250+ Funny Gamertags That’ll Make You LOL (2024)

250+ Funny Gamertags That’ll Make You LOL (1)

When you’re playing an online game, everyone knows you by your gamertag. That’s why there’s so much pressure to come up with a good gamertag. You want something recognizable, something clever, something that will make you come across as cool, laid-back, and fun.

However, you don’t have to use a gamertag generator to come up with a funny username for your account. Whether you’re searching for an Xbox gamertag or psn names, you can find some funny gamertag ideas right here:

Funny Gamertags

Your nickname is important. It’s what everyone is going to call you whenever you log onto your account. If you want to come across as a fun player right off the bat, here are some funny gamertags that will make your competition laugh aloud!

  1. BenAfleckIsAnOkActor – No one is going to argue with you on this one.
  2. JustAHarmlessPotato – This will trick your competition into thinking they have absolutely nothing to worry about. You couldn’t harm a fly.
  3. HeresWonderwall – Whether you’re a musician or not, this will make everyone playing with you roll their eyes and groan.
  4. LOWERCASE GUY – There’s nothing gamers love more than all caps.
  5. RejectedBachelorContestant – This will let the world know you’re looking for love in all the wrong places.
  6. BlueIvysAssistant – Come on. Who doesn’t love Queen B?
  7. QuaratineInTheseJeans – This proves you’re being a responsible citizen. No one will want to kill your character once they know that, right?
  8. ArianaGrandesPonytail – She’s such a legend that even her hair is famous.
  9. BehindYou – If you’re a stealth killer, then this is the perfect way to give the other players fair warning.
  10. IntelligentZombie – You might be braindead, but you have a little bit of common sense. That’s more than most people can say.
  11. ManicPixieMemeGirl – You’re every gamer boy’s dream. At least, he thinks you are.
  12. WhatsURSign – Nothing brings gamers closer together than talking about their birth charts.
  13. HotNameHere – If you think everyone else will go easier on a hot person, this will put your theory to the test.
  14. NotFunnyAtAll – Set the bar low. That way, whenever you’re actually funny, you’ll look hilarious.
  15. BluntMachete – You’re ready to fight. But there’s no promise you’re going to win.

Awesome gamertag ideas for fierce players:

If you want your character to be taken seriously and considered a threat, you don’t want to give yourself any funny nicknames. You want to pick badass, hard names like the ones below!

  1. Unbreakabull – No one can tear you down. You’ll always get back up again.
  2. KnewTooMuch – You don’t leave any loose ends. You finish the job.
  3. BlackStabbath – You’re not afraid to stab people in the back. You’re a ruthless killer.
  4. Disembowel – You have guts–and you aren’t afraid to get guts on you.
  5. BloodSail – Any guy with this namemustbe a badass. No doubt about it.
  6. KissMyAxe – You might curse like a sailor, but you know there are kids who play this game, so you’re watching your language.
  7. PainSlayer – You bring the pain. Always. Every time.
  8. Eviscerated – Is there a more badass word in the English language?
  9. GhostFaceGangsta – Alliteration can be scary, too.
  10. SeekNDstroy – You don’t let anyone get away. They can’t outrun you.
  11. FightClubAlum – You might be out of your mind, but you’re a hell of a good fighter.
  12. PennywiseTheClown – You’re a worse nightmare than Stephen King could’ve created.
  13. Xenomorphing – Not even aliens will slow you down.
  14. LaidtoRest – May your enemies rest in peace.
  15. BigDamnHero – You might be a killer, but in your mind, you’re the good guy.

Examples of a bad ass gamertag for girls:

If you want everyone to know you’re a girl player, you should come up with a badass gamertag will let everyone know you shouldn’t be messed with. Just because you’re a girl doesn’t mean you don’t know how to play!

