Bibliography Series is also available - [PDF Document] (67)


674. Patton, Ann. "A New Falcon in Town: Buzz, an American Kestrel Falcon, Joins

the Academy." Checkpoints 38.4 (March 2010): 40-41.

675. ---. "Your Gifts Make an Impact: Cadet Thrive as Big Brother, Big Sister Hosts." Checkpoints 36.4 (March 2008): 40-41.

676. Sandrock, Jeff. "Cadets Embrace 'Courage in the Face of Adversity'."

Checkpoints 34.4 (March 2006): 70-71.

677. Simon, Steven A. "Lieutenant General Ben Bellis Wins 2010 Distinguished Service Award." Checkpoints 39.3 (December 2010): 68.

678. Tomczak, Joseph R. "Returning to USAFA." Checkpoints 34.4 (March 2006):


679. USAFA Public Affairs. "Academy Rocket Scientist Sets World Record in Swimming." Checkpoints 35.2 (September 2006): 26.

680. Van Winkle, John. "Academy Volunteers Help Navajo Korean War Veteran."

Checkpoints 37.1 (June 2008): 40-41.

681. ---. "Cadets Build Homes during Spring Break." Checkpoints 36.1 (June 2007): 74-76.

682. ---. "Incurable Kindness: Cadets Fight Poverty in Ghana." Checkpoints 39.5

(June 2010): 46-49.

683. Wehry, Butch. "Cadets Lauded for Aiding Injured Comrade." Checkpoints 35.3 (December 2006): 36-37.

684. Wright, Ken. "Faith to Spare." Checkpoints 37.1 (June 2008): 34-35.

685. ---. "Willing Hands (Story of Cadet Erik Mirandette)." Checkpoints 35.4 (March

2007): 32.

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686. Brothers, Michael Dunton. “Acclimatization to Moderate Altitude: Physiological Implications and Individual Variability”. Ph.D. University of Colorado, 2007.

687. Do, James J. "Understanding Attitudes on Gender and Training at the United

States Air Force Academy". Fort Belvoir, VA 2005. Defense Technical Information Center. <>.


688. Brothers, Michael D. et al. “Hematological and Physiological Adaptations following 46 Weeks of Moderate Altitude Residence.” High Altitude Medicine & Biology 11.3 (October 2010): 199-218.

689. Brothers, Michael D., Randall Wilber and William C. Byrnes. “Physical Fitness

and Hematological Changes during Acclimatization to Moderate Altitude: A Retrospective Study.” High Altitude Medicine & Biology 8.3 (August 2007): 213-224.

690. Carlyle, Lewis. "Live High, Train Low: Optimizing Cadet Athletics at the Human

Performance Lab." Checkpoints 39.5 (June 2010): 28-33.

691. Hedrick, Allen. "Designing a Strength and Conditioning Facility at the United States Air Force Academy." Strength and Conditioning Journal 27.3 (June 2005): 64-68.

692. Stuart, Robert. "Guiding Body." Checkpoints 36.2 (September 2007): 16-19.

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693. United States Air Force Academy. Contrails, the Air Force Cadet Handbook. USAFA: United States Air Force Academy, 2006-2010. (UGB 852 .C76 Reference Desk and Spec Coll.)

694. ---. Curriculum Handbook. USAFA: United States Air Force Academy, 2006-

2010. (UGB 804 .A31 Reference and Spec Coll.)

695. ---. "Icarus: The Air Force Academy Literary Arts Magazine". USAFA. United States Air Force Academy. <>.

696. ---. Polaris, Yearbook of the USAF Academy Cadet Wing. USAFA: United

States Air Force Academy, 2006-2010. (UGB 855 .P76 Reference and Spec Coll.)

697. United States Air Force Academy, Association of Graduates. Register of

Graduates. USAFA: Association of Graduates, 2006-2010. (UGB 784 .U5 Reference and Spec Coll.)

698. United States Air Force Academy. Center for Educational Excellence. USAFA

Educator. USAFA: United States Air Force Academy, 2006-2010. (Available in Spec Coll. or from the CEE document website on the USAFA Intraweb)

699. United States Air Force Academy. Department of Education, Office of Research.

"Research at USAFA." USAFA, CO: Office of Research, Dean of Faculty, United States Air Force Academy, 2008-2010. (UGB 826 .U414 Spec Coll.)

700. United States Air Force Academy. Department of English. WLA: War, Literature

& the Arts. USAFA: United States Air Force Academy, 2006-2010. (4th Floor Bound Periodicals and Spec Coll.)

701. United States Air Force Academy. Preparatory School. Malamute, the Yearbook

of the U.S. Air Force Academy Preparatory School. Colorado Springs, CO: United States Air Force Academy. (UGB 806 .M23 Spec Coll.)

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702. Diodati, Egidio. "The U.S. Air Force Academy: Organizational Culture and Diversity Issues." Understanding and Managing Diversity: Readings, Cases, and Exercises. Eds. Carol P. Harvey and M. June Allard. 4 ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2009. 314-24. (HF 5549.5 .M5 H37 2009 Spec Coll.)

703. Parco, James E. and Barry S. fa*gin. "The One True Religion in the Military."

Attitudes Aren't Free: Thinking Deeply About Diversity in the US Armed Forces. Eds. James E. Parco and David A. Levy. Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama: Air University Press, 2010. 59-68. (UB 416 .A88 2010)

704. United States Air Force. "Report of the Headquarters Review Group Concerning

the Religious Climate at the U.S. Air Force Academy". Washington, D.C., 2005. Headquarters United States Air Force. < >.

705. United States. Congress. House. Committee on Armed Services. Subcommittee

on Military Personnel. The Religious Climate at the U.S. Air Force Academy: Hearing before the Military Personnel Subcommittee of the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Ninth Congress, First Session, Hearing Held June 28, 2005. Washington, DC: U.S. G.P.O., 2006. (Y 4.AR 5/2 A:2005-2006/70 )

706. Weinstein, Michael L. and Davin Seay. With God on Our Side: One Man's War

against an Evangelical Coup in America's Military. 1st ed. New York: Thomas Dunne Books, 2006. (UGB 803 .W42 2006)


707. "Air Force Academy Case Will be Appealed." Church & State 59.11 (December 2006): 3.

708. "Air Force Academy Creates Worship Space for Pagan Cadets." Church &

State 63.3 (March 2010): 19-20.

THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY: A Bibliography· the current or previous issues of the . United States Air Force Academy: ... The Special Bibliography Series is also available - [PDF Document] (71)


709. “Air Force Academy Leader Admits Faith Bias is Pervasive.” Church & State 122.13 (June 2005): 15-16.

710. “Air Force Backs Down on Policy Allowing Chaplains to Evangelize.” Church &

State 58.10 (November 2005): 18-19.

711. “Air Force Brass Issues New Guidelines on Religious Activity.” Church & State 58.9 (October 2005): 14-15.

712. Babin, Chance. "Reserve Chaplains Help Cadets Find Solace, Cope with

Challenges." Citizen Airman: The Official Magazine of the Air National Guard & Air Force Reserve 57.5 (2005): 19.

713. Banerjee, Neela. "Religion and Its Role Are in Dispute at the Service

Academies." New York Times (25 June 2008): 14.

714. Benzel, Lance. "Gender, Religion, Race Take Stage." The Gazette 30 October 2010: A1-A2.

715. Bertha, Carlos. "The Right to Religious Expression at the Air Force Academy."

The Humanist 67.5 (September/October 2007): 8-10.

716. “Christian Soldiers? (Religious Freedom in the Military interview with Michael L. "Mikey" Weinstein).” The Christian Century 124.23 (13 November 2007): 8-9.

717. Codevilla, Angelo M. “The Atheist Foxhole.” The American Spectator 39.1.

(February 2006): 12-14.

718. Cook, Heather. “Service Before Self? Evangelicals Flying High at the U.S. Air Force Academy.” The Journal of Law and Education 36.1 (January 2007): 1-32.

719. Dobosh, William J., Jr. “Coercion in the Ranks: The Establishment Clause

Implications of Chaplain-led Prayers at Mandatory Army Events.” Wisconsin Law Review 6 (2006): 1493-562.

720. Duncan, Travis. “Salute to Buddhism (Dharma Hall at U.S. Air Force Academy).”

Tricycle 17.3 (Spring 2008): 24-29.

721. fa*gin, Barry S. “Faith and Tolerance at the Air Force Academy.” The Chronicle of Higher Education (29 July 2005 supplement): B.16.

THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY: A Bibliography· the current or previous issues of the . United States Air Force Academy: ... The Special Bibliography Series is also available - [PDF Document] (72)


722. Fitschen, Steven W. “Laying Low the High Flying Evangelicals at the United States Air Force Academy? Thanks, But No Thanks (Discussion of Service Before Self? Evangelicals Flying High at the U.S. Air Force Academy by Heather Cook).” The Journal of Law and Education 36.4 (October 2007): 501-14.