  1. BadKarma – If someone messes with you, they’re going to pay.
  2. BarbieBreath – Barbie can be a doctor, a lawyer–or a brutal killer.
  3. InstaPrincess – Gaming never looked so good.
  4. PawneeGoddess – You have great taste and aren’t afraid to show it.
  5. LaughUntilUPee – You’re not only here to kill. You’re here to have fun.
  6. JessisGirl – You’re taken. So everyone else can back off.
  7. MyMaceUrFace – You’re not stupid. You always carry protection.
  8. LaserChick – Perfect for games with actual lasers. Or actual chickens.
  9. PixieDust – You love Disney princesses. But you love Disney villains more.
  10. AngelWonderland – This will make you sound soft and sweet, so no one will see your blade coming.
  11. HealOKitty – You’re not going anywhere. You’ll heal and start the fight again.
  12. DoraTheDestroya – You might look innocent, but you have a dark side.
  13. CrazyCatLady – Like your cats, you have claws.
  14. KungFuBarbie – You prove no one should judge books by their cover.
  15. TakenByWine – Gaming is much more fun when alcohol is involved.

Examples of a funny gamertag for boys:

If you have no idea what to call yourself, here are some funny gamertags for boys. The weirder, the better! Making your friends grossed out is half the fun of gaming when you’re young.

  1. ChubbinLovin – No explanation needed.
  2. ActuallyNotChrisHemsworth – But you look as hot as him, so the confusion is understandable.
  3. JoeNotExotic – Tiger King is still relevant, right?
  4. DirtBag – This way no one will be surprised when you start cursing everyone out.
  5. Casanova – You’re a ladies’ man and aren’t afraid to admit it.
  6. Balzaq – The classiest way to show your immaturity.
  7. BigfootIsReal – You need to spread awareness of this beautiful creature.
  8. StickyBoots – Hopefully it’s only gum.
  9. JonnyAwesome – Bonus if your name is actually John.
  10. Moosalini – For all the pun lovers out there.
  11. KnobGoblin – Maybe look this up on Urban Dictionary first.
  12. DosentAnyoneCare – Who knows? If you admit you’re in pain, maybe you’ll get a virtual hug.
  13. DroolingOnU – Let the world know you’re horny AF.
  14. UnicornFarts – Unicorns are animals, too. They can’t help it.
  15. MelonSmasher – Your grossness might scare your competition away.

Funny Xbox names anyone can use:

Picking your gamertag is as important as picking your Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube handle. It’s going to stick for life, so you need a funny Xbox gamertag that embodies your personality. Here are some funny names that will show you have a great sense of humor!

  1. JarjarBlinkz – The best character in Star Wars, hands down.
  2. WhyNotCats – Why not this gamertag?
  3. ClawAndOrder – Dun Dunn!
  4. MyNameDoesntFi – Don’t you hate when that happens?
  5. Orkward – For all the awkward gamers out there.
  6. FlungPuPanda – You’re cute and cuddly and gross at the same time. A deadly combination.
  7. Moofasa – Anyone who hates Lion King has no heart.
  8. AllGoodNamesRGone – Luckily, this one might still be left.
  9. ThanosLeftHand – Even after all this time, it’s hard to stop talking about End Game.
  10. UFOBeliever – XFiles anyone?
  11. ShaquilleOatmeal – If you’re playing an NBA game, no other name can beat this one. It’s larger than life.
  12. HeyYouNotYouYou – It can be hard to communicate over the internet, so you might as well make it even more confusing.
  13. PewPewYaDead – This is the point of most games, isn’t it?
  14. EdgarAllenPoo – This shows you’re classy when it comes to your literature, but not much else.
  15. TickleMeElmo – Only 90s kids will understand.

Funny psn names everyone will love:

Everyone knows the funniest thing about gaming is seeing what everyone else calls themselves. Make sure you stand out from the crowd by picking one of these funny names!