723. Frykholm, Amy. "Cadets for Christ." Christian Century 123.1 (10 January 2006):


724. Gould, Mike. "At the Air Force Academy, It's All About Respect." Checkpoints 38.4 (March 2010): 8-9.

725. Hollinger, David A. "Religious Ideas: Should They Be Critically Engaged or

Given a Pass?" Representations.101 (Winter 2008): 144-55.

726. Kucera, Patrick. "A Cadet's Oath." The Humanist 67.5 (September-October 2007): 18-19.

727. Lillback, Peter A. "Pluralism, Postmodernity, and Religious Liberty: The Abiding

Necessity of Free Speech and Religious Convictions in the Public Square." Journal of Ecumenical Studies 44.1 (Winter 2009): 26.

728. Lindsay, D. Michael. "Evangelical Elites in the Military." Journal of Political and

Military Sociology 35.2 (Winter 2007): 161-76.

729. Lipka, Sara. “On a Wing and a Prayer.” The Chronicle of Higher Education 52.31 (7 April 2006): A47-A48.

730. Loveland, Anne C. "Evangelical Proselytizing at the U.S. Air Force Academy:

The Civilian-Military Controversy, 2004-2006." Journal of Ecumenical Studies 44.1 (Winter 2009): 11.

731. McLaughlin, Michael P. and Meghan A. O'Connell. "USAF Evangelism

Becomes Fight over Freedom." UPI Security & Terrorism 12 June 2006.

732. Van Biema, David et al. "Whose God Is Their Co-Pilot?" Time 165.26(2005): 61-62.

733. Zirkel, Perry A. “Flying in the Face of the Law or the Lord: Is the U.S. Air Force

Academy Acting in Good Faith?” The Journal of Law and Education 36.4 (October 2007): 497-500.

734. Zubeck, Pam. "Keeping the Faiths." Colorado Springs Independent 7-13

October 2010: p.10+.

THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY: A Bibliography· the current or previous issues of the . United States Air Force Academy: ... The Special Bibliography Series is also available - [PDF Document] (73)





735. Armacost, Andrew, et al. "Summer Scheduling at the United States Air Force Academy". Ft. Belvoir, VA, 2007. Defense Technical Information Center. <>.

736. Brothers, Michael Dunton. “Acclimatization to Moderate Altitude: Physiological

Implications and Individual Variability”. Ph.D. University of Colorado, 2007.

737. DeFusco, Russell P. North American Bird Strike Advisory System: Strategic Plan. USAFA, CO: Institute for Information Technology Applications, 2005. (TLC 765 .N864 2005)

738. Hadfield, Steven M. USAFA Faculty Homepage: Extending the U.S. Air Force

Academy's Cadet Homepage for the Faculty & Staff. Ft. Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, 2007. < >

739. Joslyn, Thomas B. and Kenneth E. Siegenthaler. "Student Design,

Development, and Operation of Sounding Rockets at the United States Air Force Academy". Ft. Belvoir, VA, 2005. 12 p. Defense Technical Information Center. <>.

740. Lawrence, Timothy J., et al. "The United States Air Force Academy FalconSat

Small Satellite Program." Small Satellites: Past, Present and Future. Eds. Henry Helvajian and Seigfried W. Janson. El Segundo, CA: The Aerospace Press, 2008. 187-226. (TLE 1123.4 .S635 2008)

741. Porter, C.O. et al. "Plasma Actuator Force Measurements." American Institute

of Aeronautics and Astronautics. AIAA Journal 45.7 (July 2007): 1562.

742. Siegenthaler, Kenneth E. et al. "Nurturing Our Rocket Space Workforce at the United States Air Force Academy." Space 2005. Long Beach, California: AIAA, 2005.

743. ---. "Nurturing Our Satellite Space Workforce at the United States Air Force

Academy." Space 2005. Long Beach, California: AIAA, 2005. 14 p.

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744. United States Air Force Academy. Energy Strategic Plan: To a Net Zero Installation. Colorado Springs, CO: 10th Air Base Wing and Dean of Faculty, HQ USAFA, CO, 2009. (UGB 815 .E59 2009)

745. ---. Research at USAFA. USAFA, CO: Office of Research, Dean of Faculty,

United States Air Force Academy, 2008. (UGB 826 .U414 2008 Spec Coll.)

746. ---. Research at USAFA. USAFA, CO: Office of Research, Dean of Faculty,

United States Air Force Academy, 2009. (UGB 826 .U414 2009)

747. ---. Research at USAFA. USAFA, CO: Office of Research, Dean of Faculty, United States Air Force Academy, 2010. (UGB 826 .U414 2010)

748. ---. USAFA Research Report 2006. USAFA, CO: Office of Research, Dean of

Faculty, United States Air Force Academy, 2006. (UGB 826 .U412 2006)

749. ---. USAFA Sponsored Research 2007. USAFA, CO: Office of Research, Dean of Faculty, United States Air Force Academy, 2007. (UGB 826 .U413 2007)

750. Webb III, Beacher R. "To Graduate from USAFA: Identifying Which Admissions

Criteria Make the Best Predictors of Cadet Success". Fort Belvoir, VA, 2006. 69 p. Defense Technical Information Center. <>.


751. Armacost, Andrew P. and James K. Lowe. "Grouping Personnel for Performance Evaluation via Integer Programming." Military Operations Research 12.1 (2007): 5-17.

752. Barron, Sally. "Step Aside--the Future Looks Good." Checkpoints 36.3

(December 2007): 76-78.

753. Bates, Matthew. "Academy Researcher: Develops Satellite Imaging Technology." Checkpoints 37.4 (2009): 36.

754. ---. "Patenting the Future: Academy Physicist Develops Satellite Imaging

Technology." Airman 53.6 (September-October 2009): 10-13.

755. Blake, William et al. "Lateral Stability of High Wing Configurations." Journal of Aircraft 46.6 (November/December 2009): 2176-78.

THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY: A Bibliography· the current or previous issues of the . United States Air Force Academy: ... The Special Bibliography Series is also available - [PDF Document] (75)


756. Born, Dana, David E. Bell and Michael J. Crane. "The Heritage and Horizons of Research at the U.S. Air Force Academy." Checkpoints 36.3 (December 2007): 46-49.

757. Brothers, Michael D. et al. “Hematological and Physiological Adaptations

following 46 Weeks of Moderate Altitude Residence.” High Altitude Medicine & Biology 11.3 (October 2010): 199-218.

758. Brothers, Michael D., Randall Wilber and William C. Byrnes. “Physical Fitness

and Hematological Changes during Acclimatization to Moderate Altitude: A Retrospective Study.” High Altitude Medicine & Biology 8.3 (August 2007): 213-224.

759. Bushey, Dean. "Unmanned Aircraft Flights and Research at the United States

Air Force Academy." Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 54.1-3 (March 2009): 79-85.

760. Carlyle, Lewis. "Airframe Integrity: An inside Look at the Center for Aircraft

Structural Life Extension." Checkpoints 37.4 (March 2009): 38-42.

761. ---. "Laser Optics and Research Center: Tackling Missile Defense at the Speed of Light." Checkpoints 37.3 (December 2008): 30-35.

762. Carrell, Scott E., Richard L. Fullerton and James E. West. "Does Your Cohort

Matter? Measuring Peer Effects in College Achievement." Journal of Labor Economics 27.3 (July 2009): 439.

763. Chun, Francis. "Are You Aware of What Is in Space?" USAFA Educator 19.2

(Fall 2010): 21.

764. Della-Rose, Devin. "The USAFA Observatory: The Universe at Your Fingertips." USAFA Educator 19.2 (Fall 2010): 23.

765. France, Marty. "FalconSat Program Provides Unique Experience: Cadets and

Faculty Ride Hide on Recent Successes." Checkpoints 36.1 (June 2007): 26-28.

766. Fredell, Robert. "Lifting the Veil on Research at the United States Air Force

Academy." Checkpoints 37.3 (December 2008): 24-25.

767. ---. "Walking the Path of Energy Independence." Checkpoints 38.1 (June 2009): 67.

768. Gall, James. "Orienting Tasks and Their Impact on Learning and Attitudes in the

Use of Hypertext." Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia 15.1 (2006): 5-29.

THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY: A Bibliography· the current or previous issues of the . United States Air Force Academy: ... The Special Bibliography Series is also available - [PDF Document] (76)


769. Glisan, Eileen W., Daniel Uribe and Bonnie Adair-Hauck. "Research on

Integrated Performance Assessment at the Post-Secondary Level: Student Performance across the Modes of Communication." Canadian Modern Language Review/La Revue Canadienne des Langues Vivantes 64.1(2007): 39-67.

770. Green, Steve. "Above & Beyond ~ Intellectual Contributions." USAFA Educator

18.3 (Winter 2010): 17.

771. Green, Steve, Kurt Heppard and Claudia Ferrante "Education-Oriented Research." USAFA Educator 18.3 (Winter 2010): 22.

772. Hamilton, Drew. "Falcon Launch VII: Rocket Launch Sets Speed and Altitude

Records." Checkpoints 38.1 (June 2009): 68.

773. Heppard, Kurt and Cynthia Cycyota. "Technology, Innovation, and Creating New Projects and Ventures." USAFA Educator 18.3 (Winter 2010): 20.

774. Heppard, Kurt A. and Steve G. Green. “Improving Air Force Transportation

Systems by Using Alternative Energy: The Air Force Academy Exposes Its Cadets to Managerial Challenges Inherent in Implementing a Sustainable Alternative Energy Plan.” The Public Manager 38.2 (Summer 2009): 83-87.

775. Hoffman, Michael. "Academy Research Aids Dover Maintenance Group: Cadets

Prove Trailers More Wind-Resistant." Air Force Times 69.35 (16 March 2009): 25.

776. Homan, Paul. "Meteorology Research and Outreach: Reaching New Heights."

USAFA Educator 19.2 (Fall 2010): 25.

777. Imada, Julie. "Research at USAFA Supports Our Learning-Focused Approach to Cadet Education." USAFA Educator 18.1 (Summer 2009): 13.

778. ---. "The Kaminski Endowment: The Impact of Major Gifts on the Cadet

Educational Experience." Checkpoints 38.2 (September 2009): 54-57.

779. ---. "The Ties That Bind: A Look at the United States Air Force Academy's Relationship with Singapore." Checkpoints 37.2 (September 2008): 15.

780. Knize, Randall J. "Solving Problems at the Speed of Light." USAFA Educator

19.2 (Fall 2010): 22.

781. Kovsky, Eddie. "Ready for Launch: AOG Support Fires up Academy Rocket Research." Checkpoints 34.4 (March 2006): 64-65.

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782. Matejczyk, Lon. "Commentary: Full Research Capabilities for Businesses Are Right up the Road." Colorado Springs Business Journal 1 August 2008.

783. Mauk, Heidi V. and Dan Hingley. "Student Understanding of Induced Current:

Using Tutorials in Introductory Physics to Teach Electricity and Magnetism." American Journal of Physics 73.12 (December 2005): 1164.

784. McHarg, Geoff. "SPARCing the „a-ha‟ Moment in Cadets." USAFA Educator 19.2 (Fall 2010): 20.

785. Montes, Darren (C1C) and T.J. West (C1C). "From Classroom to “the Show” –

CRSP Experiences at NASA Johnson Space Center." USAFA Educator 18.2 (Fall 2009): 11.

786. Morreale, Brittany (C1C) and Daniel O‟Keefe (C1C). "SPARTAN: Solar

Phenomenon and Radioactive Testing at Amami, Japan." USAFA Educator 18.2 (Fall 2009): 10.

787. Mudry, Ryan. "The Research Method of Effective Learning." USAFA Educator

18.3 (Winter 2010): 7.

788. Novak, Gregor and Robert Lee "SoTL at USAFA, and the Center for Physics Education Research (CPER) " USAFA Educator 17.3 (Winter 2009): 10-11.

789. Pierce, Terry. "The USAFA Center of Innovation." USAFA Educator 18.1

(Summer 2009): 11.

790. Poco*ck, James. "“Green” Sustainability." USAFA Educator 18.2 (Fall 2009): 18.

791. Scharff, Lauren. "Meet USAFA‟s New Director for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL)." USAFA Educator 18.1 (Summer 2009): 12.

792. Snellman, Erick and Tom Unangst. "Applying Research to Course Pedagogy to

Develop Learning-Focused Skills." USAFA Educator 15.1 (Winter 2007): 5.

793. Stockburger, David. "Instructor Characteristics and Cadet Feedback." USAFA Educator 16.3 (Winter 2008): 10-11.

794. Sward, Ricky E., Mark Gerken and Dan Casey. "When Computers Fly, It Has to

Be Right: Using Spark for Flight Control of Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles." CrossTalk: The Journal of Defense Software Engineering 19.9 (September 2006): 10-14.

795. Van Winkle, John. "Deploying Alternative Energy: Taking Wind Power to the

Battle Field." Checkpoints 39.2 (September 2010): 34.

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796. Kirby, Sheila Nataraj, et al. Diversity of Service Academy Entrants and Graduates. Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2010. (RAND MG-917-OSD)

797. United States Air Force Academy, Office of Institutional Research. Descriptive

Characteristics and Comparisons for the Class of 2005. Colorado Springs, CO: United States Air Force Academy, Office of Institutional Research, 2005. (UGB 817 .U58 2005 Spec Coll.)

798. ---. Descriptive Characteristics and Comparisons for the Class of 2006.

Colorado Springs, CO: United States Air Force Academy, Office of Institutional Research, 2006. (UGB 817 .U58 2006 Spec Coll.)

799. ---. Descriptive Characteristics and Comparisons for the Class of 2007.

Colorado Springs, CO: United States Air Force Academy, Office of Institutional Research, 2007. (UGB 817 .U58 2007 Spec Coll.)

800. United States Air Force. Institutional Research & Assessment Division (XPR).

Statistical Summaries of USAFA Cadets & Graduates. Colorado Springs, CO: Headquarters, United States Air Force Academy, XPR, 2005. (UGB 816.8 .S84 2005 Spec Coll.)


801. Born, Dana H. "College Rankings and Realistic Assessment." Checkpoints 37.3

(December 2008): 26-27.

802. Carrell, Scott E. and James E. West. "Does Professor Quality Matter? Evidence from Random Assignment of Students to Professors." Journal of Political Economy 118.3 (June 2010): 409-32.

803. Noyd, Robert K. "The Teaching Learning Practice: Whose Responsibility Is It? A

Brief Survey of Faculty and 3-Degree Cadets." USAFA Educator 16.3 (Fall 2007): 10-11.

THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY: A Bibliography· the current or previous issues of the . United States Air Force Academy: ... The Special Bibliography Series is also available - [PDF Document] (79)


804. Stockburger, David "A Look at Cadet Feedback Forms." USAFA Educator 15.1 (Winter 2007): 3.

805. ---. "Instructor Characteristics and Cadet Feedback." USAFA Educator 16.3

(Winter 2008): 10-11.




806. Friends of the Air Force Academy Library. "The USAFA Graduate War Memorial". Colorado Springs, CO. Internet Resource. (2008-): The Friends of the Air Force Academy Library. <>.

807. Galway, Lionel et al. Understrength Air Force Officer Career Fields: A Force

Management Approach. Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2005. (RAND MG-131-AF)

808. Hennings, Chad. Rules of Engagement: Finding Faith and a Purpose in a

Disconnected World. Boston: FaithWords, Hachette Book Group, 2010. (BJ 1581.2 .H4485 2010)

809. Hoppin, C.J. Same Date of Rank: Grads at the Top and Bottom from West Point,

Annapolis, and the Air Force Academy. Bloomington, IN: Xlibris Corp., 2009. (U 408.3 .H676 2009)

810. Lehmkuhl, Reichen. Here‟s What We‟ll Say: Growing up, Coming out, and the

U.S. Air Force Academy. New York: Carroll & Graf Publishers, 2006. (UGB 291 .L523 A3 2006)

811. Mirandette, Erik. The Only Road North: 9,000 Miles of Dirt and Dreams. Grand

Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan, 2007. (DT12.25 .M57 2007)

812. Rodriguez, John J. “Predicting the Career Success of Air Force Academy Cadets.” Ph.D. University of Nebraska, 2008.

THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY: A Bibliography· the current or previous issues of the . United States Air Force Academy: ... The Special Bibliography Series is also available - [PDF Document] (80)


813. Sullenberger, Chesley. Highest Duty: My Search for What Really Matters. New York: William Morrow, 2009. (TLB 290 .S949 A11 2009)

814. United States Air Force. Institutional Research & Assessment Division (XPR).

Statistical Summaries of USAFA Cadets & Graduates. Colorado Springs, CO: Headquarters, United States Air Force Academy, XPR, 2005. (UGB 816.8 .S84 2005 Spec Coll.)

815. Vasquez, Bob. Heirpower!: Eight Basic Habits of Exceptionally Powerful

Lieutenants. Maxwell AFB, AL: Air University Press, 2006. (UB 210 .V38 2006)


816. Amann, Wayne. "'Pop' Remembers His Cadet Roots: Bluesuiter-Turned-NBA Champion Re-Visits Campus." Checkpoints 35.3 (December 2006): 92-93.

817. Arbaugh, Dana C. "Tribute to a Hero (1Lt. John Haselton, '70)." Checkpoints

35.1 (June 2006): 48-49.

818. "Attitudes Aren't Free: A Collection of Academy Graduates Come Together to Co-Author a New Book About Diversity...A Conversation with Dave Levy, '88, and Jim Parco, '91, Co-Authors of Attitudes Aren't Free." Checkpoints 39.3 (December 2010): 34-35.

819. Boyne, Walter J. "Ring of Remembrance: After 42 Years, This Token of Patrick

Wynne's Academy Days Came Home at Last." Air Force Magazine 92.2 (February 2009): 63-65.

820. Brady, Matt. "A New Face @ Marvel: '93 Grad's Writing Catches the Attention of

One of the Biggest Names in Comic Books." Checkpoints 36.3 (December 2007): 42-45.