  1. HeartTicker – You can stop their hearts while yours keeps beating on.
  2. MagicSchoolBusDropout – Miss Frizzle fans will get a kick out of this one.
  3. UnfriendMe – Make them hate you right off the bat.
  4. FreeHugz – This is a hard offer to turn down, even when the hugs are only virtual.
  5. ActuallyTheDog – He plays better than the human. The human sucks.
  6. Applebottomjeans – Is the song stuck in your head yet?
  7. BudLightyear – You can’t play a game without a six-pack and some pizza.
  8. PluralizesEverythings – For people who doubt good grammar is sexy.
  9. SniperPrincess – Princesses don’t have to be damsels anymore.
  10. HogwartsFailure – You couldn’t even graduate from pretend school, so you’re out of luck in the real world.
  11. AbductedByAliens – Probing is always a great conversation starter.
  12. LoveMeKnot – Use reverse psychology to find love online. It’s better than Tinder.
  13. MeForPresident – You’re more qualified than you-know-who.
  14. CoolShirtBra – Kill them with compliments. Then your machete.
  15. SaintBroseph – Even saints sin sometimes.

Cool gamer tag examples:

It doesn’t matter if you’re an Xbox player or Playstation player. If you’re searching for a cool username, look no further. You should use one of the cool names below!

  1. Meatyourbeat – If you’re playing a competitive game, masturbation is going to come up sooner or later, anyway.
  2. Dkinabox – SNL fans won’t lay a finger on you once they see this. You’ll be bonded for life.
  3. GoogleWasMyIdea – Starting off with a lie is always good. Especially when they can easily fact check it.
  4. Batmon – Superheros sound better with an accent.
  5. BlowJab – Killers need to get laid, too.
  6. Tinfoilhat – Conspire with your friends! That’s what the internet is for nowadays.
  7. FastAndTheCurious – Sometimes, moving fast is a good thing.
  8. TasteTheRambo – Trust him, it’s delicious.
  9. SuperMagnificentExtreme – That’s how people say you are in bed. You might as well advertise it.
  10. IHazQuestion – This one is really going to show your age.
  11. Unnecessary – At least, that’s what your parents always say about you.
  12. GaryTheSnail – Everybody loves a good Spongebob reference.
  13. NameNotImportant – You’re a private person. No one needs to know your real identity. It worked for Spiderman and it can work for you.
  14. PeterParkersPuberty – His voice cracks while his enemy’s bones crack.
  15. SexyShooter – You’re bad, but you look so damn good.

Cool Fortnite names:

Whether you’re looking for a name to call your character or clan names for your whole team, here are some of the best ideas you can borrow!

  1. BadChicken – What does this mean? Who knows? Have fun confusing everyone!
  2. IYELLALOT – Let them know to turn their volume down immediately.
  3. DamnKids – Perfect for when you’re the oldest one playing the damn game.
  4. ImmaCutchu – The cutest way to say an inappropriate thing.
  5. DontFeedMe – Eating after midnight is always a mistake.
  6. ImaRobot – Maybe other players will be nice to you to stop the uprising.
  7. INeed2P – It will explain why your character suddenly stopped moving in the middle of the game.
  8. CerealKiller – Everyone is on your hit list. No one is safe. Not even breakfast foods.
  9. ReeseWitherFork – When it comes to killing, forks are always more helpful than spoons.
  10. SantasNumber1Elf – Get into the holiday season early. Spread some cheer.
  11. IWasReloading – Excuses, excuses…
  12. JustATeenager – Maybe this will stop everyone from being creepy and hitting on you.
  13. MomsSpaghetti – If other players don’t get the reference, they’ll simply assume your mom is an excellent cook.
  14. AverageStudent – There’s nothing wrong with being average.
  15. YESIMFUNNY – At least you have confidence. Or is it delusion?

Ideas for a cool Xbox gamertag:

When you’re first getting into gaming, you want to make online friends who will play with you again in the future. A cool gamertag will start you off on the right foot and create a good first impression. Here are a few of the best to test out!