821. Brown, Keith. "Grad Finishes Iditarod with Flourish: Knolmayer, '90, Finds

Greater Sense of Purpose in Completing Amazing Feat for Second Time." Checkpoints 35.1 (June 2006): 60-61.

822. Callander, Bruce D. "The Class of 50 Years Ago." Air Force Magazine 88.7

(July 2005): 78-81.

823. Caparell, Adam. "Lessons Still Resonate with Hennings, '88: Air Force Great Credits Position Change as Catalyst Behind Hall of Fame Career." Checkpoints 35.3 (December 2006): 93-94.

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824. Carew, Wally. "One Good Priest Can Make a Difference: Father Darin Colarusso, '88: A Heavenly Course." Checkpoints 35.2 (September 2006): 24-25.

825. Carlyle, Lewis. "A Conversation with the New Commandant: Brig. Gen. Richard

Clark, '84, Talks About Returning to the Academy." Checkpoints 39.3 (December 2010): 62-63.

826. ---. "Faces of Legacy: The Class of 1959 Returns to USAFA for Their 50th

Reunion." Checkpoints 38.1 (June 2009): 24-28.

827. ---. "Shamrock Black: Graduates Take on the Bloody Task of Cheating Death in Afghanistan." Checkpoints 39.2 (September 2010): 36-40.

828. ---. "The Healers: Building a Foundation at the Academy Prepares Three

Brothers for Their World Travels in Medicine." Checkpoints 38.1 (June 2009): 34-41.

829. ---. "Visions of Haiti: Graduates Respond in Force to the Devastating

Earthquake." Checkpoints 39.2 (September 2010): 26-31.

830. ---. "World Class Athlete Program: Graduates at the Olympic Training Center Serve as Ambassadors for the Air Force." Checkpoints 39.5 (June 2010): 60-65.

831. "Choose Your Legacy: Class Giving." Checkpoints 38.2 (September 2009): 62-


832. Clodfelter, Mark. "Matching Mountains and Fulfilling Missions: One Grad's Assessment of USAFA's True Value, Part I of II." Checkpoints 37.1 (June 2008): 20-24.

833. ---. "Matching Mountains and Fulfilling Missions: One Grads Assessment of

USAFA's True Value, Part II of II." Checkpoints 37.2 (September 2008): 62-65.

834. Collum, Ann. "Corporate Excellence Academy Values: Class of '69 Graduate

Brings Both to the Fortune 500." Checkpoints 39.2 (September 2010): 42-43.

835. Davidson, Kyle. "Academy Grad Lands Role in „United 93‟.” Checkpoints 35.1

(June 2006): 77-78.

836. ---. "American "Grad"-iator: '97 Grad Bombs Competitors as "Stealth" In the New American Gladiator." Checkpoints 36.4 (March 2008): 32-34.

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837. ---. "A Lifetime of Coding: Visionary '77 Grad Is Credited with Developing

Software That Forever Changed Computer Programming." Checkpoints 36.3 (December 2007): 38-39.

838. ---. "The Distinguished Graduate Award: Honoring Two of the Academy's Best

and Brightest (Lieutenant General Ervin Rokke, '62 and Coach Gregg Popovich, '70)." Checkpoints 36.4 (March 2008): 14-16.

839. ---. "The Sky Is Just the Beginning: Grad's Imagination Spans Inter-Galactic

Borders." Checkpoints 35.2 (September 2006): 34-35.

840. ---. "Troy Calhoun: Leadership Coach." Checkpoints 37.2 (September 2008): 12-14.

841. ---. "2006 Distinguished Graduates--More Than Overachievers (Lt. Gen Robert

Beckel, '59 and Maj. Gen. Edward Mechenbier, '64)." Checkpoints 34.4 (March 2007): 42-45.

842. DeBerry, Drue L. "Good Advice: Part 1." Checkpoints 39.5 (June 2010): 56-59.

843. ---. "Good Advice: Part 2." Checkpoints 39.2 (September 2010): 46-48.

844. Dotson, Steve. "Honoring Fran Zavacki, a Grad Marine, after 38 Years."

Checkpoints 36.3 (December 2007): 68-71.

845. Eggers, Michaela. "A Woman of Many Firsts: "Breathing Deeply," The Forging Ahead, Hickey, '80, Piloted Her Way to New Heights." Checkpoints 35.4 (March 2007): 56-60.

846. Graham, Roger D. "The A-26 Nimrods and the Secret War in Laos."

Checkpoints 36.4 (March 2008): 24-27.

847. Gregoire, Jennifer. "On Time, On Target! Grad and Comrades Hammer Enemy in Battle of An Najaf." Checkpoints 35.4 (March 2007): 74-75.

848. Hall, Ken. "On Target! Grad Employs New Ammo, Improving Pilot Safety,

Reducing Collateral Damage." Checkpoints 36.1 (June 2007): 50-51.

849. Hebel, Sara. “A President as Pilot (Lois B. DeFleur of University of New York).” The Chronicle of Higher Education 53.16 (8 December 2006).

850. "Helping Hands: Customer Service at the AOG, Helping Parents, Graduates,

and Friends Find What They Need, One Call at a Time." Checkpoints 38.2 (September 2009): 52-53.

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851. Howe, Gary. "Heritage Honored: Class Gifts Have an Impact." Checkpoints 39.5

(June 2010): 54-55.

852. Jones, Dean. "First Twins at AFA: Dean & Wayne Jones, Class of 1961." Checkpoints 35.2 (September 2006): 50-51.

853. Kleve, Matt. "2005 Distinguished Graduates: Retired Generals Hansford T.

Johnson, '59, and Michael E. Ryan, '65." Checkpoints 34.4 (March 2006): 24-27.

854. Lorenz, Stephen. "Never Give Up: A Story of Educational Perseverance."

Checkpoints 38.3 (December 2009): 20-22.

855. Malmstrom, Frederick V. "Welcome to UPT: You've Earned another Trip through Undergraduate Pilot Training!" Checkpoints 39.5 (June 2010): 42-45.

856. Marshall, Rob. "Grad's Vision from the Top: The USAF 7 Summits Challenge."

Checkpoints 35.2 (September 2006): 71-72.

857. McCone, David and Kathy O'Donnell. "Marriage and Divorce Trends for Graduates of the U.S. Air Force Academy." Military Psychology 18.1 (January 2006): 61-75.

858. McConn, Dick. "USAFA Insignificance?" Checkpoints 38.3 (December 2009):


859. Moore, Alice. "Grad Earns Bronze Star: Combat Cameraman Survives Blast, Aids Wounded and Fights Off Enemy." Checkpoints 35.2 (September 2006): 65.

860. Moore, Chuck. "Best of the Best: Exceeding the Highwater Mark, Cadets Go

International with Graduate Scholarships." Checkpoints 39.5 (June 2010): 66-67.

861. Orie, Steven. "Torrid Horizon: Graduates Set the Cornerstones for the Future of

the Afghan Air Corps." Checkpoints 39.5 (June 2010): 34-37.

862. Rineheart, Elisa L. "Astronomical Achievements: Grads Earn Test-Pilot Status, a Step toward Astronaut." Checkpoints 34.4 (March 2006): 62-63.

863. Rodriguez, Jacob. "Predicting the Military Career Success of United States Air

Force Academy Cadets." Armed Forces & Society 36.1 (October 2009): 65-85.

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864. Roeder, Tom. "Back to Iraq: AFA Grad Takes 911 Calls to a New Level."

Checkpoints 37.1 (June 2008): 18-19.

865. ---. "Together Again after 40 Years: Flier Who'd Been Missing since Vietnam Buried Next to Love of His Life." Checkpoints 35.2 (September 2006): 44-46.

866. "Service Academy Career Conference: Connecting Graduates to Civilian

Careers." Checkpoints 38.2 (September 2009): 50-51.

867. "Service before Self: Sullenberger, '73, Saves the Lives of 155 People in a Watery Crash Landing." Checkpoints 37.4 (March 2009): 18-19.

868. Simon, Steve "Graham, '99 Named 2008 Jabara Award Recipient: MH-53 Crew

Commander Proves to Be Combat-Proven Leader." Checkpoints 37.1 (June 2008): 54.

869. ---. "Vargas, '96 Earns Jabara Award: Fighter Pilot Makes Life Tougher Than

Ever on the Enemy." Checkpoints 35.1 (June 2006): 24.

870. Simon, Steven A. "The Class of 1973 - It's Time." Checkpoints 38.1 (June 2009): 44-48.

871. ---. "Captain Prichard R. Keely, '04: Named 2010 Jabara Award Recipient."

Checkpoints 38.4 (March 2010): 54-55.

872. ---. "National Soccer Championship: USAFA Grad, Holaday Scholar, Wins National Championship." Checkpoints 39.5 (June 2010): 82-83.

873. Smith, Glenn. "Mission of Hope: ALS Has Weakened '69 Grad's Muscles and

Sapped His Energy, but He's Committed to Helping His Fellow Veterans." Checkpoints 35.2 (September 2006): 38-42.

874. Smith, Steve. "Pardo's Push: Uncommon Courage, Ingenuity, and Skill Were

Combined in One of the Most Fabled Vietnam Air War Stories." Checkpoints 37.1 (June 2008): 50-52.

875. Stuart, Robert. "Building a Foundation with Somaly Mam: How Two Graduates

Are Combating Sexual Slavery." Checkpoints 36.3 (December 2007): 26-30.

876. ---. "Space Legacy: How a Graduate's Dream of Space Travel Is Rekindled." Checkpoints 36.2 (September 2007): 26-29.

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877. Tillery, Ann. "A Lifetime of Commitment: A Graduate Gives Back." Checkpoints 38.4 (March 2010): 17-19.

878. Toller, Dave. "On the Ice: Academy Graduate Balances Air Force with Pro

Hockey." Checkpoints 38.4 (March 2010): 66-67.

879. "2007 Distinguished Graduates (Retired Lt. Gen. Ervin Rokke, '62 and Gregg Popovich, '70)." Checkpoints 36.3 (December 2007): 66.

880. "2008 Distinguished Graduates (Major General Donald W. Shepperd and John

Martinson)." Checkpoints 37.4 (March 2009): 30-32.

881. "2009 Distinguished Graduates: General John Michael Loh and the Honorable Heather Ann Wilson." Checkpoints 38.4 (March 2010): 20-22.

882. USAFA Athletics. "Hennings, '88 Elected to College Football Hall of Fame."

Checkpoints 35.1 (June 2008): 90-91.

883. Vidal, Melinda. "Cleaves, '85 Returns to Lead Admissions Directorate." Checkpoints 37.1 (June 2008): 10-11.

884. Wehry, Butch. "Service before Self." Checkpoints 35.4 (March 2007): 50-52.

885. Witcomb, Darrel. "MiG Killers: USAFA Grads Prove Lethal to Enemy Pilots."

Checkpoints 34.4 (March 2006): 56-59.

886. Wright, Ken. "Dreams Abound: Frank Amsler, '86, Never Did Get to Fly Fighters, but His Careers Has Been Anything but Static." Checkpoints 35.2 (September 2006): 73.




887. United States Air Force Academy Preparatory School. Malamute, the Yearbook of the U.S. Air Force Academy Preparatory School. Colorado Springs, CO: United States Air Force Academy. (UGB 806 .M23 Spec Coll.)

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888. Malmstrom, Frederick V. "Before There Was a USAFA Prep School...Part-One of Two Parts." Checkpoints 38.1 (June 2009): 30-33.

889. ---. "Before There Was a USAFA Prep School: Part 2 of 2." Checkpoints 38.3

(December 2009): 52-54.

890. Van Winkle, John. "Prep School Founder Laid to Rest." Checkpoints 35.3 (December 2006): 66-67.




891. Callahan, Jamie L. "Power, Control, and Gender: Training as Catalyst for Dysfunctional Behavior at the U.S. Air Force Academy." Gender, Race, and Ethnicity in the Workplace: Issues and Challenges for Today's Organizations, Volume 2: Legal, Psychological and Power Issues Affecting Women and Minorities in Business. Ed. Margaret Foegen Karsten. Vol. 2. Westport, Conn.: Praeger Publishers, 2006. 217-27. (HF 5549.5 .M5 G46 2006 v.2)

892. Do, James J. "Understanding Attitudes on Gender and Training at the United

States Air Force Academy". Fort Belvoir, VA 2005. Defense Technical Information Center. <>.

893. Hunter, Mic. Honor Betrayed: Sexual Abuse in America's Military. Fort Lee, N.J.:

Barricade Books, 2007. (UB 418.W65 H86 2007)

894. Lipari, Rachel N. et al. "Service Academy 2005 Sexual Harassment and Assault Survey." Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, 2005. <>

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895. ---. "Service Academy 2006 Gender Relations Survey." Fort Belvoir, VA:

Defense Technical Information Center, 2006. <>

896. ---. "Service Academy 2007 Gender Relations Survey." Fort Belvoir, VA:

Defense Technical Information Center, 2007. <>

897. Lipari, Rachel N. and Paul J. Cook. "Service Academy 2009 Gender Relations

Survey." Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, 2009. <>

898. ---. "2010 Service Academy Gender Relations Survey." Fort Belvoir, VA:

Defense Technical Information Center, 2010. <>

899. ---. "2008 Service Gender Relations Survey." Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense

Technical Information Center, 2008. <>

900. Samuels, Steven M. and Dena R. Samuels. "Incorporating the Concept of

Privilege into Policy and Practice: Guidance for Leaders Who Strive to Create Sustainable Change." Attitudes Aren't Free: Thinking Deeply About Diversity in the US Armed Forces. Eds. James E. Parco and David A. Levy. Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama: Air University Press, 2010. 321-41. (UB 416 .A88 2010)

901. Zeigler, Sara L. Gunderson Gregory G. Moving Beyond G.I. Jane: Women and

the U.S. Military. Lanham, Md.: University Press of America, 2005. (UB 418 .W65 Z45 2005)


902. Astle, Johanna and Shelly McNulty. "Women in Combat: Joint Research Developed through an Innovative 499 Course." USAFA Educator 19.1 (Summer 2010): 22.

903. Benzel, Lance. "Gender, Religion, Race Take Stage." The Gazette 30 October

2010: A1-A2.

904. ---. "Manifestations of Power and Control: Training as the Catalyst for Scandal at the United States Air Force Academy." Violence against Women 15.10 (October 2009): 1149-68.

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905. ---. "The Importance of Epistemology: A Response to Rosenstein's

Commentary." Violence against Women 16.10 (October 2010): 1186-93.

906. Carrell, Scott E., Marianne E. Page and James E. West. "Sex and Science: How Professor Gender Perpetuates the Gender Gap." The Quarterly Journal of Economics 125.3 (August 2010): 1101-44.

907. Christensen, Bryce. “The End of Gender Sanity in American Public Life.”

Modern Age 49.4 (Fall 2007): 400-16.

908. Cycyota, Cynthia and Claudia Ferrante. "Women in Networks - WIN!" USAFA Educator 18.3 (Winter 2010): 23.

909. Eggers, Michaela. "A Woman of Many Firsts: "Breathing Deeply," The Forging

Ahead, Hickey, '80, Piloted Her Way to New Heights." Checkpoints 35.4 (March 2007): 56-60.

910. Gawlinski, Allison (Cadet). "'Bring Me Men and Women': The Integration of

Women into the United States Air Force Academy." Air Power History 54.2 (Summer 2007): 32-45.

911. Gray, Debra Dubbe. "The Journey Begun...An Opportunity to Lead: Former Vice

Commandant Looks Back at a Career That Began and Ended at USAFA." Checkpoints 35.1 (June 2006): 64-66.

912. Gutierrez, Lorna. "'Bring Me Men' Feature Film on Class of 1980 to Begin in

Spring 2008." Checkpoints 36.3 (December 2007): 32-33.

913. Holtzhausen, Derina R. and Glen F. Roberts. "An Investigation into the Role of Image Repair Theory in Strategic Conflict Management." Journal of Public Relations Research 21.2 (April 2009): 165-186.

914. Mets, David, R. "True Confessions of an Ex-Chauvinist: Fodder for Your

Professional Reading on Women and the Military." Air & Space Power Journal 21.3 (Fall 2007): 89-103.

915. Parco, James E. and Barry S. fa*gin. “The One True Religion in the Military.”

The Humanist 67.5 (September-October 2007): 11-16.

916. Roeder, Tom. "First Women at Air Force Academy Honored." Checkpoints 37.4 (March 2009): 49.

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917. Rosenstein, Judith E. "Commentary on Jamie L. Callahan's ''Manifestations of Power and Control: Training as the Catalyst for Scandal at the United States Air Force Academy." Violence against Women 16.10 (October 2010): 1173-85.

918. Schifani, Kate. "Academy Women's Symposium." Checkpoints 35.3 (December

2006): 54-56.