  1. Brostrodamis – Make a French astronomer roll in his grave.
  2. FishTacos – Defeat your opponents by making them too hungry to keep playing.
  3. EatBullets – Threaten them to show them who’s boss! What could go wrong?
  4. TedBundyHandsome – Let them know you’re dangerous–but also weirdly attractive.
  5. Molotov – Fight fire with fire.
  6. SimplyTheBest – Schitt’s Creek fans will go nuts over this one.
  7. HellNBack – You’re not afraid of dying. You’ll always respawn.
  8. HappyKilling – You’ll destroy everyone, but you’ll do it with a smile on your face.
  9. BestServedCold – Just like revenge. And pizza.
  10. KillSpree – Because one death isn’t nearly enough to rank.
  11. AngelOfDeath – You’re a devil in disguise.
  12. PartyOnWayne – Wayne and Garth approve of this gamertag!
  13. ManicLaughter – There’s no scarier sound. Ask Walter White.
  14. Knuckles – For gamers who aren’t fans of guns and swords.
  15. Guillotine – The old fashioned way to die.

Unique gamertag ideas:

If you need a new gamertag that’s never been done before, try some of these ideas down below. If they don’t work, then tweak them slightly until they do!

  1. IHateKittehs – You monster!
  2. HappyPurgeDay – Show them you have excellent taste in average horror films.
  3. RipYourHeartOut – You’ll break their heart. Then eat it.
  4. BloodDrainer – Like a vampire. But with less sparkles.
  5. TheKingIsDead – It’s time for a new king to take the throne.
  6. Alpha – Let them know you’re in charge. And that you’re kind of a douche.
  7. NoThisIsPatrick – Teens and twenty-somethings can never get enough Spongebob jokes.
  8. NotJamesBond – Or should Bond come first?
  9. TeaBaggins – If you’re going to be gross, at least be clever about it.
  10. ImmaRageQuit – Let everyone know you’re a sore loser.
  11. InJailOutSoon – You’re not only a threat in the game. You’re a threat IRL.
  12. KingOfDairyQueen – It’s the best place to rule over, by far.
  13. IBoopURNose – Channel your inner Alexis Rose.
  14. SuckMyPopsicle – The classiest way to tell someone to suck your dick.
  15. WellEndowedPenguin – Everyone knows you’re lying, so you might as well throw a penguin in there.

Funny gamertags for online computer games:

The name you choose might change based on whatever game you’re playing. You might want a more threatening name for a shooter and a more lighthearted name for a cooperative puzzle game. However, the names below are perfect for any type of online game out there:

  1. SorryIKillYou – At least you’re being polite about your murder.
  2. AmTrash – You might not be confident, but at least you’re honest.
  3. BeardedAngel – Get rid of gender stereotypes by letting everyone know you’re a sweet, gentle man.
  4. B4UShout – Remind everyone to stay calm, because getting your earphones blown out is never any fun.
  5. NastyHulk – You’re even meaner than the green guy, but just as dangerous.
  6. TrollerGoals – This way, everyone will know to hate you as soon as they see you.
  7. DeathMachine – It’s short, sweet, and straight to the point.
  8. TooOldForThis – It’s hard to feel young when literally everyone you’re playing against is still in school.
  9. ProbablyCheating – Give the other players a head’s up that you cannot be trusted. Not even a little bit.
  10. ChillDude – Make sure you live up to your namesake. That means no rage quitting.
  11. ThirdDegreeBurn – It hurts even more than you would think.
  12. SavageScorpio – If you put your zodiac sign in your gamertag, you’ll be giving them a lot of information in very few words.
  13. NoDrugsHere – This might give away the fact that you’re high. But you might be too high to care.
  14. Don’tReviveMe – For gamers with a death wish.
  15. TooDrunkToWin – It might be an excuse, but at least it’s a fun excuse.

Funny OG gamertags:

If you still haven’t found what you’re looking for, then don’t be afraid to get creative. Here are some of the cleverest names you can call yourself online that hopefully aren’t taken:

  1. HighFive – Show you’re a team player. After all, virtual high fives are as good as virtual hugs.
  2. NetflixAndKill – Who has time for sex? You’re too busy gaming to go on hot dates.
  3. MortalityReturns – Remind everyone that, no matter how fearless they are, they’re still mortal. If they forget, you’re going to remind them.
  4. AcidQueen – Because killing them with kindness never works.
  5. MemesRUS – It’s not really the internet without unwanted, overdone memes, is it?
  6. Vote4Beyonce – She’s already the queen, so why not make her the president?
  7. Moth2DaFlame – You’re hot like fire. And you burn like fire.
  8. AlwaysDrunk – There’s nothing wrong with celebrating your wins (and losses) with a nice cold beverage.
  9. VictoryLovesMe – You’re going to win. It’s only a matter of time until it happens.
  10. URMyPrey – The element of surprise is overrated. You should let them know you’re coming for them, so it’s a fair fight.
  11. ShowMeURGuts – At least you’re asking politely. You might be a killer, but you have a heart made of gold.
  12. Hungry2Win – You won’t stop until you win. Or your controller runs out of batteries.
  13. WickedImpulse – You might not be great at much, but you’re fantastic at jamming buttons. At least you have that going for you.
  14. Waiting2HuntU – They can’t get mad at you if you give them a warning ahead of time.
  15. SmartPotato – You might be a couch potato, but that doesn’t mean your IQ is low.

Extra, random names to use as gamertags:

Your username doesn’t need to make complete and total sense. You can come up with a completely random gamer tag. It will get everyone else talking. They’ll wonder why you came up with the name and it’ll create a sense of mystery! Not evenyouwill know what it means. If you still can’t come up with a good name, here are a few more funny gamertags to use!

  1. ChefBoyardee
  2. HotGirlBummer
  3. TurtleJuice
  4. LactoseTheIntolerant
  5. SweetPoison
  6. ACollectionOfCells
  7. Avocadorable
  8. FrostedCupcake
  9. DownInSmoke
  10. FluffyCookie
  11. HangingWithMyGnomies
  12. KentuckyCriedFricken
  13. Idrinkchocolatemilk
  14. JuiceBoxJam
  15. CourtesyFlush
  16. MyExGirlfriend
  17. SaltyScissors
  18. ItchyAndScratchy
  19. ADistraction
  20. ReginaPhalange
  21. ChiliConCarne
  22. TongueBerry
  23. YellowSnowman
  24. SewerSquirrel
  25. Churros4Eva
  26. FizzySodas
  27. CuteAsDucks
  28. CowabungaDude
  29. BillNyeTheRussianSpy
  30. BuhBuhBacon
  31. ChinChillin
  32. FedoraTheExplorer
  33. TestNamePleaseIgnore
  34. Kokonuts
  35. ManEatsPants
  36. Kissiz
  37. FlowerHoof
  38. DrunkBetch
  39. ImageNotUploaded
  40. MissPiggysDimples
  41. KarenYesKaren
  42. OpraWindFury
  43. Baabarella
  44. TyraSpanks
  45. Dexter
  46. DiscoThunder
  47. FistWizard
  48. KittyCowBear
  49. Avenged
  50. FartNRoses
  51. HitNRun
  52. JunkyardDog
  53. NachoCheeseFries
  54. HappyKilling
  55. CobraBite
  56. SpongeBobsPineapple
  57. TheMilkyWeigh
  58. IBlameJordan
  59. Blackout
  60. BettyBoopsBoop
  61. FrankenGin
  62. KillSwitch
  63. OwlPacino
  64. TequilaSunrise
  65. CrashTest
  66. StormCowz
  67. Schmoople
  68. MorganFreemanButNot
  69. 101WaysToMeetYourMaker
  70. ChopChop
  71. NotInsync
  72. DonWorryItsGonBOK
  73. Blister
  74. WakeAwake
  75. PaniniHead
  76. BloodFire
  77. LiquidDeath
  78. OmnipotentBeing
  79. BananaHammock
  80. UnicornHorn
  81. WhosURBuddha
  82. HoneyLemon
  83. LoveNPoprocks
  84. DrFeelGood
  85. Anonymouse 250+ Funny Gamertags That’ll Make You LOL (4)

January Nelson

January Nelson is a writer, editor, and dreamer. She writes about astrology, games, love, relationships, and entertainment. January graduated with an English and Literature degree from Columbia University.

250+ Funny Gamertags That’ll Make You LOL (2024)
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