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Abbott, Carl 599 Accreditation 10-11, 36, 81-82 Adair-Hauck, Bonnie 84, 769 Adams, Nicholas 256 Afghanistan 589 Air Gardens 276-277 Almazar, Patrick 401 Alternative Energy 99, 211, 744, 774,

790, 795 Amann, Wayne 309-310, 816 Amsler, Frank 886 Anderson, David G. 482 Anderson, Donald 645 Andrews, David 263 Arbaugh, Dana C. 817 Armacost, Andrew 1, 16, 132, 735 Armacost, Andrew P. 134, 751 Armed Conflict Instruction 23 Armstrong, David Michael 483 Art Collection 655 Assessment 109-110, 112, 116-117,

153, 177, 185, 192 Astle, Johanna 17-18, 423, 902 Astronautics (Dept) 76-79, 90 Attitudes 368, 687 Augustin, Brady J. 23, 616 Avery, Dayna 650 Babin, Chance 354, 712 Bachler, David M. 19 Bandi, Jenny (C1C) 20, 311, 561 Banerjee, Neela 713 Barnes, Taylor 21 Barrett, Donald J. 392, 595 Barringer, Sam 651 Barron, Sally 22, 752 Barry, Joseph 532, 590 Basketball 327, 333, 344, 816, 838,

879 Bateman, Jennifer 264, 289, 541 Bates, Matthew 753-754 Beckel, Robert 841 Beekley, Matthew D. 365 Behavioral Sciences & Leadership

(Dept) 176, 184, 424, 443 Bell, David E. 756

Bellis, Ben 677 Bengs, Brian L. 23, 616 Bennett, David 848 Benzel, Lance 384, 455, 593, 714, 903-

905 Bertha, Carlos 715 Biology (Dept) 158-159, 178, 188-189,

792 Bjorklund, B.J. 876 Black, Lee 890 Blake, William 755 Blevins, Tim 600 Block, Robert M. 24 Boedigheimer, Ralph Boleng, Jeff 609 Booch, Gary 837 Borgia, Maureen 133 Born, Dana 26-27, 617, 756 Born, Dana H. 2, 28-39, 71, 227, 424,

500-501, 623, 801 Bowman, Jim 343 Boxing 315, 350 Boyne, Walter J. 385, 467, 533, 819 Brady, Keith 821 Branan, Daniel 40 Branum, Don 228, 386 Blevins, Tim 372 Brewton, Jadonna 185, 194 Brooks, Christopher 41 Brothers, Michael D. 757-758 Brothers, Michael Dunton 686, 688-

689, 736 Brown, Andrea 518, 652 Brown, Kirk 502 Brown, Ron 653 Bruegmann, Robert 265 Bryant, Milo 312 Buda, Tania (C2C) 360, 643 Buddhism (Dharma Hall) 720 Burckel, Bonnie 42-43, 425-426 Burks, Eric 618 Burrows, Mike 305, 373 Bury, Steve 67, 564 Bushey, Dean 44, 759 Butler, Jeff 45

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Butler, Jimmie 654 Butler, Jimmie H. 468, 519 Butler, Michelle A. 46 Byerly, Aaron 47 Byerly, Aaron R. 48-50 Byrnes, William C. 689, 758 Bzdelik, Jeff 333 Calhoun, Troy 309, 317, 324, 339, 345,

840 Callahan, Jamie L. 891, 917 Callander, Bruce D. 822 Cannings, Richard J. 484 Caparell, Adam 313, 823 Carew, Wally 824 Cariago-Lo, Liza 51, 503 Carlyle, Lewis 52, 229, 266-267, 290,

314-322, 520-522, 542, 619- 621, 655-659, 690, 760-761, 825-830

Carrell, Scott E. 53-54, 366, 762, 802, 906

Casey, Dan 794 Caudill, Will 55 Center for Character and

Leadership Development 43, 85, 420, 424, 426, 429, 439, 445, 559

Center for Educational Excellence 137, 197, 200-209, 637, 698

Center of Innovation 169, 789 Chacon, Daniel 268, 479, 485 Chapel 256-261, 263, 265, 271, 273-

274, 287, 379, 487 Cheerleading 314 Chemistry (Dept) 83 Chen, Helen L. 56, 504 China 48, 586-587 Christ, John 57 Christensen, Bryce 907 Chun, Francis 58, 763 Cisneros, Henry 388 Clark, Albert P. 384, 389, 393, 534,

593-594, 597 Clark, Richard 229, 825 Class Characteristics 796-800 Class Rings 298, 404, 659, 819

Cleaves, Chevalier 253, 456, 883 Clodfelter, Mark 543-544, 832-833 Codevilla, Angelo M. 717 Colarrusso, Darin 824 Coleman, Glenn 512 Collum, Ann 59, 270, 323, 427 Commandant’s Challenge 446, 644 Commanders’ Leadership Enrichment

Seminar 424 Conway, John 60 Cook, Heather 718 Cook, Martin L. 418 Cook, Paul J. 897-899 Course Design 203, 207, 209 Cox, Samuel D. 230 Crane, Michael J. 756 Crosson, Thomas 622 Cubero, Ruben A. 660 Cullenbine, Chris 25 Culver, Virginia 389, 594 Cyberspace 609, 638 Cycyota, Cynthia 62, 98, 908 Danz, Ernst 257 Davidson, Kyle 63, 294, 324, 469, 562,

661, 835-841 Davis, Patrick A. 513 Dearborn, Michael 64 DeBerry, Drue L. 390-391, 402-403,

470-471, 842-843 DeBerry, Fisher 305, 307, 319, 342,

348, 351, 373, 453 DeFleur, Lois 849 DeFusco, Russell P. 737 Della-Rose, Devin 65, 764 Derby, Dan 66, 563 Derby, LeAnn 67, 564 Desjardins, Susan 244, 437, 545, 551 Dikkers, Gary 472 Dinndorf, Linda 153 Diodati, Egidio 447, 702 Diversity 247, 253, 447, 449-452, 454,

456, 459-461, 550, 635, 796, 818

Do, James J. 687, 892 Dobosh, William J. 719 Dodson, Carolyn 486

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Doehrman, Marylou 480 Donovan, John 68, 565 Dotson, Robert S. 514 Dotson, Steve 844 Driscoll, Dan 69, 566 Duncan, Travis 720 Dunmire, William W. 486 Eagle and Fledglings 267, 542 Eating Disorders 365 Eaton, Leslie 607 Economics & Geosciences (Dept) 127,

174-175, 177 Eggers, Michaela 845, 909 Egypt 569 Eisen, Arri 70 Enger, Rolf C. 71, 623 Engineering (Dept) 56-57, 59, 66, 95,

97, 103, 120, 129-130, 173, 187, 221, 283, 497, 504, 563, 574, 653

Ethiopia 567 Faculty Development 45, 51, 89, 145,

156, 215, 505, 508 Faculty Orientation 142, 147, 204, 206,

208, 511 fa*gan, George V. 462 fa*gin, Barry S. 703, 721, 915 Fairchild Hall 282 Falconry Program 657, 674 Feedback of Cadets 115, 185, 190-

191, 370, 793, 804-805 Ferrante, Claudia 62, 87, 771 Ficarrotta, J. Carl 367 First Year Experience 21, 165, 202,

358 Fisher, Dan 326 Fitschen, Steven W. 722 Fitzkee, David 72 557th Flying Training Squadron 620 Florant, Gregory 496 Fogelberg, Ben 258, 487 Fogelman, Ronald S. 382, 499 Font-Rodriguez, Gabriel 73 Football 305-309, 313, 317, 319, 324, 327, 331, 339, 342-343, 345-

346, 348, 351, 373-374, 453,

808, 823, 840, 882 Foreign Languages (Dept) 67, 69, 84,

88, 91, 94, 121-123, 148, 152, 212, 564, 568-569, 571, 581

Foster, Craig 74-75, 368, 428 France 564-565 France, Martin 76-77, 567 France, Marty 78-79, 765 Franz, Teresa 80, 624 Fredell, Robert 488-489, 766-767 Freeman, Danny 271 Friends of the Air Force Academy

Library 591, 806 Frykholm, Amy 723 Fuchs, Alice 473, 523 Fullerton, Richard 81-82, 366, 762 Fulton, Steve 6 Funding 63 Gall, James 768 Galway, Lionel 610, 807 Garver, John 83 Gawlinski, Alison (Cadet) 910 Gerken, Mark 794 Gillentine, Amy 231 Gillespie, Paul 646 Glisan, Eileen W. 84, 769 Glockner, Andy 327 Goldberg, Jeffrey M. 259, 378 Golf 332, 491 Goolsby, Jesse 132 Gould, Mike 231-234, 724 Graham, Jonathan W. 868 Graham, Roger D. 846 Granger, Kari 85, 429 Grant, Susan 839 Gray, Debra Dubbe 235, 430, 911 Green, Steve 86-87, 770-771 Green, Steve G. 99, 774 Greenberg, Jared 875 Greenland 131, 150 Gregorie, Jennifer 847 Grinstead, Steve 258, 487 Guajardo, Yumiko 88, 568 Gubbels, Patti 89, 505 Gunderson, Gregory G. 901 Gutierrez, Lorna 663, 912

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Gymnastics 322 Hadfield, Steven M. 738 Hall, Ken 848 Halter, Irv 236 Hamilton, Drew 90, 772 Hamilton, Eric R. 56, 502 Hammoud, Salah-Dine 91, 569 Han, Sam (C1C) 92, 431 Harmon, Hubert 228, 377, 386, 463 Harpham, Geoffrey Galt 93 Harrington, Kathleen 630 Hart, Christin 355 Harvey, Travis 570 Haselton, John 817 Hassan, Anthony 506 Hatelid, John E. 474, 625 Haverluk, Terrence 94, 571 Hazelhurst, John 481 Head, James H. 3 Hebel, Sara 849 Hedrick, Allen 272, 328, 691 Heiderscheidt, Jeff 95 Heinecken, Lindy 647 Hellman, Jessica (C1C) 329 Helms, Ian K. 237 Hendryk, Jason 96 Henning, Joel 273 Hennings, Chad 306, 313, 346, 374,

808, 823, 882 Henry, Karen S. 97 Henson, Michael 609 Heppard, Kurt 87, 98-99, 493, 771, 773 Heritage 441-442, 510, 547, 617, 666,

756 Heritage Trail 285, 290 Hertel, Kurt A. 100 Hickey, Allison 845, 909 Hill, David 274 Hingley, Dan 783 History (Dept) 219, 539, 646 Hockey 312, 326, 341, 347 Hoffler, Joseph W. 375, 448, 497 Hoffman, Michael 494, 775 Holaday, Bart 270, 286, 323, 877 Hollinger, David A. 725 Hollingsworth, J. Bryce 466

Holmes, Erik 596 Holtzhausen, Derina R. 913 Homan, Paul 101-102, 776 Hoppin, C.J. 376, 809 Howe, Gary 275, 851 Hoy, Raymond 507 Hua, Chengming 587 Hudak, Jordan 103 Hughes, Curt 104-105, 369 Hughes, Rich 106 Human Performance Lab 690 Humanities 195 Hundred’s Night 405 Hunter, Mic 893 Hurst, Robert 648 Hutchens, Jeffrey (C1C) 92, 431 Imada, Julie 107, 572, 777-779 India 577 Indoor Training Facility 270, 286, 323,

877 Institutional Self Study Report 10, 12

224-225 Instruction 6, 18, 23, 37, 42, 49, 55, 61,

63, 108, 111, 120, 139, 155, 157, 160, 172, 213, 793, 802- 803, 805

Isaacson, Terry C. 515 Italy 573 Jackson, Robert J. 506 Japan 88, 566, 579-580 Johnson, Craig 524, 626 Johnson, Hansford T. 853 Johnson, John 835 Johnson, Khari 356 Johnson, Tanji “Stealth” 836 Jones, Dean (& Wayne) 852 Jones, Stephen K. 71, 623 Jones, Steve 108-118, 164, 370, 432 Jordan 569 Jordan, Rita 119, 457 Joslyn, Thomas B. 4, 739 Kaelin, Celinda R. 601 Kaminski Endowment 297, 778 Kartchner, Nathan 120 Keely, Prichard R. 871 Kendrick-Alcántara, Carolyn 121

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Khan, Halimur 122 King, Matthew 123, 573 Kirby, Sheila Nataraj 247, 449, 796 Kiziah, Rex 124 Kiziah, Rex R. 125 Kleve, Matt 330, 665, 853 Knize, Randall J. 126, 780 Koehler, Tom 177 Kovach, David 127 Kovsky, Eddie 299, 405, 781 Kreidel, Joe 552 Krueger, Jerry A. 188 Kucera, Patrick 726 Kudo, Terrance 128 Kurtz, Caroline (C1C) 329 Lake Geneva 472 Language Education 60 Larimer, Ron 608 LaRivee, Marianne O. 666 Lattuca, Lisa R. 56, 504 Lavender, Amy 482 Law (Dept) 17-18, 72, 100, 138, 172,

196-197, 220, 301, 436, 575, 616

Lawrence, Timothy J. 740 Learning Focus 20, 30, 34-35, 40, 50,

104-105, 107, 119, 149, 157- 158, 160, 164, 178, 189, 193, 415, 511, 569, 777, 792

LeBlanc, Matthew 129-130, 574 Lebowitz, Michael 276-277 Lee, Robert 131, 154, 788 Lehmkuhl, Reichen 810 Lemp, Richard 143 Leonard, Stephen J. 599 Levy, Hila (C1C) 667 Lewis, Allan C. 602 Lewis, Matthew R. 491, 649 Lillback, Peter A. 727 Lindsay, D. Michael 728 Lindsay, Douglas 74-75, 368, 428 Lingle, Brandon 132 Lipari, Rachel N. 894-899 Lipka, Sara 553, 729 Livingstone, Julia 668 Loh, John Michael 881

Lorenz, Stephen 331, 854 Lorenz, Stephen R. 669 Loveland, Anne C. 730 Lowe, James 133-134, 751 Lucey, Danielle 135, 525, 627 Lukacs, Paul M. 496 Lumpp, Nicholas 875 McClean, Hugh 138 McCone, David 857 McConn, Dick 673, 858 McDermott, Robert F. 382, 387-388,

478 Macedonia 583 McGann, Kelly 859 McGuire, Tom 139 Machalek, Richard 371 McHarg, Geoff 140, 784 McKee, Robert E. 259, 378 McKelvy, Shawn D. 301, 575 McKeown, Melissa 332 McKinney, Austin (C1C) 141, 407, 576 McLaughlin, Michael P. 731 McNulty, Shelly 18, 902 Magee, Daniel A. 278-279, 670-671 Malmstrom, Frederick V. 136, 406,

475-476, 554-555, 672, 855, 888-889

Management (Dept) 16, 133-134, 215 Marsh, AaBram G. 450 Marshall, Rob 856 Martin, John 137 Martin, Mary L. 603 Martin, Michael N. 536 Martinson, John 880 Mastroianni, George R. 433, 546 Matejczyk, Lon 782 Mathematical Sciences (Dept) 24-25,

128, 167, 185, 194, 216-217 Mauk, Heidi V. 783 Mavor, Anne S. 250 Maxfield, Jenna 238 Mechenbier, Edward 841 Meilinger, Phillip S. 377, 463, 477 Memorial Pavilion 264, 266 Memorial Wall 591, 806 Mentoring 33, 37, 501

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Mets, David R. 434, 914 Metz, Leon Claire 259, 378 Mexico 121, 576 Meyer, Alice 142 Miller, Charlie 548 Miller, Dean J. 280 Miller, John 408 Mills, Gary 143 Mirandette, Erik 417, 685, 811 Mishev, Rob 577 Mongolia 585 Monroe, Joseph 394 Monroe, Mike 333 Montes, Darren (C1C) 785 Montgomery, Ed 409, 628 Moore, Alice 859 Moore, Chuck 578, 860 Moran, Shane 517 Morgan, Burke H. 865 Morocco 564 Morreale, Brittany (C1C) 144, 410,

579-580, 786 Morris, D. Brent 145-147, 168, 178,

508 Moskver, Katherine V. 148, 581 Motivation 368, 428 Mudry, Ryan 149-150, 787 Mueh, Hans 151, 334-335 Mueh, Hans J. 336-337 Mueller, Gunther 152 Neal, Laura 153 Nelson, Chris 25 Nelson, Michael 458, 629 Nelson, Mike P. 490 Netsch, Walter 260, 287, 379, 396 Niday II, Jackson A. 630 98th Flying Training Squadron 522 Nixon, Barry 239 Noel, Thomas C. 59 Normandie, Richard W. 491, 649 Novak, Gregor 154-155, 788 Novotny, Steven 64, 155 Noyd, Robert 156-159 Noyd, Robert K. 160, 178 Observatory 65, 764 O’Connell, Meghan A. 731

O’Connor, Seamus 556 O’Donnell, Kathy 857 Officer Development System 5, 80,

611, 624 O’Keefe, Daniel (C1C) 786 Olds, Christina 380, 498 Olds, Robin 380, 397-398, 498, 596 Oligney, Brittany 357 Olmsted Program 566-567, 569-570,

583, 585 Omdal, Carrie M. 239, 509 O’Neil, Devon 338 Orie, Steven 861 Ott, Jim 411 Outcomes 11, 110, 143, 612 Packard, Gary 46 Page, Marianne E. 53, 906 Palmer, William Jackson 372, 600 Parco, James E. 703, 915 Pardo, Bob 874 Pascuzzi, Ryan 161 Patterson, Brian 162 Patterson, Evelyn 163-164 Patton, Ann 165, 302, 358, 526-527,

631, 674-675 Perry, Pam 166 Peterson, R. Eric 248 Phillips, Ty 167, 435 Phipps, Stephen P. 168 Physics (Dept) 3, 58, 64-65, 73, 101-

102, 124-126, 140, 154-155, 162, 168, 178, 753-754, 776, 783-784, 788

Pierce, Terry 169-170, 632, 789 Pike, Zebulon Montgomery 604 Pikes Peak Historical Society 601 Pilch, Fran T. 171, 582 Pinnacle Peaks Training 639 Pirog, Paul 172, 436 Poco*ck, James 173, 495, 790 Poland 562 Political Science (Dept) 288 Ponders, Kim 516 Popovich, Gregg 310, 816, 838, 879 Porter, C.O. 741 Preston, R.L. 381, 464

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Price, Larry 401 Price, Paul A. 5, 611 Psychology (Dept) 46 Qatar 574 Rankings 29, 36, 801 Rappaport, Neal 174-175, 583 Rasimus, Ed 380, 498 Rauschkolb, Dick 240 Rayner, R. Patrick 510, 547 Recognition 355, 409, 628 Regni, John F. 240-242, 254, 281 Reiley, Peter 176 Reynolds, Jeff 344 Rifle Team 320 Rineheart, Elisa L. 862 Ringenbach, Paul T. 382, 499 Roberts, Glen F. 913 Robinson, Sarah 177 Rocket Research 299, 739-740, 742,

765, 772, 781 Rodriguez, Jacob 255 Rodriguez, John J. 249, 812 Roeder, Tom 244, 437, 528, 557, 633,

864-865, 916 Rokke, Erv 438, 838, 879 Rosenbach, Eric B. 419 Rosenbach, William E. 419 Rosenstein, Judith E. 917 Ross, Matt 196 Ross, Sue 251, 399 Russell, Mark 130, 282 Russia 581 Rwanda 567 Ryan, Michael E. 853 Sabre Drill Team 416, 641 Sackett, Paul R. 250 Sagastume, Luis 349 Sagendorf, Ken 147, 178 Samuels, Dena R. 451-452, 900 Samuels, Steve 184 Samuels, Steven M. 451-452, 900 Sanders, Joe 179, 439 Sandrock, Jeff 440-442, 676 Satellite Research 7, 740, 743, 753-

754 Schaller, Jake 339

Scharff, Lauren 180-184, 443, 791 Schaubroeck, Beth 185 Schemo, Diana Jean 352, 399 Schifani, Kate 634, 918 Schmidt, Frank H. (C1C) 186, 444 Schmidt, Peter 459-460, 635 Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

(SoTL) 75, 154, 180-183, 788 Schorr, Robert A. 496 Schweitzer, Dino 6 Scott, Edward A. 598 Seay, Davin 706 Seely, Gregory 187 Sepp, Eric 558 70th Flying Training Squadron 619 Sexual Harassment 893-899, 901, 904,

914, 917 Shambach, Steve 179 Shamrock Ranch 465 Sheppard, Donald W. 880 Siegenthaler, Kenneth E. 4, 7-8, 739,

742-743 Simon, Steve 868-869 Simon, Steven A. 283, 340, 537, 584,

677, 870-872 Singapore 572 Skarstedt, Vance 478 Skidmore, Owings & Merrill 256-261,

263, 265, 271, 273-274, 287, 379

Smallwood, William L. 251, 400 Smith, Glenn 873 Smith, Steve 874 Smith, Steven Donald 549 Snellman, Erick 188-189, 792 Soaring 528-529 Soccer 340, 349, 584, 872 Solar Project 268, 474, 485, 489, 492-

493, 495, 786 South Africa 582 Space Research 4, 7-8, 26, 58, 78-79,

739, 740, 742-743, 763, 785, 876

Static Displays 278-280, 670-671 Steeves, Rouven 94, 571 Stockburger, Dave 117-118

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Stockburger, David 190-191, 793, 804- 805

Stockburger, David W. 192-193 Strategic Plans 13, 14, 201, 223, 226,

262 Strength and Conditioning 321, 328 Stuart, Robert 692, 875-876 Sullenberger, Chesley 383, 813, 835,

867 Summer Scheduling 1, 735 Survival Training 642 Sward, Ricky E. 794 Swetz, Kimberly 194 Swimming and Diving 316, 679 Swine Flu 662 Swint, Sharon Hester 605 Taylor, Robert L. 419 Terry, Billy (C1C) 150 Thompson, Greg 196 Thompson, Greg J. 197 Thornton, Dan 381, 464 Thorstenson, Linda 864 Tillery, Ann 284-285, 530, 636, 877 Toller, Dave 341, 878 Tomczak, Joseph R. 412, 678 Torke, Kyle 198 Trest, Warren A. 222, 538 Tucker, Mike 199 Uganda 567 Unangst, Edward T. 188 Unangst, Tom 189, 792 United Arab Emirates 570 United Kingdom 578 Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) 15,

44, 135, 525, 530, 615, 627, 636, 759, 794

Uribe, Daniel 84, 769 Van Biema, David 732 Van Valkenburg, Mike 210 Van Winkle, John 211, 351, 414, 680-

682, 795, 890 Van Zwoll, Lisa 212 Vargas, John E. 869 Vasquez, Bob 815 Veverka, Don 213 Vidal, Melinda 245, 883

Viss, Carolyn 640 Volleyball 329 Waldie, Bradford (C1C) 214, 415, 586 Walker, Brian 215 Walker, Faith Sanders (C2C) 360, 643 Walker, Yancey E. 531 Wang, Qiqui 587 Wang, Ximin 587 Warner, Brad 216 Warner, Bradley 217 Warner, Chad 415 Warren, Robert H. 243, 395 Wasley, Paula 560 Watson, Cynthia Ann 614 Webb III, Beacher R. 252, 750 Wehry, Butch 397, 445, 642, 683 Weinstein, Michael L. 706 Weller, Grant 539, 646 West, James E. 53-54, 366, 762, 802,

906 West, Jim 218 West, T.J. (C1C) 785 Wetterman, Bob 219 Whelan, Paul 364, 421 Whitaker, Johnny 246 Whitaker, Ruth 502 White, Crystal 360, 643 White, Elwood L. 540, 592 Whitted, Michael 170, 632 Wilber, Randall 689, 758 Wilkinson, Stephan 398 Williams, Blake 220 Wilson, Ann 881 Wings of Blue (Parachuting) 518, 522 Winn, Patrick 461, 588-589 Wismer, David A. 465, 606 Witcomb, Darrel 885 Witters, Arthur G. 466 Women in Combat 18, 892, 901-902 Woodside, Erinn 446, 644 Wright, Ken 417, 684-685, 886 Yoos II, Charles Jacob 550 Yu, Albert (C1C) 92, 431 Zavacki, Fran 844 Zeigler, Sara L. 901 Zineddin, Mohamad 221

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Zirkel, Perry A. 733 Zubeck, Pam 734

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What is the history of the Air Force Academy? ›

The U.S Air Force Academy was established April 1, 1954, the culmination of an idea years in the making. Airpower leaders, long before the Air Force was a separate service, argued that they needed a school dedicated to war in the air, to train Airmen.

Is it hard to get into the United States Air Force Academy? ›

The acceptance rate at United States Air Force Academy is 16.2%. For every 100 applicants, only 16 are admitted. This means the school is extremely selective. Meeting their GPA requirements and SAT/ACT requirements is very important to getting past their first round of filters and proving your academic preparation.

What programs is the Air Force Academy known for? ›

The most popular majors at United States Air Force Academy include: Education; Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services; Social Sciences; Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies; Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services; Biological and Biomedical Sciences; Physical Sciences; Legal Professions ...

What are the cons of the Air Force Academy? ›

If you don't like being away from home for too long, this place isn't for you. If you hate the snow, this place isn't for you. If you want to party every other day, this place isn't for you. If you want to have a fun freshman year, this place isn't for you.

Do all Air Force Academy students fly? ›

No, cadets must volunteer and be medically qualified to try and become an Air Force pilot. The majority of each class chooses to go to pilot training after graduation, but roughly half of our graduates are selected for a variety of other careers.

What GPA do you need to get into the Air Force Academy? ›

Unless special exception is made by the program Director and the Academy Board, in order to graduate from the program, Scholars must complete at least nine Scholars-designated offerings of core courses as well as the Scholars capstone course and must graduate with a minimum 3.5 GPA.

Is Air Force Academy worth it? ›

The only answer is that it is worth it if you really want to go to USAFA. There are many other ways of commissioning as an Officer in the AF and USAFA is only one of them. If graduating from USAFA is something you really care about then it is 100% worth it.

Is Air Force a D1 school? ›

The U.S. Air Force Academy has 28 different men's and women's NCAA teams that compete in Division I. To learn more about recruiting, please visit the U.S. Air Force Academy Athletics website.

Why is the Air Force so hard to get into? ›

Standards Are High Because Expectations Are High

The United States Air Force Academy is one of the most competitive schools in the nation. You must meet high academic, physical, character and medical standards to be eligible for an appointment. Knowing what these standards are is the first step to surpassing them.

What disqualifies you from the Air Force Academy? ›

Un-united fractures, history of instability of a major joint, certain retained orthopedic fixation devices, severe scoliosis, or any condition that could interfere with daily participation in rigorous physical training or athletic programs, wearing of military equipment, or detract from military bearing and appearance ...

What happens if you fail a class at the Air Force Academy? ›

If you fail a class you receive what is called a "punitive grade" for that class. A punitive grade is a grade that doesn't count as earned credit, but is used in determining a your progress toward graduation and your GPA. This means that the grade you receive counts in your overall degree progress, albeit negatively.

How strict is Air Force Academy? ›

Cadets at the U.S. Air Force Academy face a rigorous schedule of academics, athletics, military training, high expectations, and strict rules of conduct. Cadets are constantly challenged physically and mentally.

What makes the Air Force Academy unique? ›

The United States Air Force Academy provides a world-class education that also combines athletics, character and leadership development, and military training to forge outstanding United States Air Force and Space Force officers who are ready to lead on day one.

What was the Air Force called before 1947? ›

Air Service, U.S. Army (24 May 1918 – 2 July 1926) U.S. Army Air Corps (2 July 1926 – 20 June 1941) U.S. Army Air Forces (20 June 1941 – 17 September 1947)

What is the goal of the Air Force Academy? ›

To educate, train and inspire men and women to become officers of character motivated to lead the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Space Force in service to our Nation. The vision of the U.S. Air Force Academy is to serve as the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Space Forces' premier institution for developing leaders of character.

What is a student at the Air Force Academy called? ›

Cadet: Student of the U.S. Air Force Academy.

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